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Title:Integracija obnovljivih virov za večjo samooskrbo ACB Vransko
Authors:ID Stožir, Martin (Author)
ID Knez, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Stozir_Martin_2018.pdf (1,86 MB)
MD5: F2E8C29660FD3005E234E4DAAA7416CE
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/4cc0de3b-4e2e-4374-a326-d8157ea93df7
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Integracija obnovljivih virov za večjo samooskrbo ACB Vransko Podjetje DRAS d. d. se ukvarja z vzdrževanjem in obnovo avtocest in hitrih cest v Republiki Sloveniji. Prav tako pa ima v lasti tudi veliko nepremičnin, s katerimi mora gospodarno ravnati. Zaradi vse večjega pomena trajnostno delovanje v svetu se je tudi to netipično logistično podjetje odločilo podpreti projekte, ki temeljijo na obnovljivih virih energije. Nekateri tako naravnani projekti že potekajo znotraj podjetja, pa vendar bi si jih želeli še več. Z izdelavo te naloge raziskujemo možnosti za vpeljavo izkoriščanja sončne energije s pomočjo izgradnje sončnih elektrarn. Osredotočili smo se predvsem na že obstoječe objekte, ki se nahajajo v Avtocestni bazi Vransko. Le-te bi uporabili kot glavno izhodišče, saj bi jih s pomočjo strešnih konstrukcij opremili s solarnimi moduli. Pri tem pa ne smemo pozabiti na podjetje BISOL, ki je z nami delilo svoje strokovno znanje in veščine, ki so jih pridobili z večletnimi izkušnjami pri gradnji na tem področju. S pomočjo kakovostne izvedbe montažnih del bi tako pridobljeno električno energijo v prvi vrsti uporabili za samooskrbo naših potreb, morebitne nastale viške pa bi nato prodali v obstoječe omrežje. Prav tako pa bodo opravljeni nekateri izračuni o smotrnosti izgradnje takšne elektrarne. Vse tako nastale rešitve bodo podane s smernicami in usmeritvami podjetja. Torej, če povzamemo, se podjetje DARS d. d. zaveda vedno večje družbene odgovornosti do integracije trajnostnega delovanja v svojem okolju. S pomočjo inovativnih idej svojih zaposlenih preko projektne pisarne, zadolžene ravno za kasnejšo realizacijo, se le-te praktično uporabijo na terenu. Ključne besede: električni modul, sončna energija, obnovljivi viri, investicija, ACB Vransko, DARS d. d.
Keywords:Integracija obnovljivih virov za večjo samooskrbo ACB Vransko Podjetje DRAS d. d. se ukvarja z vzdrževanjem in obnovo avtocest in hitrih cest v Republiki Sloveniji. Prav tako pa ima v lasti tudi veliko nepremičnin, s katerimi mora gospodarno ravnati. Zaradi vse večjega pomena trajnostno delovanje v svetu se je tudi to netipično logistično podjetje odločilo podpreti projekte, ki temeljijo na obnovljivih virih energije. Nekateri tako naravnani projekti že potekajo znotraj podjetja, pa vendar bi si jih želeli še več. Z izdelavo te naloge raziskujemo možnosti za vpeljavo izkoriščanja sončne energije s pomočjo izgradnje sončnih elektrarn. Osredotočili smo se predvsem na že obstoječe objekte, ki se nahajajo v Avtocestni bazi Vransko. Le-te bi uporabili kot glavno izhodišče, saj bi jih s pomočjo strešnih konstrukcij opremili s solarnimi moduli. Pri tem pa ne smemo pozabiti na podjetje BISOL, ki je z nami delilo svoje strokovno znanje in veščine, ki so jih pridobili z večletnimi izkušnjami pri
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-69884 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.05.2018
STOŽIR, Martin, 2018, Integracija obnovljivih virov za večjo samooskrbo ACB Vransko [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 8 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=69884
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:12.03.2018

Secondary language

Title:The integration of renewable energy sources in ACB Vransko for bigger self-sufficiency
Abstract:The integration of renewable energy sources in ACB Vransko for bigger self-sufficiency Company DRAS d. d. deals with the maintenance and reconstruction of the highways in the Republic of Slovenia. It also owns a lot of real estate, whit which it must, as much as possible, deal economically. Due to the increasing importance of green logistics in the world, has this atypical logistics company decided to support projects based on renewable energy sources. Some such projects are already going on within the company, but they would like to have more of it. In these thesis, we introduce the exploitation of solar energy through the construction of solar power plants. We focused primarily on existing facilities located in ACB Vransko. Only some of these objects would be used as the main starting point, on which we would built solar panels using roof structures. In doing so, we must not forget the company BISOL, who shared with us their expertise and skills acquired through several years of experience in construction in this field. With the help of high-quality assembly work, the electricity so obtained would be used primarily for the self-supply of our needs, and any resulting surpluses would then be sold to the existing network. In this thesis we will also made, some calculations about the feasibility of building such a power plant. All such solutions will be provided with the company's guidelines and directions. So, if we conclude, company DARS d. d. is aware of the growing social responsibility of integrating green logistics into its environment. But only with the help of innovative ideas of its employees through project offices, which are responsible for the later realization of the projects, company can make differences not only in the field of renewable sources, but also elsewhere. Keywords: electric module, solar energy, renewable sources of energy, ACB Vransko, DARS d. d.
Keywords:The integration of renewable energy sources in ACB Vransko for bigger self-sufficiency Company DRAS d. d. deals with the maintenance and reconstruction of the highways in the Republic of Slovenia. It also owns a lot of real estate, whit which it must, as much as possible, deal economically. Due to the increasing importance of green logistics in the world, has this atypical logistics company decided to support projects based on renewable energy sources. Some such projects are already going on within the company, but they would like to have more of it. In these thesis, we introduce the exploitation of solar energy through the construction of solar power plants. We focused primarily on existing facilities located in ACB Vransko. Only some of these objects would be used as the main starting point, on which we would built solar panels using roof structures. In doing so, we must not forget the company BISOL, who shared with us their expertise and skills acquired through several years of expe


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