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Title:Varnost pametnih domov : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Informacijska varnost
Authors:ID Lutolli, Egzona (Author)
ID Vrhovec, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Lutolli_Egzona_2018.pdf (888,40 KB)
MD5: F6D54677C5761C38F795F5CDEFADFCDB
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/6a04e0f0-b4a0-49d4-b8eb-d176aca6a346
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Razvoj tehnologije je konkretno posegel tudi na področje osebnega varnega prostora, ki ga predstavlja naš dom. Vse večja prisotnost pametne tehnologije na trgu je bila osnova za raziskavo, ali je vse to kar nam olajša življenje tudi varno? Prav tako hitro kot tehnologija se razvijajo tudi sistemi, ki ravno z njeno pomočjo omogočajo večji vdor v našo zasebnost. Primarni cilj diplomskega dela se osredotoča na predstavitev varnosti napredne tehnologije v primeru pametnih domov in naprav, ki jih vgrajujejo vanje. V praktičnem delu smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika anketirali potencialne uporabnike pametnih domov. Pridobili smo N=120 odgovorov s pomočjo katerih smo pridobili rezultate o mnenju glede koristnosti in varnosti uporabe pametnih domov. Na podlagi predhodno zastavljenih hipotez, smo s pomočjo rezultatov potrdili pet hipotez. Te so potrdile naše domneve o mnenju potencialnih uporabnikov glede koristnosti pametnih domov, o smatranju velikega dela gospodinjstev kot pametnih domov, o pogosti uporabi pametnih naprav v vsakdanjem življenju, o povezavi med pogostostjo uporabe in mnenjem o koristnosti pametnih domov ter o povezanosti med boljšim poznavanjem pametnih naprav in večjim zavedanjem nevarnosti pametnih domov. S pomočjo rezultatov smo zavrnili eno hipotezo, potencialni uporabniki namreč ne menijo, da so pametni domovi dovolj varni. Dve hipotezi o mnenju glede seznanitve s konceptom pametnega doma in povezanostjo med pogostostjo uporabe in večjim občutkom varnosti v pametnem domu pa nismo niti potrdili, niti ovrgli. Pričujoča raziskava je dobra osnova za številna nadaljnja raziskovanja o varnosti pametnih domov, ki bi temeljile tudi na praktičnih ugotovitvah s strani tistih, ki pametne domove že uporabljajo. Vsekakor gre v primeru pametnih domov za področje, ki že predstavlja določeno prednost vključevanja pametnih naprav v naše domove, vendar potrebuje nadaljnja raziskovanja tudi na področju varnostnih sistemov, saj gre za področje, ki zna v bodoče predstavljati pomemben del našega življenja. Ugotovitve te raziskave so pomembne tudi zaradi tega, ker gre za eno prvih raziskav na to temo, kar velja še posebej za Slovenijo, saj je pri nas koncept pametnega doma še v razvojni fazi.
Keywords:tehnologija, pametna mesta, pametni domovi, pametni domovi za starejše, varnost, informacijska varnost, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Lutolli]
Year of publishing:2018
Year of performance:2018
Number of pages:VIII, 64 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70671 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3568874 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.07.2018
LUTOLLI, Egzona, 2018, Varnost pametnih domov : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Informacijska varnost [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : E. Lutolli. [Accessed 29 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=70671
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Secondary language

Title:Safeness of smart homes
Abstract:The development of technology has also interfered with the field of private safe space, such as our home. The growing presence of smart technology in the market was basis for our research, if is all that makes our life easier also safe? Just as fast as technology, they are developing systems, which just with the help of technology allow greater intrusion into our privacy. The primary goal of this work is focused on the presentation of the security of advanced technology in the case of smart homes and smart devices that we are putting into them. In the practical work, we surveyed potential users of smart homes using a survey questionnaire. We got N = 120 responses that have helped us to get results about opinions on usefulness and security of the use of smart homes. With help of the results we have confirmed five hypotheses. The results have confirmed our assumptions about the potential users' view of the usefulness of smart homes, the consideration of a large proportion of households as smart homes, the frequent use of smart devices in everyday life, the connection between the frequency of use and the opinion on the usefulness of smart homes and the connection between better knowledge of smart devices and greater awareness of the dangers of smart homes. With the help of the results we have rejected one hypothesis, that potential users do not consider that smart homes are safe enough. Two hypotheses about an opinion of getting familiar with the concept of smart home and the connection between the frequency of use and a greater sense of security in a smart home were neither confirmed nor rejected. This research is a good basis for further research on the safety of smart homes, which would also be based on practical findings from those who already use smart homes. Therefore the idea of smart homes it is definitely a theme which already represents a certain advantage of integrating smart devices into our homes, but needs also a further research in the field of security systems because it is an area that can represent an important part of our lives in the future. The findings of this research are also important because it is one of the first researches on this topic, especially for Slovenia where the concept of a smart home is still in the development phase.
Keywords:smart homes, home security, smart homes for elderly and handicapped


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