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Title:Impact of ICTs on innovation activities : indication for selected European countries
Authors:ID Zoroja, Jovana (Author)
Files:.pdf Nase_gospodarstvoOur_economy_2016_Zoroja_Impact_of_ICTs_on_Innovation_Activities_Indication_for_selected_European_countries.pdf (322,46 KB)
MD5: 0A53FEFDB12C862AEBFC0695453ACEF6
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/433f75b5-e7b4-4116-8d4c-0c9c426bc9de
URL https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/ngoe.2016.62.issue-3/ngoe-2016-0017/ngoe-2016-0017.xml
Work type:Scientific work
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:The development and usage of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has particularly increased in the last two decades, while at the same time showing great potential to improve the efficacy of business processes, facilitate and drive innovations, and therefore increase competitiveness. Innovation activities represent an important factor for social and economic change as well as for increasing competitive advantages at both the national and firm levels. This paper focuses on the role that ICTs play in the innovation performance of selected European countries. Using data drawn from the Eurostat and Global Competitiveness Index (2007–2011) and panel regression analysis, research results indicate that ICTs have a significant impact on business innovation activities.
Keywords:information and communication technology, innovation, business sophistication, competitiveness, European countries, regression analysis
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2016
Number of pages:str. 39-51
Numbering:Letn. 62, št. 3
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-68932 New window
ISSN on article:0547-3101
COBISS.SI-ID:12528412 New window
DOI:10.1515/ngoe-2016-0017 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.11.2017
ZOROJA, Jovana, 2016, Impact of ICTs on innovation activities : indication for selected European countries. Naše gospodarstvo. revija za aktualna gospodarska vprašanja [online]. 2016. Vol. 62, no. 3, p. 39–51. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. DOI 10.1515/ngoe-2016-0017. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=68932
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Naše gospodarstvo. revija za aktualna gospodarska vprašanja
Shortened title:Naše gospod.
Publisher:Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Društvo ekonomistov Maribor, Ekonomski center Maribor
COBISS.SI-ID:751364 New window


License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:13.11.2017

Secondary language

Title:Vpliv IKT na inovacijske dejavnosti : indikacija za izbrane evropske države
Abstract:Razvoj in uporaba informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij (IKT) sta se povečala predvsem v zadnjih dveh desetletjih. V istem obdobju se kaže tudi velik potencial za izboljšanje poslovnih procesov, za pospeševanje in spodbujanje inovacij, torej za povečanje konkurenčnosti. Inovacijske dejavnosti so pomemben dejavnik družbenih in ekonomskih sprememb ter povečanja konkurenčnih prednosti na nacionalni in podjetniški ravni. V tem članku se osredotočamo na vlogo, ki jo imajo IKT v inovacijski uspešnosti izbranih evropskih držav. Pri raziskavi so bili uporabljeni podatki iz Eurostata in Global competitiveness Indexa (2007–2011) ter panelna regresijska analiza, rezultati pa kažejo, da imajo IKT pomemben vpliv na poslovne inovacijske dejavnosti.
Keywords:poslovni proces, informacijska in komunikacijska tehnologija, inovacija, poslovna razvitost, konkurenčnost, evropske države, regresijska analiza


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  1. Naše gospodarstvo


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