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Title:Problematika onesnaževanja slovenskega morja : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Jurman, Maruška (Author)
ID Eman, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Jurman_Maruska_2018.pdf (748,82 KB)
MD5: CD292BDC1423EB6D3BA853E93E9CCE39
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/bcbfafe4-3e3b-4290-aa26-fe60129d5372
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Ne glede na to, da je naše morje majhno, ima visoko biološko raznovrstnost in dogajajo se kazniva dejanja, povezana z ekološko kriminaliteto. Omogoča opravljanje številnih gospodarskih dejavnosti, povezanih z morjem, ki so tudi velika obremenitev. Na žalost je tudi za večino odpadkov končni cilj morsko okolje. V diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na problematiko onesnaževanja slovenskega morja kot posledice ekološke kriminalitete. Podrobneje smo preučili dejavnike, za katere menimo, da povzročajo onesnaženost v slovenskem morju, in varstvo morja na splošno. Osrednji problem morja je onesnaževanje, katerega glavni krivci so pomorski promet, industrija, kmetijstvo, čezmejno onesnaževanje, meteorne vode, morsko ribištvo, turizem, poselitev, skladiščenje ter druge negospodarske dejavnosti, povezane z morjem. Vse te dejavnosti obremenjujejo morje in povzročajo njegovo onesnaženost z nevarnimi snovmi in odpadki, ki so v slovenskem morju pogosti, še posebej plastični. Zato bi morali onesnaževanje kaznovati z višjimi kaznimi in pogostejšim nadzorom. Prav tako bi morali organizirati pogostejše čistilne akcije ter ponujati različne nagrade, da bi bila udeležba večja. Ekološke katastrofe v morju, ki jih povzročajo odpadki in ostali dejavniki, so grozljive, saj se ponekod po svetu ljudje že kopajo v smeteh, ki jih v morje vsak dan odložimo na tone. Ne pomislimo na to, da bodo ogrozile naravno okolje. Ni nujno, da je morje vedno onesnaženo zaradi človekovega posega. V nekaterih primerih so krive tudi naravne katastrofe, vendar je v večini primerov glavni krivec prav človek. Na žalost onesnaženje morja, ki ga povzročamo, vodi k nezdravemu naravnemu okolju ter škoduje vsem živim bitjem. Da bi se onesnaženost morja zmanjšala, bi morali biti ljudje bolj seznanjeni s posledicami onesnaženosti. Pogosteje bi morali prijavljati kazniva dejanja, povezana z onesnaževanjem morja. Zavedati bi se morali, da odpadkov ne smemo puščati vsepovsod.
Keywords:morje, Jadransko morje, onesnaževanje, morski odpadki, pristaniška dejavnost, pomorski promet, ekološka kriminaliteta, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Jurman]
Year of publishing:2018
Year of performance:2018
Number of pages:VI, 56 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70427 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3563242 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.06.2018
JURMAN, Maruška, 2018, Problematika onesnaževanja slovenskega morja : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : M. Jurman. [Accessed 31 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=70427
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Secondary language

Title:The problem of pollution of the slovenian sea
Abstract:Regardless of the fact that our sea is small, it has a high biological diversity. There are criminal offenses, connected with the environmental crime. The sea enables performing a number of economic activities, connected with the sea, which is also a great burden. Alas, the final destination for most of the waste is the marine environment. In the bachelor’s thesis, we focused on the issues of pollution of the Slovenian sea as a consequence of the environmental crime. In more detail, we studied the factors for which we believe that they cause pollution in the Slovenian sea and protection of the sea in general. The central problem of the sea is pollution, for which the main culprits are maritime traffic, industry, agriculture, cross-border pollution, rainwater, marine fishing, tourism, human settlement, warehousing and other non-economic activities connected with the sea. All these activities burden the sea and cause its pollution by dangerous substances and waste, which is common in the Slovenian sea, especially the plastic one. Therefore, polluting should be penalized by higher penalties and more frequent supervision. More frequent cleansing actions should be organized and prizes should be offered in order for the involvement of the people to become greater. Ecological disasters in sea caused by waste and other factors are gruesome, for people in some parts of the world already bathe in waste which is deposited in the sea in tones every day. We do not think of that that they will threaten the natural environment. It is not necessary that sea is always polluted because of the human’s intervention. In some cases, the natural disasters are also to be blamed. However, the human is the main culprit in most of the cases. Unfortunately, the pollution of the sea which we cause leads to an unhealthy natural environment and is damaging to all living creatures. In order to reduce the pollution of the sea, people would have to be more acquainted with the consequences of the pollution. They would have to report criminal offenses connected with the pollution of the sea more often. They would have to realize that we must not leave litter everywhere.
Keywords:environmental crime, Slovenian sea, pollution of the sea, marine waste


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