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Title:Rekrutacija teroristov v teroristični organizaciji Islamska država : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Informacijska varnost
Authors:ID Avdylaj, Arber (Author)
ID Tominc, Bernarda (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Avdylaj_Arber_2017.pdf (823,75 KB)
MD5: 5DE63D2009B6BE8DFB3A22B99C2BA9EC
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ee963e67-c1ad-41b3-a72b-be07059a6d5c
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Terorizem je v vseh svojih pojavnih oblikah ena najhujših groženj globalnemu miru in varnosti, saj teroristična dejanja resno škodujejo uživanju človekovih pravic, ogrožajo socialni in gospodarski razvoj vseh držav ter spodkopavajo globalno stabilnost in blaginjo. Verski terorizem je prevzel vodilno vlogo ogrožanja sodobne varnosti, saj se verski fanatiki poslužujejo terorističnih dejanj, da bi dosegli lažne cilje svete vojne. Izvajalci terorističnih dejanj teh ne dojamejo kot konec svojega življenja (in drugih), ampak kot izpolnitev cilja svete vojne, saj so prepričani, da izpolnjujejo 'božjo voljo'. Tako so v duhu prizadevanj za džihad nastale mnoge teroristične organizacije kot, sta Al-Kaida in trenutno najbolj aktualna Islamska država. Kljub grozotam in brutalnostim, ki jih pooseblja teroristična organizacija Islamska država, je zelo uspešna pri pridobivanju novih članov in podpornikov. Vendar ni preprostega odgovora, ki bi pojasnil, zakaj ljudje postanejo teroristi. Predpostavlja se, da so tistim, ki se odločijo pridružiti katerikoli teroristični organizaciji, skupni osebna ranljivost, način dojemanja oziroma zaznava nepravičnosti, potreba po novi identiteti in potreba po pripadnosti, želja po denarju in udobju ter priložnost za novo pustolovščino. Obstajajo ljudje, ki imajo prav takšne predstave o življenju, a ne postanejo teroristi. Rekrutacija je za preživetje teroristične organizacije zelo pomembna, saj jim zagotavlja morilce, samomorilne napadalce, ugrabitelje, in bodočo vojake. Temu se ne morejo izogniti niti otroci in ženske, ki spadajo med najbolj ranljive skupine družbe. Poleg neposrednega rekrutiranja se v procesu rekrutiranja uporabljajo tudi splet in mediji, prek katerih Islamska država propagira svojo ideologijo in novači nove rekrute.
Keywords:terorizem, teroristične organizacije, teroristi, rekrutacija, Islamska država, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Avdylaj]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:VI, 42 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-67045 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3439850 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.10.2017
AVDYLAJ, Arber, 2017, Rekrutacija teroristov v teroristični organizaciji Islamska država : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Informacijska varnost [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : A. Avdylaj. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=67045
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Secondary language

Title:Recruitment of terrorist in a terrorist organization islamis state
Abstract:Terrorism is one of the worst threats to global peace and security in all its manifestations, as terrorist acts seriously damage/harm human rights, threaten the social and economic development of all countries and undermine global stability and prosperity. Religious terrorism has taken the leading role of threatening modern security, as religious fanatics use terrorist acts to achieve the false aims of the Holy War. The perpetrators of terrorist acts do not perceive these as the end of their lives (and others), but as meeting/fulfilling the goal of the Holy War, as they are convinced that they fulfill the ‘will of God’. Thus, in the spirit of efforts for jihad, many terrorist organizations have emerged, such as Al Qaeda and currently the most current Islamic State. Despite the horrors and brutalities embodied by the terrorist organization Islamic State, it is very successful in attracting new members and supporters. However, there is no simple answer to explain why people become terrorists. It is assumed that those who choose to join any terrorist organization have in common personal vulnerability, a way of perceiving injustice, a need for new identity and a need for belonging, a desire for money and comfort, and an opportunity for a new adventure. There are people who have such performances, but do not become terrorists. Recruitment is very important for the survival of a terrorist organization, as it provides them with killers, suicide bombers, kidnappers, soldiers and future soldiers. Children and women who are among the most vulnerable groups of society cannot avoid this. In addition to direct recruitment, the web an media through which the Islamic State propagates its ideology and pioneers of the recruit are also used in the recruitment process.
Keywords:terrorism, religious terrorism, Islamic State, recruitment.


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