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Title:Neinvazivna tehnologija za diagnostiko atrijske fibrilacije z oscilometrično metodo
Authors:ID Softić, Almir (Author)
ID Križmarić, Miljenko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Naji, Husam Franjo (Comentor)
ID Mikl, Metka (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Softic_Almir_2018.pdf (1,21 MB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/57ac9789-5e0e-4620-9e9f-05f910bfc841
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Nekatere neinvazivne tehnologije oscilometrično izmerjenega krvnega tlaka omogočajo tudi diagnosticiranje atrijske fibrilacije (AF). Namen študije je bil ugotoviti senzitivnost in specifičnot te tehnologije pri mlajših zdravih preiskovancih in pri hospitaliziranih bolnikih. Prav tako smo simulirali napake pri merjenju, ki bi lahko privedle do napačno zaznane AF. Metodologija: Uporabljali smo aparat Microlife, model BP A150. Preiskovancem in bolnikom smo izmerili tlak z aparatom in si beleţili, v katerih primerih pokaţe prisotnost AF. AF smo potrdili ali zavrgli z ustreznimi bolnišničnimi diagnostičnimi metodami. Senzitivnost in specifičnost aparata smo izračunali z diagnostičnim statističnim testom MedCalc. Rezultati: Pri hospitaliziranih bolnikih (n=30) ugotavljamo senzitivnost 100% in specifičnost 100%. Polovica hospitaliziranih bolnikov (n=15) je ţe imela potrjeno AF. Pri mlajših preiskovancih je aparat diagnosticiral samo eno pozitivno meritev, verjetno v epizodi paroksizmalne AF ali normalne fiziološke spremembe ritma. Poznejša diagnostika z EKG je pokazala normalen sinusni ritem, prav tako diagnostika z Microlife aparatom. Simulacije napak pri merjenju se pojavijo glede na dražljaje. Do laţnega izpisa AF nam je uspelo priti le pri potrkavanju s prsti po senzorju. Ugotavljamo, da je aparat primeren za diagnostiko predvsem v bolnišničnem okolju. Diskusija in zaključek: Naprava se je izkazala za uspešno pri zaznavanju AF in ima velik potencial za uporabo pri presejalnih testih.
Keywords:oscilometrično merjenje krvnega tlaka, presejalni testi, atrijska fibrilacija, medicinska tehnologija, zaznave motenj srčnega ritma, medicinske naprave, kardiologija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Softić]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72069 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2446756 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.11.2018
SOFTIĆ, Almir, 2018, Neinvazivna tehnologija za diagnostiko atrijske fibrilacije z oscilometrično metodo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. Softić. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=72069
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Secondary language

Title:Non-Invasive technology for diagnosing atrial fibrillation with oscillometric method
Abstract:Introduction: Some non-invasive oscillometric blood pressure monitors are capable of diagnosing atrial fibrillation (AF). The purpose of the study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of this technology in younger healthy subjects and in hospitalized patients. We also simulated measurement errors that could lead to incorrectly detected AF. Methodology: We used Microlife BP A150 model and measured the blood pressure with the »MAM« function, finding in which cases the presence of AF was displayed. AF was confirmed or rejected by appropriate hospital diagnostic methods. The sensitivity and specificity of the apparatus was calculated using a diagnostic MedCalc statistical test. Results: Sensitivity in hospitalized patients (n = 30), was determined at 100% and specificity was also at 100%. Half of hospitalized patients (n = 15) already had a confirmed AF. In younger subjects, the device diagnosed only one positive measurement, probably in the episode of paroxysmal AF or in the state of normal physiological changes in the rhythm. Later ECG diagnostics showed normal sinus rhythm, as well as diagnostics with Microlife monitor. The simulation of measurements was successful and we managed to get a false positive reading of AF. We found that the device is suitable for preventive diagnostics, especially in the hospital environment. Discussion: The device proved to be successful in detecting AF and has great potential for use in screening tests.
Keywords:oscillometric blood pressure measurement, screening tests, atrial fibrillation, medical technology, detection of heart rhythm disorders, medical devices, cardiology


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