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Title:Uspešnost šestošolcev pri zapisovanju besedilne naloge na osnovi enačbe deljenja
Authors:ID Vrbančič, David (Author)
ID Lipovec, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Podgoršek Mesarec, Manja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Vrbancic_David_2018.pdf (3,73 MB)
MD5: 050B1F102D76FF7A4BB7F902C8A3FF67
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/6bc9a74a-2326-492c-8e00-1188029965e4
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Ena izmed oblik integracije jezika in matematike so besedilne naloge, ki predstavljajo pomemben del matematičnih vsebin v šoli, saj abstraktno matematiko postavljajo v življenjski kontekst. V večini primerov je učitelj tisti, ki oblikuje besedilno nalogo, učenci pa jo morajo rešiti, tako da jo spremenijo v matematični simbolni zapis. V magistrski nalogi smo vloge zamenjali, tako da so morali učenci zapisati življenjsko besedilno nalogo na osnovi podane enačbe deljenja . S pomočjo preizkusa znanja smo želeli proučiti uspešnost učencev pri tej dejavnosti in pridobiti vpogled v pojmovno razumevanje enačbe z deljenjem. Zanimala nas je ustreznost, kontekstualiziranost in tema zapisane besedilne nalog glede na spol učencev. Raziskava je temeljila na vzorcu 651 učencev 6. razreda slovenskih osnovnih šol. Podatki so bili obdelani s kombinacijo kvalitativnih in kvantitativnih metod pedagoškega raziskovanja. Rezultati kažejo, da se šestošolci v tej obrnjeni metodi ne znajdejo najbolje, saj je le malo več kot polovica ustrezno zapisala besedilno nalogo, pri čemer razlik glede na spol ni bilo. Med neustreznimi nalogami sta prevladovala nesmiselni zapis in uporaba napačne računske operacije odštevanja. Precej boljše rezultate smo dobili pri kriteriju kontekstualiziranosti, saj je več kot 70 % učencev podalo nalogo z življenjskim kontekstom, pri čemer so bile deklice statistično uspešnejše. Rezultati kažejo tudi, da so najpogostejše teme zapisanih besedilnih nalog: sladkarije, sadje in zelenjava, matematični izrazi in ljudje, pri čemer razlik glede na spol ni bilo. Če pogledamo celostno, ugotovimo, da so bile naloge, ki so jih oblikovali učenci, zelo podobne nalogam iz učnih gradiv, ki jih vsakodnevno srečujejo v šoli.
Keywords:matematika, deljenje, enačba, matematični problem, besedilne naloge, zapisovanje besedilnih nalog.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Vrbančič]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70962 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24164616 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.11.2018
VRBANČIČ, David, 2018, Uspešnost šestošolcev pri zapisovanju besedilne naloge na osnovi enačbe deljenja [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : D. Vrbančič. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=70962
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License:CC BY-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:Under the NoDerivatives Creative Commons license one can take a work released under this license and re-distribute it, but it cannot be shared with others in adapted form, and credit must be provided to the author.
Licensing start date:23.06.2018

Secondary language

Title:Assessing success (rate) of sixth-grade students when writing a word problem based on equations involving division
Abstract:One of the main forms of language integration and mathematics are word problems. They present an important part of mathematical curricula in schools, because they provide real-life examples for abstract concepts. In most cases the teacher forms a word problem and the students solve it by setting up equations. In this Master’s dissertation the roles were reversed. The students had to write a real life word problem based on equations involving division 27 : x = 9. Using a knowledge test the aim was to document the students’ success(rate) of students in this activity and gain insight into their understanding of the equation of division. The main focus was on suitability, contextuality and the topic of the word problem based on gender. The survey was based on 651 sixth-grade students from Slovene primary schools. The data were analyzed using a combination of qualitative and quantitative pedagogical research methods. The findings show that sixth-grade students had problems with the reversed role situation with only slightly more than half of them forming the word problem accordingly. Differences in gender were not detected. Inadequate word problems mainly consisted of illogical phrases and the use of incorrect mathematical operation of subtraction. Better results were documented from the criteria of contextuality, with more than 70% of students handing a real-life word problem, whereby the girls were statistically more successful. The results show that the most common word problems were: sweets, fruits and vegetables, mathematical expressions and people. There were no differences in gender. Overall, the word problems that the students produced were similar to the learning material in their schools.
Keywords:mathematics, division, equation, mathematical problems, word problems, forming word problems


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