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Title:Vpliv nematerilanega nagrajevanja na zaposlene
Authors:ID Janič, Zala (Author)
ID Šarotar Žižek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Janic_Zala_2018.pdf (742,73 KB)
MD5: 6415B63CCCD2354A69F8F85C54C93093
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/f55fc110-e8ae-472f-b5d2-442b942bb1a3
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Zaposleni so največji kapital vsake organizacije, torej so ključni za njen obstoj. Pomembno je, da zaposlene motiviramo in jim ponudimo način dela, ki bo odražal njihovo zagnanost do dela. S tem pa se pogosto tudi pojavi vprašanje nagrajevanja zaposlenih. Danes ločimo dva tipa nagrajevanja, in sicer; materialno in nematerialno nagrajevanje. Tako materialno, kot pa tudi nematerialno nagrajevanje pa sta samo dodatna spodbuda za zaposlenega v organizaciji. S tem pa se spreminja tudi vloga managementa človeških virov v današnjih organizacijah, lahko vidimo, preplet med individualno uspešnostjo, motiviranostjo in nagrajevanjem. Vse to pa so danes funkcije managementa človeških virov. V poenostavljeni obliki, lahko rečemo, da s tem ko se spreminja čas se spreminjajo tudi vloge in pogled na zaposlene podjetja, ki so ključnega pomena. Problem današnjega časa, pa je najti pravo razmerje med materialnimi in nematerialnimi nagradami. Tukaj si pa lahko zastavimo tudi vprašanje, kdaj je nagrajevanje smiselno? in kakšna je višina oziroma dobrina nagrade ki še vedno motivira zaposlenega? V empiričnem delu pa smo s pomočjo ankete prišli do vzorca. Zanimalo nas je mnenje zaposlenih na tematiko individualne uspešnosti, nagrajevanja, tako materialnega kot tudi nematerialnega. Ter kako zaposleni vidijo oziroma razumejo nagrajevanje v sami organizaciji. Ob opravljeni anketi pa smo prišli tudi do spoznanja in sicer, da nematerialno nagrajevanje ni prisotno v podjetju oziroma je le-to minimalno, kar pa posledično zmanjša produktivnost in učinkovitost posameznika na delovnem mestu, vse to pa vpliva na rezultate in posledično na celotno podjetje. Zato je nujno, da zaposlenega motiviramo tudi z nagradami, saj mnogi s tem postanejo bolj učinkovitejši na delovnem mestu.
Keywords:management človeških virov, človeški viri, individualna uspešnost, nagrajevanje, materialno nagrajevanje in nematerialno nagrajevanje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[Z. Janič]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-71587 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13343004 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.06.2019
JANIČ, Zala, 2018, Vpliv nematerilanega nagrajevanja na zaposlene [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : Z. Janič. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=71587
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of non-financial rewards for emloyees
Abstract:Employees are the largest source of each organization, so they are crucial for its existence. It is important that we motivate our employees and offer them a way of working that will reflect their motivation to work. This often leads to the question of rewarding employees. Today, we distinguish two types of rewards: financial and non-financial rewards. Both financial as well as non-financial rewards are just an additional incentive for an employee in the organization. By doing so, the role of human resources management in today's organizations is changing, we can see the interplay between individual performance, motivation and reward. All of this is now the functions of human resources management. In a simplified form, it can be said that by changing the time, the roles and views of the employees of the company are crucial, as well. The problem of today's time is to find the right relationship between financial and non-financial rewards. So we can ask ourselves the question of when is the reward meaningful? and what is the amount or quality of the award that still motivates the employee? In the empirical part, we obtained a sample by means of a survey. We were interested in the opinion of employees on the topic of individual performance, rewards, both financial as well as non-financial. And how do employees see or understand rewards in the organization itself? At the time of the survey, we also came to the realization that non-material rewarding is not present in the company or is minimal, which in turn reduces the productivity and efficiency of the individual at the workplace, all of which affects the results and consequently the entire company. Therefore, it is essential that we motivate the employee with rewards as many people become more efficient in the workplace.
Keywords:human resource management, human resources, individual performance, rewarding, financial rewards and non-financial rewards


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