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Title:Intercultural differences in the purchase and information behaviour of young consumers
Authors:ID Klemenčič, Beno (Author)
ID Devetak, Gabrijel (Author)
ID Števančec, Darko (Author)
Files:.pdf Organizacija_2012_Klemencic,_Devetak,_Stevancec_Intercultural_Differences_in_the_Purchase_and_Information_Behaviour_of_Young_Consumers.pdf (857,95 KB)
MD5: 46BEF0CC122A383E01E19F5B95A9B8FB
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a5948e8c-f9af-481c-a551-b6682066c57d
URL http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/orga.2012.45.issue-1/v10051-012-0002-8/v10051-012-0002-8.xml
Work type:Scientific work
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Pressures in the contemporary marketing environment are getting bigger and companies and marketers are required to know consumers and their purchase and information behaviour. In this article we studied the behaviour of consumers and the factors of purchase and information behaviour of young consumers when choosing clothes. We found out about the meaning of individual clothing characteristics having impact on the purchase decision making (price, trademark, fitting of clothing, design, quality, etc.). Consumers receive and look for information at different sources (radio commercials, TV commercials and shows, fashion magazines, catalogue sales, social networks, friends and acquaintances, etc.). With the empiric research we wanted to find out to what measure individual sources influence the purchase decision of an individual. We studied young people aged from 15 to 24 in the countries of the EU (Slovenia, Austria and Germany) and the United States of America. We especially focused on characteristic differences. Knowing intercultural differences is important for global companies of the clothing industry for forming their marketing strategies. On the sample of 440 young people who took part in the survey we found out that intercultural differences exist regarding the influence of individual information sources and regarding the factors of purchase decision making. Considering the stated we propose companies operating in global markets on both continents to prepare differentiated marketing strategies.
Keywords:consumer behaviour, clothing, marketing strategies, intercultural differences
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2012
Number of pages:str. 14-23
Numbering:Letn. 45, št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-69457 New window
ISSN on article:1318-5454
COBISS.SI-ID:254539 New window
DOI:10.2478/v10051-012-0002-8 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.01.2018
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Organizacija : revija za management, informatiko in kadre
Shortened title:Organizacija
Publisher:Moderna organizacija
COBISS.SI-ID:610909 New window


License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:23.01.2018

Secondary language

Title:Medkulturne razlike v nakupnem in informacijskem vedenju mladih porabnikov
Abstract:Pritiski v sodobnem tržnem okolju so vse večji in zahtevajo od podjetij in tržnikov, da poznajo porabnike in njihovo nakupno in informacijsko vedenje. V prispevku smo proučevali vedenje porabnikov in dejavnike nakupnega in informacijskega vedenja mladih porabnikov pri izbiri oblačil. Ugotavljali smo pomen posameznih lastnosti oblačila, ki vplivajo na nakupno odločitev (cena, blagovna znamka, prileganje oblačila, dizajn, kakovost, idr.). Porabniki prejemajo in iščejo informacije iz različnih virov (oglasi na radiu, oglasi in oddaje na televiziji, revije o modi, kataloška prodaja, družbena omrežja, prijatelji in znanci, idr). Z empirično raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri posamezni viri vplivajo na posameznikovo nakupno odločitev. Proučevali smo mlade v starosti od 15 do 24 let v državah Evropske unije (Slovenija, Avstrija in Nemčija) in Združenih državah Amerike. Posebej smo ugotavljali značilne razlike. Poznavanje medkulturnih razlik je pomembno za globalna podjetja oblačilne industrije pri oblikovanju marketinških strategij. Na vzorcu 440 anketiranih smo ugotovili, da obstajajo medkulturne razlike v ocenah vpliva posameznih virov informacij in v dejavnikih nakupnega odločanja. Glede na navedeno predlagamo podjetjem, ki nastopajo na globalnih trgih obeh kontinentov pripravo diferenciranih marketinških strategij.
Keywords:potrošniki, vedenje, vedenje porabnikov, mladina, nakup, odločanje, oblačila, marketinške strategije, medkulturne razlike


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  1. Organizacija


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