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Title:Uredba REACH in nanomateriali
Authors:ID Kopitar, Žiga (Author)
ID Ferčič, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Kopitar_Ziga_2017.pdf (1,04 MB)
MD5: 92D2735E65F4D1B5E90F6976A8E915C8
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/654fa336-dc3b-4eb6-a52e-d113d4b0754b
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Institucijam Evropske unije je uspel velik korak naprej s sprejemom in uveljavitvijo izredno ambiciozno zastavljenega zakonodajnega projekta na področju prava EU, gledano iz perspektive njegove kompleksnosti in pa zaradi pojavljajočega konflikta med ekonomskimi interesi na eni in težnjo po zaščiti okolja na drugi strani , govora je o Uredbi Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta ES o registraciji, evalvaciji, avtorizaciji in omejevanju kemikalij, poznani tudi pod kratico REACH. Medtem, ko se je skušalo zapolniti podatkovno vrzel glede znanja o lastnostih in uporabah vseh kemikalij na notranjem trgu ter hkrati izboljšati nadzor nad njimi, razen snovi, izrecno izvzetih izpod učinkovanja uredbe, je velik preboj na trgu uspel nanotehnologiji kot vedi, temelječi na izrabi posebnih lastnostih nanodelcev , kar je evropske snovalce prava in s tem tudi samo uredbo v smislu njene uspešnosti in učinkovitosti postavilo na veliko preizkušnjo. V času priprave uredbe je bila namreč problematika nanomaterialov še v povojih, zato je uredba po mojem mnenju na tem področju podnormirana. Ker je z ozirom na to, da se proizvodnja nanomaterialov v industriji iz leta v leto veča, potreba po določeni ureditvi nanomaterialov vedno večja, avtor v tem diplomskem delu raziskuje in premleva predvsem iniciative akademikov, avtorjev člankov, ki imajo v tem trenutku pobudo, ki opozarjajo na različne načine in možnosti urejanja najbolj perečih vprašanj s področja nanomaterialov. Diplomsko delo najprej sistematično predstavi pravne podlage ureditve nanomaterialov znotraj Evropske unije. Nato se osredotoči na pravno ureditev kemikalij, s poudarkom na obstoječi ureditvi nanomaterialov in njenih v oči bodečih težavah in pomanjkljivostih. Na koncu je podan sklep, ali je uredba v trenutni verziji vsaj do določene mere primerna in učinkovita in kako na najboljši možen način izboljšati njeno učinkovitost skozi prizmo nanomaterialov.
Keywords:REACH, notranji trg, nanotehnologija, nanomaterial, kemikalije
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[Ž. Kopitar]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-68090 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5457195 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.09.2017
KOPITAR, Žiga, 2017, Uredba REACH in nanomateriali [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : Ž. Kopitar. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=68090
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Licensing start date:08.09.2017

Secondary language

Title:Reach regulation and nanomaterials
Abstract:European Union institutions made huge step forward for adopting and enforcing extremely ambitious legislation project on the field of EU law, from the perspective of its complexity and also because of the recurring conflict between economic interests and environmental protection. We are talking about Regulation concerning the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals, rendered by European parliament and Council. During the time when EU institutions were trying to fill the existing data gap because the lack of knowledge about the properties and identified uses of chemicals on the common market and also trying to improve control of chemicals , with exeption of substances excluded from scope of regulation, nanotechnologies made a great breakthrough. Nanotechnology is defined as a science, which is based on utilization of specific characteristics of nanomaterials. This major breakthrough of nanomaterials put EU legislators together with regulation itself and its suitability and efficiency in the great deal of trouble. At the time that REACH was being drawn up, the issue of nanomaterials was only in its infancy, so for that exact reason no specific measures were adopted in the REACH regulation to address them, in my opinion causing inadequate regulation of nanomaterials. For the reasons of increased production of nanomaterials on common market, adaptations are very much needed, author was researching initiatives given by academia, which had and still in some sense of the word has some kind of a leading role on the legal problem of nanomaterials, with their knowledge and ideas. They educate us about different possibilities and ways to regulate the most troublesome and complicated problems on the field of nanomaterials. First, this thesis presents legal basis, on which the nanomaterial regulation in European union is based on. Then its focus shifts to the regulation of chemicals, with emphasis on the current regulation of nanomaterials and their obvious deficiencies from the legal point of the view. At the end, author analyses and shares his opinion on whether is discussed regulation in the current form and state even to a certain degree efficient and adequate and also another question is answered, that is which is the best way possible to most improve its efficiency through the prism of nanomaterials.
Keywords:REACH, European single market, nanotechnology, nanomaterial, chemicals


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