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Authors:ID Bartolj, Sabina (Author)
ID Licardo, Marta (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Bartolj_Sabina_2017.pdf (1,51 MB)
MD5: C47B955D1CFE8933AD964ECAC729A762
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/9688474c-b6ba-466f-a002-dafbe0f13ffc
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Izkušnje, ki si jih otrok pridobi v predšolskem obdobju, imajo velik vpliv na njegovo poznejše pojmovanje odnosov med spoloma ter spolnost. Iz tega razloga spolna vzgoja nikakor ne bi smela biti zanemarjena s strani staršev in strokovnih delavcev. Odrasli namreč pogosto menijo, da je otroštvo obdobje nedolžnosti in zanemarijo vpliv zgodnjih let na poznejšo spolnost. Pravilna skrb za vzgojo otrok vključuje tudi pravilno spolno vzgojo, katere cilj je naučiti otroke ljubezni, ki človeka spremlja skozi celo življenje. V empiričnem delu naloge smo izvedli raziskavo na vzorcu 264 staršev in 136 strokovnih delavcev v vrtcu. Pri raziskovanju stališč smo ugotovili, da se strokovni delavci bolj kot starši zavedajo potrebe po pogovarjanju o spolnosti z otroki, ocenjujejo, da imajo tudi več znanja o tem, kaj mora otrok vedeti o spolni vzgoji med 3. in 6. letom, bolj vedo, kako se pogovarjati z otroki o tej temi in imajo bolj toleranten odnos do masturbiranja. Starši pa pogosteje od vzgojiteljev menijo, da se je z otrokom potrebno pogovarjati o vrednotah in stališčih glede spolnosti. Pri raziskovanju izvajanja dobrih praks glede spolne vzgoje smo ugotovili, da strokovni delavci pogosteje kot starši uporabljajo literaturo pri pogovorih o spolnosti, pogosteje spodbujajo igro vlog na to temo ter pogosteje skupaj z otroki prebirajo literaturo na temo spolnosti. Rezultati tudi kažejo, da starši in strokovni delavci redko sami spodbudijo pogovor o spolnosti, prav tako se tudi premalo zavedajo pomembnosti pogovorov na to temo. Analiza prostih odgovorov je pokazala, da se največ anketirancev zaveda pomena spolne vzgoje v predšolskem obdobju, precej jih je menilo, da je potrebno otroke učiti le osnovne informacije o razlikah med spoloma ter o odnosu med moškim in žensko, nekateri pa so mnenja, da je spolnosti tabu tema. Celotna raziskava nakazuje, da je spolna vzgoja še vedno premalo poudarjena, mnogi nimajo o tem ustreznih predstav, izražajo strah in negotovost, otroci imajo o tem premalo znanja in informacij. Tema o spolnosti sicer na prvi pogled ni zelo opazna in problematična, lahko pa ima zelo daljnosežne in globoke posledice v obdobju odraščanja in odraslosti, če v zgodnjem otroštvu temu ne posvetimo ustrezne pozornosti.
Keywords:KLJUČNE BESEDE: predšolski otrok, spolna vzgoja, spolnost, vloga staršev, vloga strokovnih delavcev
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Bartolj]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-67378 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23428872 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.10.2017
BARTOLJ, Sabina, 2017, VLOGA ODRASLIH PRI SPOLNI VZGOJI OTROK V PREDŠOLSKEM OBDOBJU [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : S. Bartolj. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=67378
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:15.08.2017

Secondary language

Abstract:The experience that a child acquires during the pre-school period has a major impact on his later understanding of gender relations and sexuality. For this reason, sex education should in no way be neglected by parents and professional staff. Adults often consider childhood a period of innocence and therefore neglect the influence of early years on later sexuality. Proper care for the upbringing of children also includes proper sex education, the goal of which is to teach the children about love, which will form an important part of their life. For the empirical part of the thesis, a survey on a sample of 264 parents and 136 kindergarten teachers was carried out. While researching their opinions, we found that professional staff are more aware of the need to talk to children about sexuality than parents, and they believe that they also have more knowledge about what a child needs to know about sexual education between the ages of 3 and 6; they know how to talk to children about this topic and have a more tolerant attitude towards masturbation. On the other hand, parents, more often than educators, believe that a child needs to have a talk about values and attitudes regarding sexuality. When researching the implementation of good practices in sex education, we found that professional staff are more likely than parents to use literature in conversations regarding sexuality, they encourage role play on the subject more often, and together with children read literature on the topic of sexuality more often. The results also show that parents and professional staff rarely encourage discussions about sexuality, and they are also insufficiently aware of the importance of talking about this topic. The analysis of responses to open-ended questions showed that most respondents are aware of the importance of sexual education in pre-school age; a considerable number of them believe that children should only learn basic information about gender differences and about the relationship between a man and a woman, while some believe that sex is a taboo subject. The whole study suggests that sex education is still rather underemphasized, leading to many people having misguided notions about sexuality and feelings of fear and insecurity, while children lack the necessary knowledge and information about this topic. The topic of sexuality does not seem very noticeable and problematic at first glance, but it can have very far-reaching and profound consequences during adolescence and adulthood if we do not pay attention to it in the early childhood.
Keywords:pre-school child, sex education, sexuality, the role of parents, the role of professional staff


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