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Title:Fiduciarna cesija in izvršba
Authors:ID Zatler, Nikita (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Zatler_Nikita_2017.pdf (869,07 KB)
MD5: 361F3C43E068A4D3065B8662CB568146
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ab64ea11-4e4f-4f1d-a528-02107e16d33d
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Fiduciarna cesija je institut zavarovanja hibridne narave, s katerim preide terjatev, ki naj služi za zavarovanje, iz premoženjske sfere fiducianta v premoženjsko sfero fiduciarja. Gospodarski namen fiduciarne cesije je zavarovanje, zato se v primeru plačilne nesposobnosti kot ekonomski imetnik terjatve smatra fiduciant, in ne fiduciar. Na ta način se izravna prenos več pravne oblasti, kot pa je to nujno potrebno glede na namena tega instituta. Fiduciarna cesija se je razvila kot alternativa zastavni pravici. S odstopom terjatve v zavarovanje so se poskusile odpraviti določene pomanjkljivosti ureditve zastavne pravice na terjatvi. Glavna prednost fiduciarne cesije je njena neakcesorna narava, zaradi česar bo to pogosto primernejši institut zavarovanja, kot pa sama zastavna pravica. Fiduciarna cesija namreč omogoča, da fiduciar in fiduciant vzpostavita zavarovanje za terjatve, ki izvirajo iz njunega medsebojnega sodelovanja, pri čemer obstoj zavarovanja ni vezan na samo terjatev, ter ne preneha ob prenehanju zavarovane terjatve. Ker je fiduciarna cesija zavarovani terjatvi neakcesorna, bo zavarovanje obstajalo še naprej, vendar bo v mirovanju. Fiduciarna cesija omogoča tudi diskretnost poslovanja, saj se bo fiduciar razkril cessusu šele, če ob zapadlosti zavarovane terjatve le ta ne bo poravnana. S tem pa se odprejo tudi nekatere težave in pomanjkljivosti v zvezi s fiduciarno cesijo. S tiho fiduciarno cesijo bo fiduciar pogosto tvegal, da svoje zavarovanje izgubi. In čeprav fiduciarna cesija ni vezana na pogoj obvestitve dolžnika, se bo fiduciarju to splačalo storiti, kadar posluje s fiduciantom, ki mu ne zaupa najbolj. Čeprav se v primeru fiduciantove plačilne nesposobnosti, za uveljavljanje pravic iz fiduciarne cesije (ločitvena pravica in ugovor nedopustnosti izvršbe) zahteva strožja oblika sporazuma o odstopu terjatve v zavarovanje (notarski sporazum), lahko še vedno trdimo, da ima fiduciarna cesija več prednosti in ponuja zadovoljivo alternativo zastavni pravici na terjatvi. Ker je fiduciarna cesija kot institut zavarovanja v praksi in poslovanju subjektov veliko premalo izkoriščen institut, so s tem namenom v magistrski nalogi predstavljene določene situacije v katerih se utegnejo znajti subjekti, kadar jim kot sredstvo zavarovanja svojih terjatev služi fiduciarna cesija. Z osvetlitvijo problemov v praksi sem hkrati predstaviti določene rešitve na težave, s katerimi se subjekti srečajo v izvršilnem postopku.
Keywords:Fiduciarna cesija, odstop terjatve v zavarovanje, izvršilni postopek, zastavna pravica na terjatvi, sistem posredne pridobitve terjatve, rubež terjatve, prenos terjatve
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:N. Zatler]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-67965 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5490987 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.11.2017
ZATLER, Nikita, 2017, Fiduciarna cesija in izvršba [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : N. Zatler. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=67965
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Secondary language

Title:Fiduciary cession and debt recovery
Abstract:Fiduciary cession of rights is a hybrid type of insurance, with which the receivable, which is used for insurance, passes from the asset sphere of the cedent to the asset sphere of the cessionary. The economic purpose of the fiduciary cession is insurance, which is why and in the event of insolvency and debt recovery, the economic holder of the transferred claim is considered cedent, and not a cessionary, even though he is claimant from a legal point of view. This way, it is compensated for the transfer of more legal authority than necessary, so that the actual purpose of this institute can be met. Fiduciary cession has developed as an alternative to a pledge of claims. While regulating fiduciary cession the legislator tried to correct certain shortcomings in the regulation of the pledge right on the claim. The main advantage of a fiduciary cession is its non-reciprocal nature, which is why it will often be more appropriate for the insurance than the pledge right of a claim. Fiduciary cession allows the cedent and cessionary to establish insurance for claims arising out of their business cooperation even before the actual claim exists. The existence of insurance is not related to the secured claim itself, and does not cease to exist upon the termination of the secured claim. Fiduciary cession also allows discreet business relations, since the cessionary will reveal himself to the cessus only if the secured claim will not be settled when it is due. But this also creates some problems and shortcomings in this type of insurance, as the fiduciary will often risk losing his insurance through a silent fiduciary cession. And although the effect of fiduciary cession is not bound to the condition of informing the debtor, the cessionary will act wisely by informing the cessus of the cession of a claim, when doing business with a cedent who is not trustworthy. Even though the more demanding form of agreement (notary form) for fiduciary cession is required in the case of a fiduciary insolvency, it can still be argued that the fiduciary cession has several advantages and offers a satisfactory alternative to the pledge right of claims. Fiduciary cession as the institute of insurance is still very underutilized in the practice, so for this purpose, I decided to represent certain situations in which subjects can find themselves in. At the same time, I wanted to show certain solutions in the light of problems in practice, that the entities could encounter in the enforcement procedure.
Keywords:fiduciary cession, transfer of a claim for insurance of a debt payment, enforcement procedure, debt recovery, pledge right of a claim, system of indirect acquisition of receivables, transfer of a claim


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