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Title:Razvoj in primerjava služnosti v rimskem in modernem času
Authors:ID Makari, Maja (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 478F70ACA59D4A0C3FC452FF55D8EE67
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/780c03f2-ae97-4fef-aba7-b7835e78f8f0
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Služnost so poznali že rimljani. Zanimalo nas je, kako je urejena v modernem času, od ODZ, ZTLR vse do SPZ. Če se primerjata SPZ in ZTLR ugotovimo, da je bilo le malo razlik. Večina razlik je v nomotehnični uredivi, predvsem da so stvari strnjene v istih členih ali so razdeljene na več odstavkov, posebnih členov. Črtanih členov je malo, Največje razlike so, da ne obstaja več družbena lastnina, kar je pravzaprav odvisno od ustavne ureditve na kateri slonijo zakoni, dodana je neprava stvarna služnost, ureditev v istem zakonu – stvarne in osebne služnosti so urejene v SPZ. V času uporabe ZTLR se je za osebne služnosti uporabljal prejšnji zakon, ODZ. Največja razlika, razen ureditve v skupnem zakonu je to, da je prej obstajala služnost stanovanja, ki je lahko bila ustanovljena kot raba ali užitek. Od tega je bil odvisen obseg upravičenj. SPZ obravnava služnost stanovanja kot posebno služnost. Preseneča pa dejstvo, da so se je tekom vsega tega dolgega obdobja pravila bolj malo spreminjala. Rimsko pravo je postavilo izvrstne temelje, na katerih še danes sloni moderna ureditev. Temeljna načela veljajo še danes. Poznali so zemljiške in osebne služnosti. Že rimljani so imeli razvite kompleksne pravne institute v zvezi s služnostjo. Pravno varstvo je bilo urejeno. Največje razlike so opazne pri načinih ustanovitve in prenehanja. Večinoma je bil način mancipacija ali in iure cessio. Ta dva pravna instituta današnje pravo ne pozna več. Prav tako moderno pravo ne pozna nekaterih služnosti, na primer služnost dela tujih sužnjev in živine.
Keywords:Služnost, primerjava, razvoj, ZTLR, ODZ, rimski čas
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Makari]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72305 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5640235 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.09.2018
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Licensing start date:18.09.2018

Secondary language

Title:Comparison and development of easement in the roman and modern times
Abstract:Romans already knew the easement. We were interested in how it is regulated in modern times, from ODZ, ZTLR to SPZ. If we compare SPZ and ZTLR, we find that there were only a few differences. Most of the differences are in nomotechnical edits, in particular that things are compact in the same articles or are divided into several paragraphs, specific articles. The deleted articles are only few, the biggest differences are that there is no longer social property, which is in fact dependent on the constitutional order on which the laws are based, the quasi property easement was developted, arranged in the same law - real and personal easements are regulated in the SPZ. While the ZTLR, the former law, was in use, ODZ was used for personal easements. The biggest difference, with the exception of the regulation in a joint law, is that there was formerly the easement of a dwelling that could have been established as a usus or ususfructus. The extent of the entitlements was dependent on this. SPZ treats the easement of the apartment as a special easement. It is surprising, however, that the rules have changed slightly over the course of this long period. Roman law set up excellent foundations on which today's modern order is based. The fundamental principles still apply today. They knew land and personal easements. The Romans had developed complex legal institutes in relation to easement. Legal protection was regulated. The greatest differences are evident in the methods of establishing and terminating. Mostly it was a manipulation method and an iure cessio. These two legal institutes are not known in today's law. Likewise, modern law does not know some of the easements, for example, the easiest work of foreign slaves and livestock.
Keywords:Easement, comparison, development, ZTLR, ODZ, roman times


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