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Title:Zaznana vrednost storitev mobilnih operaterjev v Sloveniji
Authors:ID Holcman, Tara (Author)
ID Pisnik, Aleksandra (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Holcman_Tara_2017.pdf (2,01 MB)
MD5: D34EE7AD60F64A51B6DB0FAA0DE90135
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/04c00089-2e0f-4c84-a76a-f8de4f7fe857
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V magistrskem delu obravnavamo zaznano vrednost storitev mobilne telefonije, ki jih ponujajo trije mobilni operaterji z največjimi tržnimi deleži v Sloveniji, to so Telekom Slovenije d.d., Si.mobil d.d. in Telemach d.o.o. Zaznana vrednost je definirana kot razlika med vsemi koristmi, ki jih odjemalec dobi z izdelkom oziroma storitvijo, in vsemi stroški, ki jih ima z njegovo pridobitvijo in uporabo. To je vrednost, kot jo zaznavajo odjemalci. Na to kakšna bo zaznana vrednost storitve vplivajo številni dejavniki. Vlogo igra to kako pomembna je storitev odjemalcu, za kakšno vrsto storitve gre, ali je storitev izvajana na ljudeh ali na stvareh, ali odjemalec zadovoljuje fizično ali psihično potrebo, pridobiva otipljive ali neotipljive koristi, kako je odjemalec obravnavan s strani izvajalca storitve in kakšen je odnos med ponudnikom in odjemalcem storitve. Zaznana vrednost je večdimenzionalen konstrukt. Različni avtorji navajajo različne dimenzije zaznane vrednosti, v splošnem pa jih delijo na funkcionalno dimenzijo, ki zajema vrednost za denar, kakovost storitev, vsestranskost, nedenarne žrtve in denarno ceno, in afektivno dimenzijo, torej čustveno, ki zajema notranja čustva in občutke, in socialno, ki se nanaša na socialne posledice nakupa. Obravnavamo tudi lestvice, ki opišejo večdimenzionalnost zaznane vrednosti, to so lestvice PERVAL, SERV-PERVAL in GLOVAL. Zaznana vrednost pa ni neodvisen koncept, pač pa je v tesni povezavi s številnimi drugimi spremenljivkami, kot naprimer s kakovostjo, ugledom in ceno, ki določajo zaznano vrednost, ter z zadovoljstvom in zvestobo, ki sta zaželjeni posledici zaznane vrednosti. V magistrskem delu tudi podrobneje obravnavamo vse te koncepte in povezave med njimi. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela izvedemo anketo. Podatke analiziramo s pomočjo statističnega programa SPSS. Preverimo srednje vrednosti, standardne odklone, deleže in frekvence. Izvedemo enostransko analizo variance ANOVA in preverimo izračun Pearsonovih korelacijskih koeficientov. Celotni konceptualni model naše raziskave preverimo še z multiplo regresijsko analizo.
Keywords:zaznana vrednost storitve, zaznana kakovost, ugled, zaznana cena, zadovoljstvo odjemalcev, zvestoba odjemalcev
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Holcman]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-66885 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12844572 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.10.2017
HOLCMAN, Tara, 2017, Zaznana vrednost storitev mobilnih operaterjev v Sloveniji [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : T. Holcman. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=66885
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Secondary language

Title:Perceived service value of mobile operators in Slovenia
Abstract:This master's thesis deals with perceived value of mobile phone services, offered by three mobile operators with the largest market shares in Slovenia, namely Telekom Slovenije d.d., Si.mobil d.d. and Telemach d.o.o. Perceived value is defined as the difference between all benefits, which a user gains with a product or service, and all costs, arising from its acquisition and usage. This is the value as perceived by customers. Numerous factors affect the perceived value of services, such as the level of importance of a service for customers, type of service, whether a service concerns people or an object, whether the service fulfils customers’ physical or psychical need, whether customers gain tangible or intangible benefits, how customers are handled by service providers and the relation between service providers and their users. Perceived value is a multi-dimensional construct. Various authors indicate different dimensions of perceived value. In general these are divided into functional dimension, which comprises the value for money, service quality, versatility, non-monetary sacrifices and price, and affective dimension, i.e. emotional, which includes inner emotions and feelings, and social, which relates to social consequences of a purchase. The thesis also introduces PERVAL, SERV-PERVAL and GLOVAL scales, which describe multi-dimensionality of perceived value. Perceived value is not an independent concept. It is closely connected to numerous other variables, such as quality, reputation and price, which determine perceived value, and with satisfaction and loyalty, which are desired consequences of perceived value. In the master’s thesis all these concepts and relations among them are described in detail. The empirical part of the thesis includes a survey. Data were analysed with SPSS statistical programme. Mean values, standard deviations, shares and frequencies were also checked in the analysis. ANOVA variance one-sided analysis was performed and the calculation of Pearson’s correlation coefficient checked. The whole conceptual model of our research was verified also with multiple regression analysis.
Keywords:perceived value of services, perceived quality, reputation, perceived price, satisfaction of customers, loyalty of customers


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