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Title:Analiza neologizmov v seriji knjig o Harryju Potterju
Authors:ID Majer, Valentina (Author)
ID Valh Lopert, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Majer_Valentina_2018.pdf (2,62 MB)
MD5: 7C4ADD892E2911D66520A5BAAE098661
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/e7376254-fb84-42d9-8a80-749222ba1bc6
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Neologizmi so na novo tvorjene besede, ki se še niso uveljavile. Veliko jih najdemo v seriji knjig o Harryju Potterju, kjer si je avtorica, J. K. Rowling, zamislila celoten čarovniški svet, za to pa je potrebovala tudi ogromno novih besed. Z njimi je poimenovala bitja, like, predmete, uroke in kraje. Njeni neologizmi so izjemno domiselni, izražajo skrivnosti, karakterizirajo, se nanašajo na videz ali pa so komični. Takšna imena imenujemo aptonimi in izjemno pomembno je, da jih v ciljni jezik uspešno prenesemo, saj v nasprotnem primeru bralca oškodujemo za pristno izkušnjo. V magistrskem delu so predstavljeni neologizmi, in sicer aptonimi, ki se pojavljajo v seriji knjig o Harryju Potterju in v delu Magične živali: Izvirni scenarij. Namen magistrske naloge je analizirati neologizme in aptonime ter ugotoviti, kako uspešno so preneseni v ciljni jezik. Teoretični del zajema obravnavo neologizmov in aptonimov, predstavljeni so besedotvorni postopki, uporabljeni pri tvorbi novo nastalih poimenovanj, obravnavane so smernice književnega prevajanja s poudarkom na prevajanju otroške in mladinske literature. Empirični del vsebuje analizo etimologije in besedotvornih postopkov v izvirniku ter primerjavo s prevodi. Poudarek je na prevodnih načinih, ki jih je uporabil prevajalec Jakob J. Kenda – ali je neologizme uspešno prenesel v slovenščino, obdržal njihove pomene, konotacijo, učinek, besedne igre in ali je ohranil aptonime. Pokazalo se je, da je najpogosteje uporabljen besedotvorni postopek združevanje, pri čemer je največ tvorjenk zloženk. Pri prevodnih načinih je prevajalec večinoma uporabljal izpeljevanje v ciljnem jeziku ter ustvarjanje novih neologizmov, s tem pa ustvaril domiselne in zabavne prevodne rešitve. Večina aptonimov se je ohranila, najpogosteje z uporabo priložnostnih ekvivalentov, prav tako so se ohranile besedne igre.
Keywords:neologizem, aptonim, besedotvorni postopki, književno prevajanje, otroška literatura, Harry Potter
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[V. Majer]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72008 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24085512 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.10.2018
MAJER, Valentina, 2018, Analiza neologizmov v seriji knjig o Harryju Potterju [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : V. Majer. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=72008
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of neologisms in the Harry Potter book series
Abstract:Neologisms are newly coined words, which have not yet been fully accepted into language. Many of them are found in the Harry Potter book series, since the author, J. K. Rowling, imagined a whole wizarding world and that required new words. Those were used to name creatures, characters, objects, spells and places. Her neologisms are especially creative, express characteristics, secrets, allude to appearances or are comical. Such names are called aptonyms and it is vital that we successfully transfer them into the target language, otherwise readers are denied an authentic experience. Neologisms and aptonyms, which are found in the Harry Potter book series and in Fantastic Beasts: Original Screenplay, are presented in this thesis. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse neologisms and see if they are successfully transferred into the target language. Theoretical part discusses neologisms, word formation processes, aptonyms, translation and translation of children's literature. Empirical part analyses etymology and word formation processes of original terms and compares them with their translations. The emphasis is on translation procedures used by translator Jakob J. Kenda, whether he successfully transfered the neologisms into Slovene, retained their meaning, connotation, effect, wordplays and whether he retained aptonyms. Most frequently used word formation process is combining, and most words are compounds. While translating neologisms, the translator frequently used derivation and creation of new neologisms, thus creating inventive and amusing translations. Most aptonyms were retained, mostly by using occasional equivalents, while wordplays were recreated as well.
Keywords:neologism, aptonym, word formation process, literary translation, children's literature, Harry Potter


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