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Title:Analiza spletnih strani varnostnih podjetij z vidika spletne optimizacije
Authors:ID Pavšič, Jan (Author)
ID Kofjač, Davorin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Urh, Marko (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Pavsic_Jan_2017.pdf (1,26 MB)
MD5: 0DF37DFDD138B5FA82B0CE97F076A314
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/87445dff-05e0-455b-9863-a8e7f151e657
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V času razvoja tehnologije in povečanju obsega uporabe spleta za iskanje informacij, komuniciranje, nakupovanje in druge možnosti, ki jih ponuja svetovni splet, tudi spletni marketing pridobiva na svoji veljavi. V to kategorijo uvrščamo tudi spletne strani podjetij, s katerimi se podjetja želijo približati potencialnim strankam oziroma v primeru naše naloge naročnikom storitev zasebnega varovanja. Primerno optimizirana spletna stran je v tem smislu izjemno pomembna. Na začetku naloge smo opredelili nekaj pomembnih pojmov, ki so ključnega pomena za razumevanje naloge v nadaljevanju. Jedro naloge sestoji iz analize spletnih strani ponudnikov storitev zasebnega varovanja v Sloveniji z vidika spletne optimizacije. Za podrobnejšo analizo smo izbrali deset spletnih strani podjetij z največjim kapitalom na podlagi podatkov, dostopnih na AJPES (2017). S pomočjo analize, opravljene na spletnih straneh Alexa (2017), Seomastering (2017), Searchmetrics (2017) in Seositecheckup (2017), smo preverjali dvanajst značilnosti spletnih strani. Pridobljene rezultate smo s pomočjo večparametrskega odločitvenega modela ovrednotili z metodo Kepner-Tregoe (1981) ter spletne strani razvrstili od najbolje do najslabše optimizirane spletne strani. Za vsako od analiziranih spletnih strani smo predstavili nekaj predlogov izboljšav, ki bi povečale vidnost spletnih strani na spletnih iskalnikih ter s tem ugodno vplivali na poslovno uspešnost podjetij. Izpostavili smo predloge, kot so povezovanje spletne strani z enim od socialnih omrežij, gradnja povezav na spletni strani brez uporabe podčrtajev in vrsto drugih. Naša splošna ocena spletnih strani z vidika spletne optimizacije z izjemo najbolje ocenjene ni najboljša, saj med vsemi spletnimi stranmi podjetij, ki nudijo storitve zasebnega varovanja, ki smo jih s pomočjo desetih ključnih besed poiskali na svetovnem spletu s pomočjo uporabe spletnega iskalnika Google, kar 27 odstotkov spletnih strani ne deluje oziroma podjetja spletnih strani v namen promocije svojih storitev sploh nimajo.
Keywords:zasebno varovanje, spletni iskalniki, spletna stran, spletna optimizacija.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-68188 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7968019 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.09.2017
PAVŠIČ, Jan, 2017, Analiza spletnih strani varnostnih podjetij z vidika spletne optimizacije [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=68188
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License:CC BY-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:This Creative Commons license is very similar to the regular Attribution license, but requires the release of all derivative works under this same license.
Licensing start date:12.09.2017

Secondary language

Title:An analysis of security agencies websites in terms of website optimization
Abstract:With the development of technology and the increase of web usage for searching for information, communication, shopping and other possibilities offered by the World Wide Web, internet marketing also increases its importance. This category also includes websites of companies which the companies want to approach potential clients with or, in the case of our thesis, to clients of private security services. A properly optimized website is extremely important for this purpose. At the beginning of the master’s thesis, we identified some important concepts that are of key importance for understanding the thesis below. The core of the thesis consists of analyzing the websites of providers of private security services in Slovenia from the web optimization point of view. For a more detailed analysis, we selected ten websites of companies with the largest capital based on data available on AJPES (2017). We analyzed twelve web page features using the analysis carried out on Alexa (2017), Seomastering (2017), Searchmetrics (2017) and Seositecheckup (2017). The obtained results were evaluated using a number of parametric decision models with the Kepner-Tregoe (1981) method, and the websites were ranged from the best to the worst optimized website. For each of the analyzed websites, we presented some suggestions for improvements that would increase the visibility of web pages on search engines, and thus favorably affect the business success of the companies. We outlined suggestions, such as linking a website to one of the social networks, building links on a site without using underscores and a number of others. Our overall assessment of web pages from the web optimization point of view, with the exception of the best ranked website, is not the best, since among all the websites, companies providing private security services that we searched on the world wide web with the help of ten keywords using Google's search engine, 27 percent of websites do not operate or companies do not even have websites for the purpose of promoting their services.
Keywords:Private security, Search engines, Web page, Web optimization.


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