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Title:Strategije upodabljanja prostora pri likovnem izražanju v predšolskem obdobju glede na spol
Authors:ID Osterc, Tadeja (Author)
ID Zupančič, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Osterc_Tadeja_2017.pdf (2,02 MB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/fe5cad95-9cf9-4c4f-9873-0e543992b46a
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Razvoj vsakega otroka je edinstven, kar pomeni, da se vsak otrok razvija drugače od svojih vrstnikov. Otrok se celostno razvije, ko ima možnost likovnega izražanja. Za razvoj likovnega izražanja so značilne stopnje, ki so starostno opredeljene. Otrok lahko določeno stopnjo razvoja doseže prej ali kasneje. Stopnje so povezane in se mešajo. Pomembno se nam zdi, da je vsak vzgojitelj seznanjen s stopnjami razvoja, jih prepozna in jih zna uporabljati. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge smo predstavili in preučili značilnosti likovnega izražanja, razvoj in stopnje razvoja glede na spol, kako sta povezana otrok in prostor, razlike v spolu in likovno področje risanja. V empiričnem delu smo s testno pripravo izvedli dejavnost v Vrtcu Lendava - Lendvai Óvoda. Analiza pridobljenih podatkov zajema otroke, stare 4–6 let. Risali so motiv prostora igralnice. Zanimalo nas je, na kakšne načine upodabljajo prostor. Rezultati prikazujejo razlike v spolu, deklice narišejo več podrobnosti, bolj zapolnijo format, boljše so v upodabljanju prostora ter dlje časa rišejo kot dečki. Ugotovili smo, da mlajši otroci, 4–5 let, rišejo dlje časa kot starejši, 5–6 let. Na risbah so največkrat uporabili prikaz prostora s talno črto, ki je spodnji rob papirja, najmanj pa zvračanja.
Keywords:likovno izražanje, prostor, predšolski otrok, risba, spol
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Osterc]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-68534 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23429384 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.10.2017
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Licensing start date:26.09.2017

Secondary language

Title:Strategies of depicting space in artistic expression of pre-school children according to gender
Abstract:There is a difference between an individual and their development as every child is different. Children develop holistically, when they have the opportunity of artistic expression. We know of several age-defined stages of development of artistic expression. A child can reach a certain level of development sooner or later. Rates are linked and mixed. It is important for us that each educator is acquainted with the stages of development, recognizes them and can use them. In the theoretical part of the thesis the characteristics of visual expression, development and stage of development according to gender, how the child is connected in space, gender differences and artistic field of drawing were presented and studied. In the empirical part, the test was carried out in the Lendava - Lendvai Óvoda nursery. The analysis of the acquired data covers children aged 4-6 years. They painted a motif of their nursery homeroom. We were interested in the ways in which they represent the space. The results show differences in gender, girls draw more details, fill in the format more, they are better at displaying space, and they draw for a longer time compared to boys. We found that younger children, 4-5 years old, draw longer than the older, 5-6 years old. The most commonly used drawings were the display of the space with the bottom line the same as the bottom edge of the paper, and the least common were cases using both sides of the paper.
Keywords:artistic expression, space, preschool child, drawing, gender


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