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Title:Učinki dela pod napetostjo kot metode vzdrževanja električnih inštalacij
Authors:ID Lovrenčić, Viktor (Author)
ID Gomišček, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pantoš, Miloš (Comentor)
Files:.pdf DOK_Lovrencic_Viktor_2018.pdf (5,71 MB)
MD5: 40B517A1FE1F69851D295B95EB261E41
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/07ae94af-789a-4716-a75e-02e79db5bc17
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Organizacije so soočene s pričakovanji in zahtevami zainteresiranih deležnikov, upoštevajoč zahteve glede kakovosti, varnosti in zdravja pri delu, trajnostnega razvoja, varstva okolja in nenazadnje odgovornega ravnanja do družbe, v kateri deluje organizacija. Pri tem mnogo organizacij išče inovativne poti za izpolnitev zahtev širših in ožjih deležnikov, družbe, regulatorjev, lastnikov, zaposlenih ali preprosto pričakovanja svojih odjemalcev za povečanje zadovoljstva. Aktualni pogledi na management kakovosti in razvoj sodobnih konceptov vzdrževanja odpirajo raznolike možnosti vključevanja različnih metod vzdrževanja, ki peljejo organizacijo k učinkovitemu in uspešnemu obvladovanju procesov vzdrževanja. Slednje spoznanje je prispevalo k temu, da je proces vzdrževanja postal integralni element strateškega razmišljanja številnih deležnikov oziroma zainteresiranih strani v organizaciji, od zaposlenih, lastnikov, lokalne skupnosti do države. Organizacije investirajo v inovativne procese številna sredstva in vire, saj za doseganje ciljev uvajajo nove pristope, da bi izboljšale svojo učinkovitost in uspešnost. Učinkovito in uspešno obvladovanje tako poslovnih, proizvodnih ali storitvenih procesov kot tudi procesa vzdrževanja je ključno za nadaljnji uspešen razvoj organizacij v mnogih panogah. Med inovativne napore organizacij lahko uvrstimo tudi uvajanje in izvajanje vzdrževanja električnih inštalacij oziroma postrojev z metodo dela pod napetostjo (Live Working). Delo pod napetostjo (DPN) je vsako delo, pri katerem se delavec z deli telesa ali z orodjem, opremo ali napravami zavestno dotakne delov pod napetostjo ali poseže v območje dela pod napetostjo. DPN je metoda vzdrževanja električnih inštalacij oziroma postrojev, ki se je prvič uveljavila v začetku 20. stoletja, saj je njena uporaba prvič omenjena v ZDA že leta 1913. Navkljub stoletni tradiciji je v zadnjem času DPN z reorganizacijo oziroma prestrukturiranjem sektorja prenosa in distribucije električne energije dobil novo razvojno spodbudo, saj z odprtjem trga električne energije padajo stari monopoli v prenosu in distribuciji električne energije. Številni deležniki z bolj jasnimi ekonomskimi zahtevami večajo pritisk na upravljavce prenosnih in distribucijskih omrežij za doseganje višjih standardov kakovosti električne energije (KEE) oziroma kakovosti oskrbe z električno energijo. Čeprav govorimo o stoletni tradiciji, DPN predstavlja v slovenskem okolju novo metodo vzdrževanja električnih inštalacij oziroma postrojev v proizvodnji, distribuciji in prenosu električne energije ter v industriji in ustanovah (npr. v bolnišnicah), kar zahteva poglobljeno preučitev številnih interakcij na področju izvajanja DPN kot orodja preventivnega vzdrževanja. Glavni namen pričujoče doktorske disertacije je torej s poglobljenim raziskovanjem in razumevanjem dela pod napetostjo prispevati h kakovosti, varnosti in zdravju pri delu ter k učinkovitosti in uspešnosti procesov vzdrževanja električnih inštalacij oziroma postrojev. Dejstvo je, da obstaja bogata zbirka študij, priročnikov in strokovnih člankov, ki obravnavajo DPN predvsem z vidikov razvoja tehnologije in metod DPN na vseh nivojih napetosti, razvoja orodij in opreme ter usposabljanja monterjev. Nismo pa zasledili znanstvene literature, ki bi obravnavala povezave med managementom kakovosti, varnosti in zdravja pri delu ter učinkovitostjo in uspešnostjo procesov vzdrževanja električnih inštalacij oziroma postrojev z metodo DPN.
Keywords:management kakovosti, varnost in zdravje pri delu, učinkovitost in uspešnost organizacije, vzdrževanje, delo pod napetostjo
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-69050 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:8028179 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.06.2018
LOVRENČIĆ, Viktor, 2018, Učinki dela pod napetostjo kot metode vzdrževanja električnih inštalacij [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Maribor. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=69050
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of live working as a maintenance method for electrical installations
Abstract:Organisations have been facing expectations and requirements of various stakeholders when considering the requirements for quality, health and safety at work, sustainable development and last but not least, the responsible conduct towards the society in which an organisation operates. In such conditions, many organisations search for innovative ways to meet the basic and specific requirements of different stakeholders, such as society, regulators, employees as well as the expectations of their customers in order to increase the satisfaction with a service. Current aspects on quality management and development of contemporary maintenance concepts open versatile possibilities of integrating different maintenance methods that lead an organisation to the efficient and effective management of maintenance processes. This recognition has contributed to the fact that the maintenance process has become an integral element of a strategic consideration of numerous stakeholders or interested parties in the organisation including employees, owners, local communities and the state. Organisations invest large amount of funds and sources in innovative processes as they introduce new approaches to be able to achieve the objectives as well as to improve their performance. The efficient and effective management of business, production or service processes and the maintenance processes is of vital importance for a further successful development of organisations in many industries. The introduction and implementation of maintenance of electrical installation using the live working method can be classified among the innovative efforts of organisations. Live working includes all activities in which a worker deliberately makes contact with live parts or reaches into the live working zone with either parts of his or her body or with tools, equipment or devices being handled. Live working is a method of maintaining electrical installation that was originally established at the beginning of the 20th century. The first use of the method was mentioned as early as in 1913 in the USA. In spite of a hundred year tradition, live working has gained a new development impetus in the recent period due to the restructuring of the sector of transmission and distribution of electric power. It could be argued that by the opening of the electric power market, old monopolies in the electric power transfer and distribution seemed to have vanished. Numerous stakeholders with clear economic requirements exert increasing pressure on the operators of mobile and distribution networks in order to achieve higher electric power quality standards or quality electric power supply. Although a hundred year tradition of live working exists, live working represents a new method of maintenance of electrical installation in the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power as well as in the industry and different institutions (e.g. hospitals) in Slovenia. The latter brings to the forefront a research problem that has not been sufficiently addressed in prior literature. Therefore, the main purpose of the doctoral thesis is to contribute to an in-depth research and understanding of live working within the framework of the quality, health and safety at work as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance processes of electrical installations. A thorough literature review indicated that there is an extensive array of studies, manuals and scientific papers that deal with live working, but mostly with regard to the development of technology and live working methods at all voltage levels, development of tools and equipment and training of electricians. However, studies investigating the interaction between the quality management, health and safety at work and maintenance process performance of electrical installations by live working method are relatively scarce.
Keywords:quality management, health and safety at work, performance of an organisation, maintenance, live working


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