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Title:Silobran - primerjalna analiza med izbranimi državami : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Koblar, Mateja (Author)
ID Šepec, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Koblar_Mateja_2018.pdf (1,66 MB)
MD5: 60BC6E600AE215EA915AC7287C670A81
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/c85924ed-bfd7-4ed9-9a3b-749659df136c
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Magistrska naloga primerja ureditev instituta silobrana v izbranih državah z evropskim kontinentalnim pravom in državah t. i. sistema common law. Obrambno dejanje silobrana je navadno posledica protipravnega napada na življenje ali telesno integriteto posameznika. V sodobnem pravnem svetu takšno ravnanje ne more biti skladno z zakonom, zato večina držav dovoli obrambo zoper njega. Posamezniku nudi možnost obrambe zoper takšen napad, ne da bi mu grozila kazen za njegovo dejanje. Seveda mora tak posameznik upoštevati zakonske omejitve, če se želi uspešno sklicevati na institut silobrana. V nalogi so primerjane tovrstne zakonske omejitve v izbranih evropskih državah in državah sistema common law. Primerjava je bila izvedena s pomočjo različnih raziskovalnih metod. Institut silobrana v vseh primerjanih državah, če je uspešno dokazan in sprejet na sodišču, pomeni, da storilec ne bo odgovarjal za dejanje, ki v drugačnih okoliščinah pomeni kaznivo dejanje. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se največje razlike v ureditvi instituta silobrana pojavljajo med evropskim kontinentalnim pravnim sistemom in sistemom common law, kar je tudi pričakovano, saj imata sistema drugačno pravno podlago. Večje razlike med izbranimi državami v ureditvi v evropskem kontinentalnem sistemu niso bile ugotovljene. Še najbolj izstopa Republika Avstrija, ki za razliko od ostalih sprejema ozko pojmovanje varovanih dobrin. Institut silobrana ima po našem mnenju dvojno naravo: po eni strani je bistven za pravičen pravni sistem, po drugi strani pa storilcu nudi izhod in opravičilo za kaznivo dejanje. Kaznivo dejanje in dejanje silobrana se razlikujeta po okoliščinah, v katerih se je dejanje zgodilo. Prav zaradi te dvojne narave je nujno potrebno, da je silobran strogo pravno in zakonsko reguliran, opredeljen in nadzorovan.
Keywords:silobran, kazensko pravo, kazenski zakonik, mednarodno kazensko pravo, anglosaški pravni sistem, primerjalna analiza, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Koblar]
Year of publishing:2018
Year of performance:2018
Number of pages:VI, 99 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70559 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3560682 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.06.2018
KOBLAR, Mateja, 2018, Silobran - primerjalna analiza med izbranimi državami : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : M. Koblar. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=70559
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Secondary language

Abstract:The master's thesis compares the regulation of the Self-defence institute in selected European countries and countries of the so called common law system. The defensive action of the self-defence is usually the result of an unlawful attack on the life or physical integrity of an individual. In the modern legal world, this kind of behaviour cannot be in accordance with the law, therefore, most countries allow defence against it. This gives the individual an opportunity to defend himself against such an attack without being threatened with a punishment for his actions. Naturally, such an individual must consider legal restrictions if he or she wishes to successfully refer the self-defence institute. The thesis compares these legal restrictions in selected European countries and countries with common law systems. The comparison was made using various research methods. The institute of self-defence in all comparing countries, if it is successfully proven and accepted in court, means that the perpetrator will not be held responsible for an act, which in other circumstances constitutes a criminal offense. It was found that the greatest differences in the regulation of the self-defence institute occur between the European continental legal system and the common law system, which is also expected because the systems have a different legal basis. There were no significant differences between the selected countries in the European continental system regulation. The Republic of Austria stands out the most, which, unlike others, adopts a narrow conception of protected goods. In our opinion, the self-defence institute has a dual nature: on the one hand, it is essential for a fair legal system, and on the other hand it offers the perpetrator an exit and an excuse for a criminal offense. The criminal act and the act of self-defence differ in the circumstances in which the act took place. Precisely because of this dual nature it is essential that the self-defence act is strictly lawfully and legally regulated, defined and controlled.
Keywords:Self-defense, criminal law, criminal law act, criminal offenses, case law


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