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Title:Organizacija : revija za management, informatiko in kadre
Authors:ID Zupančič, Jože, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru (Ed. in chief and responsible ed.)
ID Doucek, Petr, University of Economics, Prague (Editor)
ID Dekleva, Sasha, DePaul University, Chicago (Editor)
Files:URL https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/orga
URL http://organizacija.fov.uni-mb.si/
Work type:Journal
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Organizacija je interdisciplinarna strokovna revija, ki objavlja prispevke s področja organizacije, informatike in kadrovskega managementa.
Keywords:organizacija dela, organizacija podjetja, organizacija poslovanja, ekonomika podjetja, kadrovanje, informacijski sistemi, uspešnost poslovanja, politika podjetja, finance, management, menedžment
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publisher:Fakulteta za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru, Založba Moderna organizacija, Sciendo
Year of publishing:1995
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70342 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:610909 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.05.2018
DOUCEK, Petr and DEKLEVA, Sasha (eds.), 1995, Organizacija : revija za management, informatiko in kadre [online]. 1995. Fakulteta za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru, Založba Moderna organizacija, Sciendo. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: http://organizacija.fov.uni-mb.si/
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Secondary language

Title:Organizacija : journal of management, informatics and human resources
Abstract:Organizacija is an interdisciplinary peer reviewed journal that seeks state-of-art both theoretical and practical research papers covering managerial aspects of organizational science, business information systems and human resources management.
Keywords:organizational theory, innovative organizational structures, organizational methods, quality management, organizational behaviour, human resources management, information systems, application of information technology, interorganizational systems, electronic commerce, decision-making, decision support, executive information systems


This document is a collection and includes these documents:
  1. Can marketing resources contribute to company performance?
  2. The job satisfaction of detectives investigating economic crime in the police directorates of Ljubljana-Maribor and some reasons for their fluctuation
  3. The management of complaints in Slovene public administration
  4. Integration as a tool of destination management
  5. The influence of organizational absorptive capacity on product and process innovation
  6. A best practice model for useful suggestions management
  7. Innovativeness as precondition for business excellence in public utiliy (communal) companies
  8. Teaching information system technology in partnership with IT companies
  9. Innovation and human resource management
  10. How public relations impact on a company's effectiveness
  11. Corruption in public administration units and organizational measures to prevent and fight corruption
  12. Fuzzy SERVQUAL analysis in airline services
  13. Forecasting the primary demand for a beer brand using time series analysis
  14. Organizational mental map and conative competences
  15. Internet marketing communication and schools
  16. The role of information for recognising business opportunities
  17. Cost optimal project scheduling
  18. Organisational effectiveness and customer satisfaction
  19. The impact of management control systems - strategy interaction on performance management
  20. Organization in finance prepared by stohastic differential equations with additive and nonlinear models and continuous optimization
  21. Social classes and social mobility in Slovenia and Europe
  22. Production control of a polymerization plant based on production performance indicators
  23. Accounting treatment of goodwill in IFRS and US GAAP
  24. Implementation of the scheduling domain description model
  25. Trends that will shape the professions of the future information society
  26. E-education between padagogical and didactic theory and practise
  27. Children and virtual reality
  28. Implementation, effectiveness and experience with remote laboratory in engineering education
  29. Data envelopment analysis
  30. Research on life objective structures of managers and entrepreneurs in Serbia
  31. How does networking impact the SMEs growth
  32. Organisational culture as organisational identity
  33. Technological, marketing and complementary competencies driving innovative performance of Slovenian manufacturing firms
  34. Managers and leaders in organizations of a post-transition economy
  35. Some aspects of the health-care institutions management in Slovenia
  36. Information-communication technology (ICT) in our lives
  37. The relevance of systems methodologies in the development of organizational systems
  38. Heuristic approach to inventory control with advance capacity information
  39. Selection criteria for six sigma projects in Slovenian manufacturing companies
  40. The salary system in the private sector in the Republic Slovenia
  41. Analyzing the process of patent aubmission with a special emphasis on the phases of the research process
  42. Process reengineering and innovation of remaking soapsuds
  43. Public financial funds efficiency regarding the development of innovative activities in small and medium-sized enterprises
  44. An overview of models for assessment of organization virtuality
  45. A successful CRM implementation project in a service company
  46. Enhancing the effectiveness of training through information feedback
  47. An analysis of corruption in microenterprises
  48. The organisational and personnel aspects of introducing ICT into grammar schools
  49. Comparison of human resource management in Slovenian family and non-family businesses
  50. Open educational resources in e-learning
  51. Elements influencing study success
  52. The importance of perception and consciousness for E-learning
  53. Developing soft skills for engineering
  54. Teaching Scrum in cooperation with a software development company
  55. Challenges of advanced technologies and school of the future
  56. Educational institution's image
  57. Long-term digital preservation in e-government
  58. Development of new product/process development procedure for SMEs
  59. A system dynamics model for improving primary education enrollment in a developing country
  60. A methodology for improving strategic decisions in social systems with a lack of information
  61. The COMPRAM methodology and comlpex societal problems
  62. Development of a web application for dynamic production scheduling in small and medium enterprises
  63. Simulated decision learning in a multiactor setting
  64. The impact of economic growth on the dynamics of enterprises
  65. Alliance networks
  66. Factors affecting reading speed measurements of coloured web pages
  67. The impact of managers on successful ERP implementation
  68. Knowledge management in the hotel industry before and after the entry in the EU
  69. Barriers and benefits of investments into enterprise content management systems
  70. Authentic leadership in contemporary Slovenian business environment
  71. Providing the success of Six Sigma by proper project identification and selection
  72. Information technology and organizational effectiveness
  73. Some of the main factors of innovative renewal of companies' operations
  74. Entrepreneurial conative component of competences
  75. Higher education demand factors and the demand for tourism education in Slovenia
  76. Innovation management and an innovative ideas system
  77. Multiple paradigm research on organisational culture
  78. Unemployment and government's subsidizing
  79. Customer satisfaction and acceptance of relationship marketing concept
  80. Testing the sustainability of growth of the LJSEX in the January 2000 to May 2010 period
  81. Codes of ethics and codes of conduct for using ICT in education
  82. Educational possibilities of the project Colour visualization of music
  83. Baselines for the preparation of electronic textbooks
  84. Cultural dimensions and leadership styles perceived by future managers
  85. Problem of trust in alliance networks
  86. Upgrading of the management review on the basis of the EFQM excellence model
  87. Simple stochastic model for planning the inventory of spare components subject to wear-out
  88. The influence of broadband regulation in EU on the development of the regulated technology
  89. Perceived factors and obstacles to cognitive schema change during economic crisis
  90. The perspective of business process outsourcing in Slovenian organizations
  91. The steps of Slovenian organisations on the way to business excellence
  92. The value of "vehicle to grid" integration into warehouse logistics management
  93. Group decision making
  94. Strategical perspective of corporate environmental policy
  95. Innovations and lifelong learning in sustainable organization
  96. Are there important differences in success and in organizational culture between family companies in production and service sector in Slovenia?
  97. The role of employee relations in the level of internal integration between logistics and marketing functions
  98. Intercultural differences in the purchase and information behaviour of young consumers
  99. Clustered approach to ICT services utilization analysis
  100. Managing IT services
  101. Application of modern management concepts by Polish companies
  102. Does the development of alternative energy technologies allow for new forms of coopetition?
  103. Giving-up management system certification
  104. Asymmetric and nonlinear impact of attribute-level performance on overall customer satisfaction in the context of car servicing of four European automotive brands in Slovenia
  105. Usage of information and communication technology in micro enterprises in the last decade
  106. Towards understanding collaborative learning in the social media environment
  107. Virtual laboratory in chemistry
  108. Solving complex problems with help of experiential learning
  109. Using the 3D virtual environments for teaching
  110. Trends in ICT and multimedia supported education
  111. The conceptual learning of physics in Slovenian secondary schools
  112. Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" and implications for leadership
  113. Attitudes toward workplace mobbing in Slovenian research organisations
  114. Influence of demographic factors on employee satisfaction and motivation
  115. Integration of technology management and selected specifics of best technology-integrated companies
  116. Editorial
  117. In memoriam - professor Milton A. Jenkins
  118. GEPSUS
  119. System dynamics model for policy scenarios of organic farming development
  120. The need for simulation in complex industrial systems
  121. Contribution to the collaborative work in virtual organization
  122. Comparative analysis of collaborative and simulation based learning in the management environment
  123. Application of fuzzy AHP approach to selection of organizational structure with consideration to contextual dimensions
  124. Differences between offer and demand on the ICT specialist's Czech labor market
  125. Quantitative model for economic analyses of information security investment in an enterprise information system
  126. Regression analysis of variables describing poultry meat supply in European countries
  127. Why European subordinates trust their managers
  128. Organisational factors of rapid growth of Slovenian dynamic enterprises
  129. Analysis of increased information technology outsourcing factors
  130. Financial distress prediction of Iranian companies using data minig techniques
  131. The impact of the intellectual charm of physicians on the healthcare organizations
  132. The impact of socially responsible reporting on successful corporate operations
  133. Human resources annual interview as a part of authentic leadership
  134. The relationship between delay in announcing quaterly forecasts of annual earnings and the type of earnings news
  135. Country's development as a determinant of early-stage entrepreneurial activity
  136. Investment-cash flow sensitivity
  137. Relation between knowledge management and turnover in Slovenian micro and small start-up organisations
  138. Characters of innovation management in the primary health care centers
  139. Ski jumping - talent battle in a learning organization
  140. Indentification elements of optimal organisational model of tourism education in Slovenia
  141. Systemic outlook in technology-management trends of best technology/ICT companies
  142. Cost-effective restructuring based on process approach
  143. Human resource development in a small company
  144. Competency management in Central Europe
  145. Integrating management competencies development with an organizational culture formation
  146. The influence of personality characteristics on individual competencies of work group members
  147. Eliminating knowledge bottlenecks using fuzzy logic
  148. Management competencies and organizational performance in CEE
  149. Personality: blessing or curse?
  150. Career planning as a building block of personal excellence
  151. Competency based training need assessment
  152. Relation between entrepreneurial curiosity and entrepreneurial self-efficacy
  153. Importance of motivating factors for international mobility of students
  154. A review of critical success factors for offshore software development projects
  155. The relationship between sustainability-oriented innovation practices and organizational performance
  156. Impacts of the implementation of a project management information system
  157. The transfer of knowledge in intra-organizational networks
  158. Work-life balance by area, actual situation and expectations
  159. Shaping of competencies of managers in academic incubators of entrepreneurship in Poland
  160. Training needs assessment for leaders in nursing based on comparison of competency models
  161. Editorial
  162. Weibull decision support systems in maintenance
  163. Fuzzy optimization for portfolio selection based on embedding theorem in fuzzy normed linear spaces
  164. The development of sugar beet production and processing simulation model
  165. Key factors for development of export in Polish food sector
  166. Extended technology acceptance model for SPSS acceptance among Slovenian students of social sciences
  167. Exploring approaches how to measure a lean process
  168. Lean manufacturing effects in a Serbian confectionery company
  169. Practical applications of quality tools in Polish manufacturing companies
  170. Managing customer participation and customer interactions in service delivery
  171. An application of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and sensitivity analysis for maintenance policy selection
  172. The concept of communities of practise on the example of IT sector
  173. The relationship between optimism, pre-entrepreneurial curiosity and entrepreneurial curiosity
  174. The prospects for consumer-oriented social media
  175. Relationships among components of insurance companies and services' quality
  176. Quality registers in professional health care educations
  177. Users' perceptions on internet financial reporting
  178. Outline of implemented eco-innovation activities
  179. Organizational and managerial challenges of reforming Slovenian public agencies
  180. Organizational flexibility, employee security and organizational efficiency
  181. The influence of social networking sites on recruiting human resources in the Czech republic
  182. Students' perception of HR competencies
  183. The heterogeneous accentuation of economic content in vocational education
  184. On-the-job training and human resource management
  185. Macroeconomic determinants of the non-performing placements and off-balance sheet liabilities of Croatian banks
  186. Mobile wallets' business models
  187. Analysis of online marketing management in Czech Republik
  188. Organizational ambidexterity, exploration, exploitation and firms innovation performance
  189. Quality evaluation information support in higher education
  190. Commercialization methods of a new product/service in ICT industry
  191. Sugar beet production
  192. How close to reality is the „as-is” business process simulation model?
  193. Web application for hierarchical organizational structure optimization
  194. Systems approach to standardisation, classification and modelling of managed events for tourism
  195. A statistical model for shutdowns due to air quality control for a copper production decision support system
  196. Multi-criteria assessment of vegetable production business alternatives
  197. Coopetition effect determinants
  198. Impact of population ageing on unemployment and entrepreneurial activity
  199. The impact of demographic changes on the organization of emergency medical services
  200. Social CRM adoption and its impact on performance outcomes
  201. Predictors of users' satisfaction with E-payment system
  202. Employability of nursing care graduates
  203. Interest in currency trading learning
  204. Awareness and attitude towards green IS in Slovenian enterprises
  205. Factors influencing attitudes towards the use of CRM's analytical tools in organizations
  206. Hybridization of stochastic local search and genetic algorithm for human resource planning management
  207. Attitudes of social gerontology and physiotherapy students towards the elderly
  208. Guest editorial
  209. The employee as the unknown actor?
  210. The determinants of employee ownership plan implementation in EU countries - the quest for economic democracy
  211. Are cooperative banks better equipped to weather financial crisis than their commercial counterparts?
  212. Health services utilization in older Europeans
  213. Analysis of interactions of key stakeholders on B2C e-markets
  214. Key factors for the successful operation of clusters
  215. Understanding the structural complexity of induced travel demand in decision-making
  216. A primary human critical success factors model for the ERP system implementation
  217. Business model innovation: insights from a multiple case study of Slovenian SMEs
  218. An empirical study of the relationship between entrepreneurial curiosity and innovativeness
  219. Differences between national cultures matter
  220. Strategic management in development of youth and women entrepreneurship
  221. Marketing mix and tourism destination image
  222. An empirical study of the relationship between entrepreneurial competences and innovativeness of successors in family SMEs
  223. Mobbing in company
  224. User experience with security elements in internet and mobile banking
  225. Contingency factors influencing implementation of physical asset management practices
  226. Psychological empowerment, job satisfaction and organizational commitment among lecturers in higher education
  227. Reasons for plagiarism in higher education
  228. Burnout of older and younger employees
  229. Analysis of expatriation process in a Slovenian company
  230. Markov analysis of studentsʼ performance and academic progress in higher education
  231. Can social media content increase financial market returns?
  232. Model of knowledge management factors and their impact on the organizations' success
  233. Perceived gender equality in managerial positions in organizations
  234. Psychosocial factors in the development of low back pain among professional drivers
  235. Strategic aspect of knowledge management
  236. Mobbing in a non-profit organisation
  237. Editorial
  238. Industry 4.0 and the new simulation modelling paradigm
  239. Systems approach to tourism
  240. Organizational learning supported by machine learning models coupled with general explanation methods
  241. Validation of agent-based approach for simulating the conversion to organic farming
  242. Financial system and agricultural growth in Ukraine
  243. The importance of business model factors for cloud computing adoption
  244. Homecare service providers as an organizational form of support for the elderly
  245. An overview of image analysis algorithms for license plate recognition
  246. The indifferent, the good Samaritan, the brave and the agent in Allais paradox situation
  247. Hotels and Halal-oriented products
  248. Innovation leaders, modest innovators and non-innovative SMEs in Slovakia
  249. The use of the Kano model to enhance costumer satisfaction
  250. Analysis of individual aspects influencing non-purchasing in an online environment and consumer willingness to purchase custom-made apparel
  251. Multi-objective optimization algorithms with the island metaheuristic for effective project management problem solving
  252. Editorial
  253. Public support of solar electricity and its impact on households - prosumers
  254. An organizational framework for logistic platform and its subtypes in a search for more logistically attractive regions
  255. Evaluation of the influence of the macro-environment on the social innovation activity of enterprises
  256. Measuring the concentration of insurance sector
  257. Sustainability and sustainability marketing in competing for the title of European Capital of Culture
  258. Part-time jobs: opportunity or obstacle?
  259. Regular and temporary employees in project organized business pay different attention to preconditions for learning
  260. The influence of teachersʼ perceptions of school leadersʼ empowering behaviours on the dimensions of psychological empowerment
  261. Factors affecting the intentions to use RFID subcutaneous microchip implants for healthcare purposes
  262. The challenges of SME business transfers
  263. Impact of fear of identity theft and perceived risk on online purchase intention
  264. The online communication of corporate social responsibility in subsidiaries of multinational companies in Hungary
  265. Performance indicators of management buyouts using the analytic hierarchy process method
  266. Influence of entrance exams results on foreign students in economics studies at Univeristy of economics, Prague
  267. The transition of young people from study to employment in the light of student work
  268. Organization, autopoiesis and human potential as paradigm of the future organization
  269. Are we ready to use microchip implants?
  270. Mapping of the emergence of society 5.0
  271. Relationships between work-family balance, job satisfaction, life satisfaction and work engagement among higher education lecturers
  272. Hotel branding exposed


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