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Title:Vpliv oglaševanja na nakup zdrave prehrane v Sloveniji
Authors:ID Kralj, Špela (Author)
ID Završnik, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Kralj_Spela_2017.pdf (1,62 MB)
MD5: C91383EB8506867E8DC6151C27942632
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/b5885211-d601-4dab-951c-ad6db931c065
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Tempo življenja povprečnega človeka je enostavno prehiter, vse hočemo narediti takoj, zdaj, v tem trenutku. Preveč smo izpostavljeni raznim stresnim situacijam, ki pa na nas zelo slabo vplivajo tako fizično kot tudi psihično. Preveč imamo skrbi, preveč se obremenjujemo s stvarmi, ki mogoče niso tako zelo pomembne. In tukaj na nek način pozabimo na nas, na naše psihofizično zdravje. In na tem mestu je oglaševanje tisto, ki nas opozarja, da moramo vedeti, kakšno hrano uživamo, koliko te hrane uživamo, kako jo uživamo in ali se dovolj gibamo. Povsod vidimo razne reklamne panoje, bilboarde, razne promocije in degustacije, letake, prospekte, tudi na TV, radiu, internetu ipd. zasledimo oglaševanje o zdravem prehranjevanju ter gibanju, torej nas oglaševanje spremlja vsepovsod. Najbolj množično oglaševanje današnjega časa je oglaševanje na internetu, splet nam daje vse informacije, ki jih potrebujemo, dostopen je kjerkoli in kadarkoli. Cilj te naloge je predvsem ta, da ugotovimo, ali oglaševanje vpliva na potrošnika in njegovo odločitev o nakupu zdrave prehrane. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge želimo prikazati, kako oglaševanje definirajo razni strokovnjaki, kako sploh je oblikovano uspešno komuniciranje, preko katerih medijev lahko oglašujemo. V teoriji smo tudi želeli preveriti, kako biti čim bolj kreativen, učinkovit ter uspešen v oglaševalskih akcijah. Pomembno se nam je tudi zdelo, da v teoriji namenimo nekaj poglavij o zdravi prehrani, njenem pomenu, kakšne so naše prehranjevalne navade ter nekaj o kulturi prehranjevanja. Praktični del naloge je namenjen raziskavi, ki smo jo izvedli z anketnim vprašalnikom, s katerim smo želeli izvedeti, kakšen vpliv ima oglaševanje na naše anketirance. Želeli smo tudi izvedeti, kako se prehranjujejo, ali se gibljejo, če prebirajo revije o zdravem prehranjevanju. Dejstvo je, da se naši anketiranci zavedajo, da prehrana dolgoročno vpliva na zdravje posameznika. Tudi večina naših anketirancev se v prostem času ukvarja s športom, veliko jedo domačo pridelano zelenjavo in sadje. Po izsledkih naše raziskave pa jih v dejanski nakup zdrave prehrane prepriča njihovo lastno zdravstveno stanje. Torej lahko rečemo, da se naši anketiranci dobro ozaveščajo o zdravem načinu prehranjevanja. Kar pa se tiče samega oglaševanja lahko povzamemo, da se ne ozirajo toliko na oglaševanje o zdravi prehrani, in samo oglaševanje nekako ne vpliva na njihov nakup.
Keywords:psihofizično zdravje, zdrava prehrana, gibanje, oglaševanje, internet, zgodovina oglaševanja, cilji oglaševanja, strategije oglaševanja, kreativnost v oglaševanju, časovni potek oglaševanja.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[Š. Kralj]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-67978 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12937244 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.12.2017
KRALJ, Špela, 2017, Vpliv oglaševanja na nakup zdrave prehrane v Sloveniji [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : Š. Kralj. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=67978
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Title:Advertising Effectiveness on Buying Healthy Food in Slovenia
Abstract:The pace of life of an average person is simply too quick. We want to do everything right now, at the moment. We are too exposed to various stressful situations, which, however, have a very bad influence on us, both physically and mentally. We worry too much; we are overburdened with things that are not so important. In a way we forget about us, our psychophysical health. Therefore, advertising is the one that reminds us that we need to know what kind of food we eat, how much we eat, how we eat and whether we move enough. Advertising about healthy nutrition and movement is all around us. They are everywhere; in advertising boards, billboards, various promotions and tastings, fliers, brochures, TV, radio, internet, etc. Today’s most massive advertising is advertising on the Internet. The Internet gives us all the information we need, it is accessible anywhere and anytime. The aim of this thesis is to determine whether advertising affects the consumer and his decision to purchase healthy nutrition. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, we wanted to show how advertising is defined by various experts, how the successful communication is formed and where can we advertise. We researched the history of advertising in Slovenia and the important milestones. We also wanted to know what the advertising goals were, how experts describe the advertising budget, how to design advertising strategies and what the timeline of advertising should be. We wanted to check how to be very creative, effective and successful in advertising campaigns. It was also important to talk about healthy nutrition, the meaning of healthy nutrition, our eating habits and nutrition culture. The practical part of the master’s thesis contains the research which was done with a questionnaire. We wanted to find out the influence of advertising on the interviewees. We also wanted to know about their eating habits, whether they work out or no and read magazines about healthy nutrition. We wanted to emphasize the role of the Internet, because the interviewees get the most information about nutrition on the Internet. The interviewees are aware that food effects on the health of the individual in the long run. Majority of the interviewees answered that they do sports in their spare time and they eat home-grown vegetables and fruits. The research showed that they buy healthy food because of their state of health. We can conclude that the interviewees are aware of the healthy way of eating and that they do not care much about advertising about healthy nutrition. The advertising alone does not affect their purchase.
Keywords:psychophysical health, healthy nutrition, movement, advertising, the Internet, advertising history, advertising goals, advertising strategies, creativity in advertising, advertising timeline.


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