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Title:Preusmeritveni načrt za mlečno prirejo na kmetiji Grum
Authors:ID Juteršek, Maja (Author)
ID Pažek, Karmen (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Bavec, Martina (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Jutersek_Maja_2018.pdf (2,35 MB)
MD5: 4A2F30C6FC372553C7D46E1F9B043A0C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/c2868aa8-941a-4521-91a8-90950c9650ad
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V Sloveniji se je ekološko kmetijstvo najbolj razvilo na območjih ekstenzivnega kmetijstva, kjer preusmeritev ni predstavljala večjih težav. V diplomskem delu je bil razvit preusmeritveni načrt za živinorejsko kmetijo Grum z mlečno prirejo, ki se nahaja v naselju Kozji Vrh, v občini Podvelka. Kmetija obsega 9,89 ha obdelovalnih površin in redi 18 glav govedi, od tega 14 krav molznic. S pomočjo tehnološko-ekonomskega simulacijskega modela smo ocenili pomembnejše parametre ekonomske upravičenosti (lastna cena, vrednost proizvodnje, finančni rezultat in koeficient ekonomičnosti). Cilj je ugotoviti, ali je preusmeritev ekonomsko upravičena. Finančni rezultat (FR) je v obdobju konvencionalnega kmetovanja 2195,40 €, koeficient ekonomičnosti (KE) pa 1,01. V času preusmeritve se oba FR-ja znižata na –4457,26 €, KE iz 1,01 na 0,91. Ko pa je kmetija že ekološko usmerjena, se FR zviša in znaša 18.476,65 €, prav tako se zviša KE, ki je 1,13. Izdelana je bila tudi analiza SWOT, ki prikazuje prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti in nevarnosti preusmeritve kmetije v ekološko.
Keywords:ekološko kmetijstvo, preusmeritvenii načrt, ekonomika preusmeritve, analiza SWOT, mlečna prireja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70620 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.06.2018
JUTERŠEK, Maja, 2018, Preusmeritveni načrt za mlečno prirejo na kmetiji Grum [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=70620
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Secondary language

Title:Conversion plan of milk production at the Grum farm
Abstract:In Slovenia, organic farming has mostly developed in areas of extensive agriculture, where a conversion was not a major problem. In the thesis, a conversion plan for the Grum livestock farm was developed. The farm is located in the Kozji Vrh settlement in the Podvelka municipality and covers 9.89 hectares of cultivated land. 18 cattle are kept, including 14 dairy cows. With the help of a technological-economic simulation model, we evaluated the most important parameters of economic viability (own price, production value, financial result and the coefficient of economy). The aim was to determine if the conversion is economically justified. The financial result (FR) was €2,195.40 during the period of conventional farming, while the coefficient of economy (CE) was 1.01. At the time of conversion, both were reduced: FR to €-4,457.26 and CE from 1.01 to 0.91, but when the farm was already ecologically oriented the FR increased to an amount of €18,476.65. The CE also increased to 1.13. A SWOT analysis is also presented, showing the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the farm's conversion to organic farming.
Keywords:organic farming, conversion plan, economics of conversion, SWOT analysis, milk production


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