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Title:Zagotavljanje kakovosti storitev pri prodaji LCD televizorjev
Authors:ID Slatenšek, Jure (Author)
ID Maletič, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 4FC068095C7B422F39BB02DF72889B60
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/30dbfc68-e355-4918-bdce-fdd098f743d5
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati možne izboljšave kakovosti storitve pri prodaji LCD televizorjev na domačem trgu. Eno glavnih meril, po katerih se meri uspešnost posameznih podjetij, je kakovost storitve. Da podjetja lahko rastejo in so konkurenčna na trgu,morajo stalno izboljševati kakovost, kar smo obravnavali v diplomskem delu. V začetnem teoretičnem delu smo predstavili glavne značilnosti kakovosti storitve. Na kratko smo razložili tudi pomembnost zadovoljevanja potreb porabnikov, vrednost za kupca, soočenje s storitvijo ter dejavnike kakovosti storitev. Nato smo bolj podrobno predstavili porabnikovo ocenjevanje kakovosti storitev ter zadovoljstvo in osredotočenost na kupca. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega dela pa smo predstavili modele za ocenjevanje in izboljšanje kakovosti storitve. Modeli, ki smo opisali, so:model kakovosti storitev 4 Q, model pričakovane in zaznane kakovosti storitev, model vrzeli, model vzajemnega odnosa med izvajalcem in porabnikom storitve ter model SERVQUAL. V raziskovalnem delu diplomskega dela smo skušali odkriti možne izboljšave kakovosti storitev pri prodaji LCD televizorjev s pomočjo dveh anket. Prvo anketo smo pripravili za stranke, ki so kupile LCD televizor, da bi izvedeli, kakšno izkušnjo so imele pri nakupu izdelka sprodajnim osebjem. Anketa je bila sestavljena iz sklopa 15 vprašanj, vsako paje imelo več možnih odgovorov. Spraševali smo o kakovosti storitev, ki jo ponujajo trgovine in njeni zaposleni, zadovoljstvu kupcev po nakupu LCD televizorjev, urejenosti trgovin in prodajnega osebja. V drugi anketi pa smo vprašanja zastavili prodajnemu osebju, ki je zaposleno v trgovinah,kjer prodajajo LCD televizorje,da bi tudi od njih izvedeli, kakšne so možne izboljšave kakovosti storitve. Anketa je bila sestavljena iz osmih vprašanj, ki so imela več možnih odgovorov. Poizvedovali smo o strokovnosti informacij, ki so jih nudili kupcem, doslednosti in izboljšavah, ki bi jih uvedli, če bi odločali. Na osnovi izvedene raziskave kakovosti storitve smo odkrili vrsto potencialnih izboljšav, ki smo jih tudi obravnavali v zadnjem delu diplomskega dela.Med glavne izboljšave sodi povečanje števila zaposlenih v trgovinah, kjer prodajajo LCD televizorje, ko je to najbolj potrebno. Kot glavno obdobje povečanja števila zaposlenih smo omenili mesec december, ki je za trgovce najbolj pomemben mesec. Pravtako bi bilo treba prodajno osebje tudi dodatno izobraziti in tako povečati strokovnost in predajanje boljših informacij kupcem oziroma strankam. Kot zelo pomembno izboljšavo smo omenili tudi povečanje sredstev, ki so namenjena marketingu. Ena izmed negativnih stvari pri zadovoljstvu kupcev je tudi premajhna ponudba oziroma izbira LCD televizorjev v trgovinah. Kupecposledično nima dovolj ekvivalentov in se ne more dovolj kakovostno odločiti, kateri LCD televizor izbrati. Na koncu diplomskega dela smo prišli do sklepa, da bo moralo vodstvo trgovin več časa posvetiti prodajnikom, jih poslušati in najti kakovostne rešitve, ki bodo pozitivne tako za trgovine in njihove zaposlene kot za kupce LCD televizorjev. Menimo, da bodo le tista podjetja, ki so najbolj prilagodljiva, uspela.
Keywords:- Management kakovosti - Kakovost storitev - Izboljšanje kakovostistoritev - Zadovoljstvo kupcev
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-69331 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7991571 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.02.2018
SLATENŠEK, Jure, 2018, Zagotavljanje kakovosti storitev pri prodaji LCD televizorjev [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=69331
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:04.01.2018

Secondary language

Title:Service quality assurance of lcd televisions sales
Abstract:The purpose of this diploma work is to research the possibility of improving the service of the sale of LCD televisions on the domestic market.One of the most important criteria for measuring the performance of a company is the quality of service.Continuous improvement is the prerequisite for the growth and competitiveness of companies, and this is the topic of this Diploma work. The introductory theoretical part contains a presentation of the main characteristics of the service quality. It includes a short explanation of the importance of meeting customer needs, value for the customer, facing the service and the factors of the quality of service.This is followed by a detailed presentation of assessing the quality of service by customers, customer satisfaction and focus on the customer.The final part of the theoretical part presents the models for assessing and improving the quality of service. The following models are described: 4Q model of the quality of service, the model of the expected and perceived quality of service, gap model, model of interrelationship between the service provider and user, and SERVQUAL model. In the research part of the Diploma work we were trying to find potential possibilities of improving the service of the sale of LCD televisions on the domestic market with the help of two surveys.The first survey was aimed at the customers who have bought an LCD television in order to get to know their experience with the sales staff.The survey contains 15 multiple-choice questions about the quality of services, provided by the shops and their employees,customer satisfaction after the purchase of LCD televisions, the appearance of the shops and sales staff. The second survey was aimed at the sales staff, employed in shops where LCD televisions are sold in order to find out their opinions about potential improvements of the quality of service.The survey contains 8 multiple-choice questions about the specialised information they provided to customers, consistency and what they would improve if they could make decisions. Numerous potential improvements were detected on the basis of the two surveys, which are dealt with in the final part of the Diploma work. Main improvements include increasing the number of staff in shops where LCD televisions are sold, when that is required.December, which is the most significant month for shops, is the main period when the number of staff should be increased.In addition, staff would need additional training so that the information they provide to the customers can be more professional and better.Another important improvement is the increase of funds for marketing.One of the negative experiences mentioned by customers was the offer of LCD televisions in shops, which they thought was too small.Consequently, the customer does not have enough equivalents and is not able to make a quality decision which television to buy. In conclusion, management of shops will have to devote more time to the sales staff in shops,listen to them and find appropriate solutions together, which will be positive for both, the shops and their employees and buyers of LCD televisions.In our opinion, only the most flexible companies will be successful.
Keywords:- Quality management - Quality of services - Improvement of the quality of services - customer satisfaction


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