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Title:Prepoznavanje laži s pomočjo neverbalne komunikacije : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Arčnik, Anja (Author)
ID Areh, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Arcnik_Anja_2018.pdf (1,09 MB)
MD5: 5E6F27716AA39E26A2CA1EDA3140B7FD
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a69d6259-d3e7-46b7-927d-86115f55df38
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi je zajeto vse o lažeh in prevarah in o tem zakaj ljudje sploh lažejo. Našteti in opisani so tipi lažnivcev. Predstavljene so tudi vrste laži in njihova zaznava. Z lažmi in prevarami se srečujemo vsak dan. Ne moremo storiti veliko, da bi nekomu preprečili, da bi nam lagal, lahko pa se naučimo bolje prepoznavati in presojati zapleteno vedenje, ki je povezano z medsebojnim sporazumevanjem. Lahko se naučimo slišati različne odtenke glasu, prepoznati drobne razlike v hitrosti govora, višini glasu in glasnosti, ki namigujejo na poskus prevare. Če prisluhnemo vsebini govora, nam to lahko pomaga razumeti, kako sogovornik razmišlja. Če se naučimo videti onkraj telesnih znakov stresa in običajnih mask, lahko natančneje razberemo pomen kretenj, drže, položaja, izraza in gibov. Strokovnjaki, psihologi, policisti in laiki se trudijo prepoznati laži skozi neverbalno komunikacijo, vendar se dosti krat pojavijo razne težave, ki sem jih izpostavila v diplomskem delu. Vzrok za to, so naj več krat napačna prepričanja o dejanskih znakih laganja ali pa preveliko opiranje na samo neverbalno komunikacijo. V drugem delu diplome so predstavljena čustva, ki se pojavljajo med laganjem ter znaki neverbalne komunikacije, kot so, govorica telesa, kretnje, drža, gibi, mikro obrazni izrazi. Neverbalno komunikacijo je težje nadzorovati kot verbalno. Zaradi tega se lahko pojavijo ključni indikatorji, ki nakazujejo na laži.
Keywords:laž, laganje, odkrivanje laži, neverbalna komunikacija, govorica telesa, glas, obrazni izrazi, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Arčnik]
Year of publishing:2018
Year of performance:2018
Number of pages:V, 40 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-69816 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3569130 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.07.2018
ARČNIK, Anja, 2018, Prepoznavanje laži s pomočjo neverbalne komunikacije : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : A. Arčnik. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=69816
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Secondary language

Title:Detecting lies with non verbal communication
Abstract:Diploma includes everything about lies and deceit and why people even lie. In the thesis, different types of liars are listed and discribed. The types of lies and their perceptions are also presented. We come across lies and deceit every day. We can't do much to prevent someone to lie to us, but we can learn, how to be better at recognizing and judging the complicated behavior that is connected with mutual communication. We can learn to hear different tones of voice and the tiny differences in speech speed, height of the voice and the volume that suggests an attempt to deceive. By listening to the content of speech, it can help us understand how the other person is thinking. If we learn to see beyond the physical signs of stress and ordinary masks, we can more accurately understand the meaning of gestures, posture, position, expression, and movements. Experts, Psychologists, police officers and lay people are trying to recognize lies through non-verbal communication, but problems occur, which I have highlighted them in my thesis. The main reason for this are mostly miscalculated thoughts on actual signs of deceit or relying too much just on the non-verbal communication. In the second part of the study are listed emotions, that occur during lying and signs of non-verbal communication, such as body language, gestures, posture, movements and micro-facial expressions.
Keywords:lies, non verbal communication, cues, emotions, behavior, psychology


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