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Title:Odstranjevanje nanoonesnaževal z membranskimi filtracijami : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Lorenčič, Tamara (Author)
ID Lobnik, Aleksandra (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Bauman, Maja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Lorencic_Tamara_2018.pdf (3,31 MB)
MD5: 858D428B8D54753FE6B0B183BDA1722D
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/48314315-14c2-4a47-b851-d9540c22dc7a
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:V zadnjem času se vse bolj ugotavlja, da je obremenjenost površinskih in podzemnih voda, posledica odvajanja odpadnih voda iz različnih industrijskih procesov proizvodnje nanoproizvodov v okolje, zaradi prisotnosti ti. nanoonesnaževal, kot so npr. SiO2, TiO2, ZnO. Nanoonesnaževala (velikosti do 100 nm) lahko negativno vplivajo na okolje in zdravje živih organizmov, zato je pomembno, da se za čiščenje voda uporabljajo najustreznejše metode, ki bodo delce različnih velikosti zanesljivo in učinkovito odstranjevale. V primerjavi s klasičnimi metodami, ki odstranjujejo le specifična onesnaževala, se kažejo kot bolj primerne membranske filtracije (npr. nanofiltracija), ki omogočajo odstranjevanje širšega spektra nanoonesnaževal. Namen diplomske naloge je bil sintetizirati optične SiO2 delce reda velikosti 500 ± 50 nm in jih iz pripravljene modelne raztopine odstraniti s postopkom nanofiltracije (NF). Vrednotenje uspešnosti odstranitve SiO2 delcev ter njihovo sledenje smo posredno in neposredno izvajali s pomočjo fluorescenčne in UV-VIS spektroskopije. Optični SiO2 delci z uporabo prekurzorja TEOS niso bili uspešno sintetizirani. Primerne delce pa je bilo možno sintetizirati z uporabo prekurzorja tetraetoksisilan (TEOS) v kombinaciji s trimetoksisilanom (MTMS), v kombinaciji s prekurzorjem trimetoksi (3,3,3- trifluoropropil) silanom (F-TriMOS) ter v kombinaciji z difenildimetoksi silanom (DMPS), in sicer pri sobni T, alkalnem pH in konstantnem mešanju. Kot najboljša kombinacija perkurzorjev se je izkazala kombinacija TEOS in MTMS. V kombinaciji TEOS:F-TriMOS ter TEOS:DMPS se delci niso formirali. Sintetizirane delce s prekurzorjem TEOS:MTMS smo dopirali s fluorescenčnim barvilom Rodamin B (RhB). Sintetizirani optični SiO2 delci (SiO2-MTMS-RhB) so bili okarakterizirani z izbranimi metodami (BET, TEM in FT-IR). Sposobnost oziroma učinkovitost izbrane nanofiltracijske membrane za odstranjevanje optičnih SiO2-MTMS-RhB delcev, smo preučevali z modelno raztopino, ki je vsebovala raztopljene sintetizirane optične SiO2-MTMS-RhB delce. Med izvedbo filtracije se je po standardnih metodah preverjala motnost ter fluorescenca modelne raztopine, vzorec permeata in koncentrata. Rezultati so pokazali, da je po sol-gel metodi možno pripraviti optične SiO2 delce z dopiranim barvilom Rodamin B (RhB) velikosti (500 ± 50 nm) in jih karakterizirati s fluorescenčno spektroskopijo. Optične delce, manjših velikosti, ni bilo možno sintetizirati. Delce velikosti 500 ± 50 nm je bilo možno s pomočjo izbrane NF membrane popolnoma zadržati (99%), saj v vzorcu permeata ni bilo mogoče izmeriti intenzitete fluorescence. Na osnovi rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da je postopek nanofiltracije primeren za odstranjevanje delcev velikosti 500 nm, metoda fluorescence pa je primerna za sledenje optičnih SiO2-MTMS-RhB delcev.
Keywords:fluorescenčna spektroskopija, membranske filtracije, nanodelci, nanofiltracija, nanoonesnaževala, optični SiO2 delci (SiO2-MTMS-RhB), sol-gel sinteza
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Lorenčič]
Year of publishing:2018
Number of pages:XV, 94 f.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-71475 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22252822 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.09.2018
Categories:KTFMB - FS
LORENČIČ, Tamara, 2018, Odstranjevanje nanoonesnaževal z membranskimi filtracijami : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Lorenčič. [Accessed 31 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=71475
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Secondary language

Title:Removal of nanopollutants by membrane filtration
Abstract:Recently, is being observed that nanopollution of the surface and underground water arises from wastewaters discharged into the environment from various industrial processes, producing nano-products that contain nano-pollutants, such as SiO2, TiO2, and ZnO. Nano- can affect the environment and health in a negative way. Therefore, it is important to apply the most suitable methods for cleaning the waters, which eliminate particles of various sizes reliably and efficiently. In comparison with the classical methods that only eliminate specific pollutants, membrane filtration processes (e.g. nano-filtration) enable elimination of a wider spectra of pollutants, even nanopollutants. The purpose of this diploma work was to synthesise the optical SiO2 particles of the order of 500± 50 nm, and then to eliminate them from the model water with nanofiltration process (NF). The optical SiO2 particles were synthesised according to the sol-gel method first with the TEOS precursor, but the synthesis was unsuccessful. Therefore, the tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) precursor was used hereafter with the precursor Trimethoxysilane (MTMS), Triphenyl (3,3,3-chloropropyl) silane (F-TriMOS) and Diphenylmethoxy silane (DMPS), at the optimal conditions, in an alcoholic medium in presence of ammonia as a catalyst, in alkaline pH, and at room temperature. The fluorescent dye Rhodamine B (RhB) was additionaly doped into the SiO2 particles. The optical SiO2-MTMS-RhB particles were characterised by using BET, TEM and FT-IR methods. The tracking of the nanoparticles was carried out with the help of fluorescent and UV-VIS spectroscopy. With the model water that contained dissolved synthesised optical SiO2 particles, the ability and effectiveness of the chosen NF membrane for the elimination of the optical SiO2 particles was studied. Following the standardised methods, the turbidity of the samples, and the fluorescence of the model water, the permeate, and the concentrate during the filtration was analysed. The results showed that the sol-gel method enables to prepare optical SiO2 particles based on doped Rhodamine B (RhB) dye, and it is possible to track them with the fluorescence spectroscopy. With the appropriately chosen NF membrane, it is possible almost completely (99%) remove optical particles with average size of 500 ± 50 nm. Since no fluorescence was measured in the permeate sample, it can be concluded that the nanofiltration process is appropriate for the removal of larger particles.
Keywords:fluorescence spectroscopy, membrane filtration, nanoparticles, nanofiltration, optical SiO2 particles (SiO2-MTMS-RhB), sol-gel synthesis


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