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Title:Diverzificirana rast podjetja GMT d.o.o.
Authors:ID Trstenjak, Jasmina (Author)
ID Širec, Karin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Trstenjak_Jasmina_2018.pdf (1,39 MB)
MD5: B70DF970FEBDCA218E1064C06E588693
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/bad3233c-10bf-4083-b3e9-ef74e74c461b
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Diplomski projekt je razdeljen na dva dela – prvi je teoretični, drugi pa empirični. V prvem smo predstavili teorijo o rastočih podjetjih in dinamičnem podjetništvu, navedli smo tudi modele in dejavnike rasti podjetij. V tretjem poglavju smo predstavili strategije rasti in poudarili diverzificirano rast, saj smo na podlagi te strategije v nadaljevanju obravnavali podjetje GMT d.o.o. Empirični del diplomskega projekta temelji na podjetju GMT d.o.o., iz Murske Sobote, ki se ukvarja s trgovino z rezervnimi deli in dodatno opremo za vozila. Za to podjetje smo se odločili, ker je eno izmed bolj znanih v našem domačem okolju. Najprej smo predstavili podjetje GMT d.o.o., njegovo dejavnost, prodajni in nabavni program ter poslanstvo, vizijo in vrednote. V nadaljevanju smo se posvetili zgodovini rasti organizacije po posameznih letih in navedbi razlogov za diverzifikacijo. V sklepnem delu smo podrobneje analizirali kazalnike rasti podjetja in strategijo rasti GMT d.o.o. Podjetje je sprva raslo generično, vendar so v njem čez čas ugotovili, da na ta način ne morejo več rasti. Takrat so se odločili za strategijo diverzifikacije in vstopili na tuji trg. Podjetje GMT d.o.o. je zelo hitro raslo in si posledično trikrat prislužilo priznanje za pomursko-dravsko gazelo ter eno srebrno in eno bronasto vseslovensko gazelo. V obdobju 25 let so zrasli iz ene poslovalnice z dvema zaposlenima v družbo s 56 poslovalnicami in približno 350 zaposlenimi. Analizirali smo podjetje v obdobju med letoma 2014 in 2017 ter ugotovili, da so prihodki in dobiček nenehno rasli. Povprečne stopnje rasti preučevanih kazalnikov v opazovanem obdobju pa so bile v večini primerov pozitivne. Diverzificirana strategija rasti je omogočila tudi nova delovna mesta v podjetju. GMT d.o.o. ima konkurenco v svoji panogi, vendar kljub temu ostaja vodilno podjetje na svojem področju v Sloveniji. V podjetju GMT d.o.o. tudi v prihodnje načrtujejo diverzifikacijo – poleg osvajanja novih trgov imajo v načrtu tudi šolo za avtomehanike in lansiranje lastne blagovne znamke.
Keywords:GMT d.o.o., rast podjetja, strategija diverzifikacije, strategije rasti, gazela
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Trstenjak]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-71572 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13168668 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.11.2018
TRSTENJAK, Jasmina, 2018, Diverzificirana rast podjetja GMT d.o.o. [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : J. Trstenjak. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=71572
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Secondary language

Title:Diversified growth in the case of GMT Ltd
Abstract:The diploma project is divided into two parts. The first, theoretical part, presents the theory of growing companies and dynamic entrepreneurship, as well as the models and factors of company growth. The third chapter presents growth strategies and emphasizes diversified growth. GMT Ltd is later discussed based on this strategy. The empirical part of the diploma project is based on GMT Ltd from Murska Sobota, which deals with automotive spare parts and accessories trade. We have chosen this company because they are well known in our home environment. We first present GMT Ltd from Murska Sobota, its activity, sales and purchasing program, as well as their mission, vision, and values. We then dedicated ourselves to the history of organization growth for each individual year, and to the reasons for diversification. In the end, we analyzed in detail the indicators of company growth and growth strategy of GMT Ltd. The company initially grew generically, but over time it became clear that it cannot grow this way anymore. Then they decided on a diversification strategy and entered the foreign market. GMT Ltd grew rapidly and became a three-time winner of the Gazelle award for the Drava-Pomurje region, as well as one silver and one bronze Gazelle award. Throughout the period of 25 years, the company has grown from one office and two employees to a company with 56 offices and approximately 350 employees. We have analyzed the company in the period between 2014 and 2017 and found that earnings and profits grew constantly. In the observed period, average growth rates of the observed indicators were positive in most cases. A diversified growth strategy has enabled new workplaces in the company. GMT Ltd has competition in its branch but remains the leading company in its field in Slovenia. Diversification is planned for the future as well - in addition to conquering new markets, they are planning a school for auto mechanics, as well as a brand launch.
Keywords:Keywords: GMT Ltd, company growth, diversification strategy, growth strategies, Gazelle


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