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Title:Ekstrakcije naravnih pigmentov iz alg
Authors:ID Korpič, Špela (Author)
ID Škerget, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Hojnik Niderl, Maša (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Korpic_Spela_2018.pdf (2,50 MB)
MD5: C68776B52C30062F0BFB9640579FE0BE
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/56a1a962-c080-49c7-8ae0-ab748ae0adbf
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abstract:V diplomskem delu so prikazani rezultati ekstrakcije alg Dunaliella in Haematococcus z različnimi postopki. Poudarek raziskav je bil na visokotlačni ekstrakciji s CO2 in na konvencionalni ekstrakciji z eteričnim oljem pomarančnih terpenov, saj sta to načina pridobivanja ekstraktov iz alg brez končne vsebnosti škodljivih topil. Narejene so bile spektrofotometrične analize vsebnosti karotenov in astaksantina v ekstraktih, gravimetrične analize suhe snovi v ekstraktih z IR-analizatorjem in GC-analize preostalih topil v ekstraktih. Visokotlačna ekstrakcija s CO2 je bila izvedena pri treh različnih temperaturah (40 °C, 60 °C, 80 °C) in dveh različnih tlakih (200 in 300 bar). Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je maksimalni masni delež karotenov v ekstraktih 15 %, astaksantina pa 0,82 %. Maksimalni izkoristek izolacije karotenov in astaksantina je dosežen pri 60 °C in 300 bar, kjer znaša pri ekstrakciji alge Dunaliella 25 %, pri ekstrakciji alge Haematococcus pa 9 %. Konvencionalno ekstrakcijo alge Haematococcus smo izvedli s topiloma etanol in etil acetat, alge Dunaliella pa z etil acetatom in eteričnim oljem pomarančnih terpenov. Konvencionalne ekstrakcije so bile izvedene pri različnih temperaturah (sobna, 45 °C, 60 °C, 80 °C), različnih časih mešanja (1 uro in 3 ure) in različnih razmerjih R = topilo/material (mL/g) (2, 5, 10, 14, 20 mL/g). Maksimalni masni delež astaksantina v ekstraktih, ki znaša 7 %, smo dobili s konvencionalno ekstrakcijo alge Haematococcus pri uporabi topila etil acetat, temperaturi 45 °C, času mešanja eno uro in razmerju R = 5 mL/g. Maksimalni masni delež karotenov v ekstraktih, ki znaša 22 %, smo dobili s konvencionalno ekstrakcijo alge Dunaliella, prav tako pri uporabi etil ecatata in temperaturi 40 °C, času mešanja tri ure in R = 15 mL/g. Maksimalni masni delež mešanih karotenov s konvencionalno ekstrakcijo alge Dunaliella in eteričnim oljem je znašal 10,5 %, in sicer pri razmerju R = 2 mL/g, času mešanja eno uro in temperaturi 80 °C. Rezultati analiz vsebnosti suhe snovi v ekstraktih kažejo na večjo čistost ekstrakta pri visokotlačni ekstrakciji s CO2, saj je pri konvencionalni ekstrakciji v ekstraktih prisotnega še veliko topila.
Keywords:visokotlačna ekstrakcija, superkritični CO2, konvencionalna ekstrakcija, astaksantin, β-karoten, Dunaliella, Haematococcus
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[Š. Korpič]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70992 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21606934 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.07.2018
Categories:KTFMB - FKKT
KORPIČ, Špela, 2018, Ekstrakcije naravnih pigmentov iz alg [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : Š. Korpič. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=70992
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Secondary language

Title:Extraction of natural pigments from microalgae
Abstract:The diploma presents the results of extraction of the algae Dunaliella and the algae Haematococcus by different methods. The emphasis was on high-pressure extraction with CO2 and conventional extraction with essential oils of orange, because these methods enable obtaining extracts that do not contain harmful solvent residues. The spectrophotometric analysis of the content of carotenoids and astaxantine in the obtained extracts, the gravimetric analyses of the dry matter in the extract by IR analyzer and GC analyses of the remaining solvents in the extract were performed. High pressure extraction with CO2 was carried out at three different temperatures (40°C, 60°C, 80°C) and two different pressures (200 and 300 bar). It has been found that the maximum carotenoids and astaxanthin content in extract and a maximum yield of carotenoids and astaxanthin is obtained at 60 ° C and 300 bar. Conventional Haematococcus algae extraction was carried out with ethanol and ethyl acetate, and Dunaliella algae with ethyl acetate and orange terpenes. Conventional extractions were carried out at different temperatures (room T, 45°C, 60°C, 80°C), different mixing times (1 and 3 hours) and different ratios R = solvent / material (mL / g) (2, 5, 10, 14, 20 mL/g). The maximum content of astaxanthin (7 %) by conventional extraction of algae Haematococcus was obtained using solvent ethyl acetate, temperature 45 °C, stirring for one hour at a ratio of R = 5 ml / g. The highest content of carotenoids (22 %) with conventional extraction of the Dunaliella algae was also obtained using ethyl acetate at a temperature of 40 ° C, stirring for three hours and R = 15 ml / g. The maximum content of carotenes with conventional extraction of the Dunaliella algae and essential oil was 10.5%, at a ratio of R = 2 mL / g, mixing time for one hour and a temperature of 80 ° C. The results show a better purity of the extract obtained by the high pressure extraction with CO2, while conventional extract contained high amounts of solvent residues.
Keywords:high-pressure extraction, supercritical CO2, convencional extraction, astaxanthin, β-carotenes, Dunaliella, Haematococcus


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