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Title:Načini upodabljanja prostora pri likovnem izražanju predšolskih otrok v Vrtcih občine Moravske Toplice
Authors:ID Golob, Tiana (Author)
ID Zupančič, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 0E520C29CC65955CE62C9E0490B9B49E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/6ae63a65-be41-48ee-aaf1-951a869dd828
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Otrokov razvoj likovnega izražanja poteka v določenih razvojnih stopnjah. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge smo podrobneje preučili značilnosti otrokovega likovnega izražanja ter načine upodabljanja prostora, ki se pojavljajo v predšolskem obdobju. Najprej je otrok na sto-pnji čečkanja, nato na stopnji risanja simbolov, v začetku šolskega obdobja pa stopi v stopnjo realističnega risanja. Pri vseh otrocih potekajo te razvojne stopnje v enakem zaporedju, vendar se vedno ne skladajo s starostjo. Pri nekaterih otrocih se določena stopnja risanja pojavi prej, pri drugih pozneje. Otrok sčasoma naleti na problem upodobitve tridimenzionalnega prostora na papir, ki ima samo dve dimenziji. Za reševanje tega problema otrok začne uporabljati različne načine upodabljanja prostora. Ti načini upodabljanja se glede pogostosti uporabe v različnih starostnih obdobjih spreminjajo. Mlajši otroci se poslužujejo predvsem upodobitve talne črte, starejši otroci pa začnejo risati tudi stropno črto, predmete vzvračajo, jih prekrivajo in uporabijo izrez. Empirični del diplomske naloge tako zajema rezultate in interpretacijo načinov upodabljanja prostora, ki smo jih dobili z analizo otroških risb. V raziskovalni vzorec smo vključili otroke v Vrtcih občine Moravske Toplice, in sicer v starostnem obdobju od 4 do 6 let. Nekateri otroci pri reševanju tega problema potrebujejo pomoč odrasle osebe, saj se drugače zaradi občutka nesposobnosti in kritičnosti do svojega načina izražanja lahko oprimejo posnemanja ali zavračanja upodabljanja takih motivov. Pomembno je torej, da vzgojitelji pri izvajanju takih dejavnosti uporabljajo strategije, s katerimi pomagajo otrokom rešiti nastali problem ter še bolj spodbuditi njegovo opazovanje in izražanje.
Keywords:likovno izražanje, predšolski otrok, prostor, risba, starost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Golob]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-71988 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24189960 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.12.2018
GOLOB, Tiana, 2018, Načini upodabljanja prostora pri likovnem izražanju predšolskih otrok v Vrtcih občine Moravske Toplice [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Golob. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=71988
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Secondary language

Title:Ways of Portraying Space in the Artistic Expressions of Preschool Children at Kindergartens in the Municipality Moravske Toplice
Abstract:Childhood development of artistic expression takes place at specific stages of development. The theoretical part of this master’s thesis closely examines the characteristics of a child’s artistic expression and the art of portraying space in the pre-school period. In the beginning the child is at a scrawling stage, then at a stage of drawing symbols, and, finally, the child enters the stage of realistic drawing at the beginning of the primary school period. All children go through these developmental stages in the same order, although these stages do not always occur at the same age. Some children go through a certain drawing stage sooner, others later. At some point, children run into the problem of transferring tridimensional space onto paper, which only consists of two dimensions. To solve this issue children begin using different ways to portray space. In regards to the frequency of use, these ways of portraying change with different age groups. Younger children mostly use the floor line, whereas older children start drawing the ceiling line as well; they turn or cover objects, and use cutouts. The empirical part of this master’s thesis includes the results and interpretations of portraying space that were gathered by analyzing children’s drawings. The research pattern consists of children aged from four to six years old in the kindergartens of the Municipality of Moravske Toplice. Some children need support from adults when solving this problem, otherwise they can feel incompetent and critical towards their own way of expression, and can turn to imitation or refusal to use such motifs. When doing such activities it is important that the pre-school teachers use strategies that help children solve the problem and encourage their observation and expressing even more.
Keywords:artistic expression, pre-school child, space, drawing, age


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