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Title:Hišna preiskava v kazenskem postopku : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Hančič, Klara (Author)
ID Šepec, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 8992832078F1CD7AA6AB12B2B2F828EA
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ca0eef02-eebd-4b7f-8b89-ed21a642ca9f
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Diplomsko delo z naslovom »Hišna preiskava v kazenskem postopku« se osredotoča na zakonsko urejenost hišne preiskave v Sloveniji. Zakonsko podlago zasledimo že v okviru 8. člena Evropske konvencije o človekovih pravicah. V njem je varovana pravica do spoštovanja zasebnega in družinskega življenja. V slovenski zakonodaji najdemo pravico do zasebnosti v Ustavi Republike Slovenije v 35. členu, ki zagotavlja varstvo pravic zasebnosti in osebnostnih pravic. 36. člen Ustave Republike Slovenije pa določa nedotakljivost stanovanja. Zakonsko urejenost najdemo tudi v Zakonu o kazenskem postopku. V XVIII. poglavju najdemo določila, prepovedi in opis poteka hišne preiskave od 214. do 219.a člena. V prvem delu diplomskega dela je skozi sodne primere razloženih nekaj dokaznih dilem, ki predstavljajo problem oz. oviro v kazenskih postopkih. Opisane so zakonske omejitve in prepovedi, ki jih je treba upoštevati, da je sodni postopek zakonit in veljaven. Če država preseže meje, je treba sankcionirati kršitve. Sankcioniranje delimo na materialnopravno in procesnopravno sankcioniranje. V naslednjem poglavju diplomskega dela je predstavljena pravna ureditev Združenih držav Amerike. Nedotakljivost stanovanja je določena v 4. amandmaju ameriške ustave in je osnova za hišno preiskavo. Razložena je tudi doktrina »plain view«, ki pravi, da policist tudi brez sodne odredbe lahko zaseže predmet, ki implicira na kaznivo dejanje in ga policist zazna s prostim očesom ali ostalimi čuti. Podobno ureditev najdemo tudi v slovenskem pravnem sistemu, vendar temu pravimo vizualni pregled prostorov ob vstopu v stanovanje.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, hišna preiskava, kazenski postopek, sodni postopek, dokazne dileme
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Hančič]
Year of publishing:2018
Year of performance:2018
Number of pages:IV, 36 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-71423 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3605738 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.10.2018
HANČIČ, Klara, 2018, Hišna preiskava v kazenskem postopku : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : K. Hančič. [Accessed 13 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=71423
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Secondary language

Title:Search of a house in the slovenian criminal procedure
Abstract:Bachelor's Thesis "House investigation in criminal procedure" focuses on the statutory regulation of the house investigation in Slovenia. We already see the legal basis within the framework of Article 8 of the European Convention about human rights. It secures the right for respecting private and family life. In Slovenian law, we find the right for privacy in the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia in Article 35, which guarantees the protection of the rights of privacy and personality rights. Article 36 of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia provides for the inviolability of housing. Legislation is also found in the Criminal procedure act. Chapter XVII contains the provisions, prohibitions and description of the course of the house investigation from Articles 214 to 219.a. In the first part of the diploma, some cases of dilemmas are presented through court cases. The legal restrictions and prohibitions to be taken into consideration are described. Sanctioning is divided into substantive sanctions and procedural sanctions. In the next chapter of diploma, the legal system of the United States is presented. The inviolability of housing is defined in the 4th amendment of the American Constitution and is the basis for the house investigation. A doctrine named "plain view" is also explained, which says that even without a court order, a police officer can seize an object that implies on a crime and is detected by a police officer with his eye or any other senses. A similar arrangement is also found in the Slovene legal system, but this is called a visual inspection of the premises when entering the apartment.
Keywords:house search, criminal procedure, legal procedure, evidence dilemmas


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