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Title:Potrebe osnovnošolskih učencev po poklicnem svetovanju
Authors:ID Namestnik, Marjanca (Author)
ID Košir, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Namestnik_Marjanca_2018.pdf (1,48 MB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a50732de-6648-4702-8ce4-4b9b66668b93
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Temeljni vzgojno-izobraževalni cilj svetovalne službe je optimalni razvoj učenca, ne glede na spol, socialno in kulturno poreklo, veroizpoved, narodno pripadnost ter telesno in duševno konstitucijo. Potrebno je ustvariti takšno šolsko svetovalno službo, ki bo učinkovita, življenjska, nebirokratska in usmerjana k učencu. V Sloveniji imamo za to odlične predpogoje, saj ima vsaka šola zaposlene svoje svetovalne delavce; po svetu pa se s tem lahko pohvali le malo držav. Primarna naloga svetovalca je vzpostaviti zaupni odnos s svetovancem. Ključne kompetence za razvoj dobrega svetovalnega odnosa pa so pristnost, brezpogojno sprejemanje in empatično razumevanje. Razvoj in raziskovanje kariernih aspiracij ter ciljev je ena od pomembnih razvojnih nalog, ki jo mora usvojiti mladostnik. Pri tem je pomembno, da oblikujemo spodbudno učno okolje in vpeljemo uporabo primernih učnih metod učenja za spodbujanje osebnostnega in socialnega razvoja vseh otrok. ŠSS ima tako pomembno vlogo tudi pri poklicni orientaciji učencev. Namen sodelovanja pa je pomagati učencem pri izbiri in uresničevanju izobraževalne in poklicne poti. Poklicno vzgojo izvajajo v okviru rednih predmetov, oddelčne skupnosti, drugih aktivnosti na šoli in tudi izven šole. Brez ustrezne strokovne pomoči se lahko dogodi, da odločitev, ki jo sprejmemo, ni najboljša za nas same, kar lahko pusti psihološke posledice. ŠSS učencem pomaga pri iskanju informacij, izbiri in načrtovanju izobraževalno-poklicne poti. Intenzivni proces poklicne orientacije se začne že v osmem razredu osnovne šole in se nadaljuje v devetem. V tem času potekajo intenzivni individualni in skupinski svetovalni razgovori, organizirane so predstavitve srednjih šol, promocije poklicev in drugo.
Keywords:Šolska svetovalna služba, ključne kompetence svetovalca, poklicna orientacija, srednja šola, izbira in načrtovanje, teorije izbire poklica
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Namestnik]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70703 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23980808 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.08.2018
NAMESTNIK, Marjanca, 2018, Potrebe osnovnošolskih učencev po poklicnem svetovanju [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : M. Namestnik. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=70703
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Secondary language

Title:The need for vocational guidance of pupils in primary school
Abstract:The basic educational aim of counselling service is pupils' optimal development, notwithstanding the gender, social or cultural origin, religion, nationality, physical or psychical constitution. It is necessary to create such counselling service, which will be efficient, in the form of life, unbureaucratic and simply directed to pupil. In Slovenia, we have an excellent predisposition for mentioned establishment, since every school has their own counselling professionals; only few countries in the World can commend with that. The primary task of a school counselling professional is to establish confidential relationship with the counselled. Key competences for the development of good counselling relationship are authenticity, unconditional acceptance and emphatically understanding. Development and the exploration of career aspirations and goals is one of the most important development tasks which need to be accomplished by an adolescent. Within that, it is important to form an inspiring learning environment and to introduce the adequate learning methods for promoting personal and social development of all children. The school social service has also an important role with pupils' vocational orientation. The purpose of cooperation is to help pupils to choose and realise their educational and vocational path. Vocational education is implemented within regular subjects, divisional community, and extracurricular activities in school or outside the school. The decisions which are made without an adequate professional help, and are obviously not the best ones, can leave frightening psychological consequences. The school social service helps pupils to search for the information, choose and plan their educationally-vocational path. The intensive process of vocational orientation already starts in eight grade of primary school and continues in the ninth grade. In the meantime an intensive individual and group counselling interviewing takes place, there are also high school presentations, profession promotions and other activities organised.
Keywords:school social service, counselling, key competences of counselling professional, vocational orientation, high school, choosing and planning, career choice theories.


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