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Title:Zaznana vrednost in kakovost storitev ter zadovoljstvo odjemalcev kinocentrov
Authors:ID Plašintović, Valeria (Author)
ID Pisnik, Aleksandra (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Plasintovic_Valeria_2018.pdf (2,73 MB)
MD5: FDACD579A9C2F155062843EF4D6A71F1
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a6c3c14d-9e2a-4fa9-88cb-7a2879feb905
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V magistrskem delu obravnavamo zaznano vrednost, zaznano kakovost in zadovoljstvo odjemalcev kinocentrov. Naštete pojme obravnavamo na podlagi treh kinocentrov, ki so prisotni na slovenskem trgu, in sicer Cineplexx, Maribox in Kolosej. V okviru magistrskega dela nas torej zanima, kako odjemalci kinocentrov zaznavajo kakovost in vrednost storitev naštetih kinocentrov. Prav tako nas zanima tudi, ali so odjemalci s storitvami kinocentrov zadovoljni. Zaradi čedalje večjega tehnološkega napredka se kinematografi soočajo z vse večjo konkurenco, ki je lahko pogosto tudi posredna. Odjemalci imajo čedalje večjo moč, saj imajo na voljo tudi čedalje večjo izbiro. Razumevanje zaznavanja vrednosti in kakovosti kinematografskih storitev je zato postalo ključno, saj bodo kinematografi lahko odjemalce zadržali izključno s ponujanjem izdelkov in storitev, ki se odjemalcem zdijo kakovostni ter vredni njihovega časa, napora in denarja. V ta okvir spada tudi izkušnja, ki jo ima odjemalec, kadar obišče izbrani kinocenter. Ponujanje dodatnih storitev in vrhunske tehnološke podprtosti predvajanja filmov je izjemno pomembno za privabljanje odjemalcev. Zaznana storitev je ozko definirana kot kompromis med vsemi koristmi in stroški, ki jih ima odjemalec v okviru pridobivanja ter uporabe izdelkov ali storitev. Širše gledano pa v definicijo zaznane vrednosti vključujemo tudi čustvene in socialne koristi. Zaznana vrednost se prav tako deli na denarno vrednost in nedenarno vrednost. Denarna vrednost predstavlja vse finančne stroške in koristi (npr. ugodnosti), ki jih zaznava odjemalec, nedenarna vrednost pa se nanaša na čas, napor, stroške iskanja izdelka/storitve, psihične stroške ipd. Element nedenarne vrednosti je lahko tudi tveganje, ki ga odjemalec zaznava v povezavi s procesom pridobivanja in uporabe izdelka ali storitve. Dejavnik zaznane vrednosti je tudi zaznana kakovost izdelkov ali storitev, ki se deli na tehnično in funkcionalno kakovost. Zaznana kakovost je definirana tudi s pomočjo petih dimenzij: urejenost, zanesljivost, odzivnost, zagotavljanje in vživljanje. Za zaznano kakovost je značilno tudi, da temelji na izkušnjah vsakega posameznika, zato lahko kakovost popolnoma enakega izdelka dva odjemalca zaznavata popolnoma drugače, ocenjevanje kakovosti izdelka ali storitve je torej subjektivno. Posledica zaznane kakovosti in vrednosti je lahko ali zadovoljstvo ali nezadovoljstvo. Zadovoljstvo je v tem kontekstu definirano kot pozitiven, prijeten in za vse udeležence zaželen izid. Lahko ga definiramo tudi drugače, in sicer kot stopnja, do katere so zadovoljene potrebe, pričakovanja ter zahteve odjemalcev. V okviru magistrskega dela smo izvedli tudi anketo, na podlagi katere smo s pomočjo programa SPSS izvedli tudi statistično analizo. Preverjali smo deleže, frekvence in srednje vrednosti, izvedli smo faktorsko analizo, enostransko analizo variance (ANOVA), povezave med spremenljivkami pa smo preverili s Pearsonovim koeficientom korelacije. Na koncu smo povezave preverili tudi z enostavno in multiplo regresijo.
Keywords:zaznana vrednost, zaznana kakovost, zadovoljstvo odjemalcev, kinematografi, kinocentri
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[V. Plašintović]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-71538 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13116188 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.10.2018
PLAŠINTOVIĆ, Valeria, 2018, Zaznana vrednost in kakovost storitev ter zadovoljstvo odjemalcev kinocentrov [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : V. Plašintović. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=71538
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Title:Perceived service value, quality and customer satisfaction with multiplex cinemas
Abstract:In the master's thesis we deal with perceived value, perceived quality and customer satisfaction with cineplex cinemas. The aforementioned concepts are discussed with regard to three cineplex cinemas that offer their services on the Slovenian market, namely: Cineplexx, Maribox, and Kolosej. We are therefore interested in finding out how customers of cineplex cinemas perceive service quality and value. We also aim to find out if customers are satisfied with services of cineplex cinemas. Technological advances have made movie theaters deal with increasing competition that is often indirect. Customers’ power is also larger than ever and continues to rise, mostly because of the ever increasing number of choices available. Understanding perceived value and quality of products/services has become crucial for movie theaters to keep their customers, which can only be achieved through offering products/services that customers regard as high in quality and value and qonsequently worth their time, effort, and money. The experience that the customer gets, when visiting the cineplex cinema, is also an important part of evaluating the aforementioned. Offering additional services and outstanding technological support with regard to movie screenings is therefore extremely important for attracting customers. Perceived value is narrowly defined as a trade-off between benefits received and cost paid for acquiring and using a product/service. A wider definition of perceived value includes emotional and social benefits. Perceived value is divided into financial and non-financial value. Financial value represents all financial costs and benefits (e.g. discounts) that the customers perceive. Non-financial costs on the other hand represent time, effort, cost of searching for product/service, psychological cost etc. Perceived risk can also be a factor of consideration when acquiring and using a product/service. Perceived product/service quality is a compnent of perceived value as well and is divided into technical and functional quality. Perceived quality is defined with the help of the following five dimensions: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Perceived quality is based upon an individual’s personal experience. Consequently, it is possible for two customers to perceive the quality of the same product/service in very different ways. Assessing quality of products/services is therefore subjective. Perceived quality and value can result either in satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Satisfaction is therefore defined within this concept as a positive, agreeable, and desirable outcome for all concerned. Satisfaction can also be defined as the degree to which customer needs, expectations, and demands have been met. A survey was also conducted as part of the master’s thesis, which has served as basis for statistical analysis performed with the help of SPSS. Statistical analysis entailed checking shares, frequencies, and mean values; performing a factor analysis, a one-way variance analysis (ANOVA), a Pearson correlation coefficient analysis, and lastly linear and multiple regression analysis.
Keywords:perceived value, perceived quality, customer satisfaction, movie theaters, cineplex cinemas


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