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Title:Fizična pripravljenost policista v primerjavi s fizično pripravljenostjo vojaka : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Ajdnik, Sara (Author)
ID Dvojmoč, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Krope, Srečko (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Ajdnik_Sara_2018.pdf (665,38 KB)
MD5: 0900B8554BE649A830CE6576FBC483BE
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d2da4963-fc09-4287-8ad9-e97dc49bad90
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo dve največji varnostni državni instituciji, policijo in vojsko. V slednjih so zaposlene osebe, ki varujejo javni red in mir. Od njih se pričakuje odlična psiho-fizična pripravljenost, saj so oni tisti, ki branijo državo ter njene državljane. Zanimalo nas je, koliko časa dejansko vložijo v svoj razvoj, ter koliko k temu prispevajo institucije, v katerih so zaposleni. Z kvalitativno analizo smo ugotavljali, koliko in če sploh se posvečajo športnim dejavnostim, zaradi katerih lahko ohranjajo svojo fizično kondicijo. Raziskali smo tudi, kdo ima možnost do fizične dejavnosti med službo, ki bi jim glede na ostre kriterije pred vstopom v vojsko ali policijo morala biti omogočena ter vzdrževana tudi ko so že enkrat v delovnem razmerju. Na policijskih upravah potekajo usposabljanja za policiste Posebne policijske enote, policiste v streljanju in vadba samoobrambe. Vsakemu udeležencu pripada osem ur usposabljanja mesečno in sicer, tri ure za teoretično izpopolnjevanje ter pet ur za praktični postopek in samoobrambo. V sodelovanju s fakulteto za šport je Generalna policijska uprava predpisala program za spremljanje psihofizičnega stanja policistov. Program obsega vsebine iz področja policijskih pooblastil, praktičnih postopkov s samoobrambo, ravnanje in streljanje z orožjem, ter psihofizične zmožnosti (Podlogar, 2014). Rezultati so pokazali, da policija svojim pripadnikom omogoča telesno aktivnost, vendar v zelo omejeni količini. Medtem pa pripadniki vojske vsakodnevno izvajajo razne fizične aktivnosti, njihova pripravljenost pa se meri enkrat letno na preizkusu gibalnih sposobnosti. Vsak vojak je ocenjen, če se med njimi najde kakšen, ki opravi preizkus dve leti zaporedoma z najnižjo oceno, je ta potencialen kandidat za prekinitev delovnega razmerja. Vojska skrbi, da so njeni pripadniki odlično fizično in psihično pripravljeni. Glede na ugotovljeno, je zelo zanimivo dejstvo to, da so psihofizični kriteriji za sprejem policista na akademijo precej težji od psihofizičnih kriterijev za sprejem vojaka na usposabljanje.
Keywords:policija, policisti, vojska, vojaki, fizična pripravljenost, uposabljanje, primerjave, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Ajdnik]
Year of publishing:2018
Year of performance:2018
Number of pages:VII, 40 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-69970 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3545322 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.05.2018
AJDNIK, Sara, 2018, Fizična pripravljenost policista v primerjavi s fizično pripravljenostjo vojaka : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : S. Ajdnik. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=69970
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Secondary language

Title:Physical readiness of a policeman in comparison to physical readiness of a soldier
Abstract:In this diploma thesis we deal with two largest safety state institutions, police and army. People, who are protecting state order and peace, are employed in these institutions. It is expected from them to be in excellent psycho-physical readiness, since they are those who are defending a state and its citizens. Because of these people we feel safe. We wondered how much time they actually invest in their development and how much institutions that they are employed in, contribute to this. With a qualitative analysis we wanted to find out how much and if they are devoting at all to sport activities, because of which they can keep their physical fitness. We looked also into, who has the possibility to physical activity among their job, which would have to be allowed and kept, considering a sharp criteria before the entry in army or police as well as when they are already in contractual employment relationship. On police administrations trainings for police officers of Special police unit, police officers in shooting and training of self-defense are being held. Every participant has the right to get monthly eight hours of training, which are three hours for theoretical perfecting and five hours for practical procedure and self-defense. In cooperation with faculty for sport has the General Police Directorate determined a program for monitoring of psychophysical condition of police officers. The program comprises contents from field of police mandates, practical procedures with self-defense, treatment and shooting with a weapon and psychophysical abilities (Podlogar, in 2014). The results have shown that the police makes possible for its members to have physical activities, but in very limited amount. Meanwhile, members of army are daily carrying out different physical activities, their readiness is measured once a year on the test of locomotor abilities. Every soldier is assessed, if anyone that finishes a test with the lowest assessment in two years, is a potential candidate for the suspension of contractual employment relationship. Army makes sure that its members are in excellent physical and psychical shape. Considering what we found out, it is very interesting fact that psycho-physical criteria for accepting a police officer on the academy is a lot harder in comparison to psycho-physical criteria for accepting a soldier.
Keywords:police, army, physical readiness


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