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Title:Vpeljava črtne kode v podjetju Koval
Authors:ID Krašovec, Kaja (Author)
ID Gajšek, Brigita (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Krasovec_Kaja_2018.pdf (2,02 MB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/82c3b93c-f3fb-4ee2-930b-cd6fa69e1d03
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Diplomska naloga rešuje problem občasnih dolgih izdelovalnih ciklov v podjetju Koval. Najpogostejši vzrok zanj je manko ali iskanje materiala, blaga ali polizdelkov v skladišču. V nalogi smo v teoretičnem delu za lažje razumevanje delovanja proizvodnih podjetij predstavili logistične podsisteme in nato še črtno kodo ter potrebno opremo. Nato smo predstavili dejansko stanje, kjer smo se osredotočili na skladiščno poslovanje in na način prevzemanja in izdajanja materiala, blaga in polizdelkov, saj se tam pojavljajo največje izgube časa. V kritični analizi smo preučili glavne vzroke za nastanek problemov in določili nepotrebne korake pri prevzemu in izdaji. Nato smo podali tri predloge za rešitev, in sicer označevanje skladiščnih lokacij, vpeljava črtne kode in posodobitev poslovnega informacijskega sistema. Po preučitvi prednosti, prihrankov in stroškov smo se odločili, da vpeljava črtne kode v podjetju Koval ni smiselna, saj bi skladiščnik za pripravo in lepljenje nalepk na material in blago porabil preveč časa, črtne kode pa bi bile v procesu proizvodnje nepomembne. Z označevanjem skladiščnih lokacij in posodobitvijo poslovno informacijskega sistema bi v podjetju Koval lahko prihranili okoli 37 ur dela na mesec, naložba bi znašala 7.500 € in bi se povrnila v roku 2,88 leta.
Keywords:logistika, skladišče, logistični procesi, skladiščno poslovanje, črtna koda
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70595 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.10.2018
KRAŠOVEC, Kaja, 2018, Vpeljava črtne kode v podjetju Koval [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=70595
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Title:Introduction of the bar code in company Koval
Abstract:This diploma solves the problem of occasional long manufacturing cycles in Koval. The most common cause for this is a lack of material and goods and searching for material in the warehouse. In the theoretical part, we presented logistics subsystems for better understanding of the operation of production companies and a barcode with all the necessary equipment. We then presented the actual situation, where we focused on warehouse operations and on the way they take over and issue materials, goods and semi-final products, because there are the biggest losses of time. In a critical analysis, we examined the main causes of problem and identified unnecessary steps in taking over and issuing. We then put forward three suggestions for the solution: labeling storage locations, implementing bar codes and updating the business information system. After examining the benefits, savings and costs, we decided that the implementation of bar code in Koval is not reasonable, as the warehouse employee would spend too much time on the preparation and attachment of labels on materials and goods, and the bar codes would be irrelevant in the process of production. By labeling storage locations and updating the business information system, Koval could save about 37 hours a month, the investment itself would be € 7,500 and it would be refunded within 2,88 years.
Keywords:logistics, warehouse, logistics processes, warehouse management, bar code


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