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Title:Preživljanje prostega časa dijakov mariborskih srednjih šol
Authors:ID Tomšić, Petra (Author)
ID Kirbiš, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pšunder, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Tomsic_Petra_2017.pdf (1,42 MB)
MD5: 6987E520BA2EB53C8D8908B924A15917
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V okviru pričujoče magistrske naloge smo preučili oblike in načine preživljanja prostega časa dijakov mariborskih srednjih šol glede na spol, starost, socioekonomski status, šolski uspeh, lokacijo bivanja (bivanje v dijaškem domu ali družini), subjektivno oceno zadovoljstva z življenjem in glede na samoocenjeno zdravje. Na podlagi teoretičnega dela naloge lahko povzamemo, da je prosti čas pomembno življenjsko področje, vir možnosti, svobode in izobraževanja, ki potencialno omogoča celovit razvoj posameznika na umskem, čustvenem, moralnem, socialnem, telesnem in osebnostnem področju. V pričujoči magistrski nalogi smo analizirali, v kolikšni meri mladostniki izkoriščajo priložnosti, ki jim jih potencialno omogoča prosti čas. Skladno s tem, so nas zanimali najpogostejši načini preživljanja prostega časa med mladimi. Naš namen je bil ugotoviti, ali med dijaki, ki so v času šolanja nastanjeni v dijaškem domu in dijaki, ki v času šolanja bivajo doma, obstajajo razlike v preživljanju prostega časa. Dijaški domovi so namreč institucije, ki ob skrbno premišljeni organizaciji nudijo dijakom različne strukturirane prostočasne aktivnosti, ki omogočajo izobraževanje, razvedrilo in sprostitve. Podatki za analizo so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo enostavnega priložnostnega vzorca dijakov mariborskih srednjih šol (N = 332). Na osnovi empirične raziskave smo ugotovili, da so med mariborskimi dijaki najpogostejši načini preživljanja prostega časa znotraj dejavnosti pasivnega značaja, kot so poslušanje glasbe, uporaba spletnih omrežji, pogovarjanje po telefonu ter druženje s prijatelji. Med dijaki, nastanjenimi v dijaškem domu in tistimi, ki prebivajo doma, ne ugotavljamo razlik v načinih preživljanja prostega časa. Rezultati analiz kažejo, da med spoloma ni statistično značilnih razlik v pogostosti ukvarjanja s športnimi aktivnosti in pogostosti obiskovanja lokalov. Naša raziskava je potrdila statistično značilne razlike med spoloma v pogostosti ukvarjanja s nestrukturiranimi dejavnosti. Rezultati so pokazali tudi, da ni statistično značilnih razlik med različno starimi mladostniki v pogostosti ukvarjanja s športnimi dejavnostmi. Raziskava je potrdila statistično značilno povezanost med pogostostjo obiskovanja kulturnih prireditev in socioekonomskim statusom. Izsledki raziskave kažejo statistično značilno pozitivno povezanost med šolskim uspehom in pogostostjo ukvarjanja s strukturiranimi dejavnosti. Po drugi strani rezultati analiz ne kažejo statistično značilne povezanosti pogostosti ukvarjanja s strukturiranimi dejavnosti in lokacijo bivanja in s subjektivno oceno zadovoljstva z življenjem. Ugotovljena je bila statistično značilna negativna povezanost med vrstniškimi prostočasnimi aktivnosti in šolskim uspehom. Rezultati analiz kažejo tudi statistično značilno pozitivno povezanost med športnimi aktivnosti in samoocenjenim zdravjem. Pričujoče magistrsko delo omogoča vpogled v prostočasne aktivnosti dijakov mariborskih srednjih šol. Rezultati raziskave odpirajo nova vprašanja o težavah in potrebah mladih za bolj aktivno preživljanje prostega časa.
Keywords:prosti čas, dijaki, prostočasne aktivnosti, dijaški dom, pasivni in aktivni prosti čas, mariborske srednje šole
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[P. Tomšić]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-66423 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23268872 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.08.2017
TOMŠIĆ, Petra, 2017, Preživljanje prostega časa dijakov mariborskih srednjih šol [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : P. Tomšić. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=66423
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Secondary language

Title:Leisure time activities of maribor high school students
Abstract:The aim of this master thesis was to examine forms of spending leisure time of Maribor's secondary school students with regard to gender, age, socioeconomic status, school performance, location of residence (residing in a dormitory or with one’s family), subjective evaluation of life satisfaction and self-perceived health. Based on the theoretical part of this thesis, we concluded that leisure time is an important aspect of life, as well as a source of opportunities, freedom and education, which can potentially enable individuals' full intellectual, emotional, moral, social, physical and personal development. We analyzed the extent to which young people take advantage of opportunities that leisure time can potentially allow. Accordingly, we have focused on the most common forms of leisure time among young people. We examined whether there is a difference in spending leisure time between students who are during schooling housed in a dormitory and those who stay at home. Namely, dormitories are institutions which offer their students a variety of structured leisure activities and in that way enable education, entertainment and relaxation. The analyzed data have been obtained by means of an ad-hoc sample of Maribor’s secondary schools students (N = 332). The results indicated that the most frequent forms of spending leisure time among Maribor's students are passive, such as listening to music, use of online networks, talking on the phone and hanging out with friends. Students which are accommodated in the student dormitory and those staying at home have not shown any differences in forms of spending their leisure time. The results of the analyses have shown that there are no statistically significant differences between genders in the frequency of engaging in sports activities and the frequency of visiting pubs. However, our study has confirmed statistically significant gender differences in the frequency of participation in unstructured activities. Additionally, the results have indicated no statistically significant age differences in the frequency of engaging in sports activities, while we found significant correlation between the frequency of visiting cultural events and socioeconomic status. Moreover, a significant positive correlation between academic success and the frequency of engaging in structured activities was detected. On the other hand, there was no significant correlation between the frequency of engaging in structured activities and the location of residence and the subjective evaluation of life satisfaction. There was a statistically significant negative correlation between peer leisure activities and school success. Finally, the results have indicated a significant positive correlation between sports activities and self-rated health. The present master thesis provides an insight into leisure activities of Maribor's secondary school students. The survey results also raise new questions about the problems and needs of young people regarding actively spending their leisure time.
Keywords:leisure time, school, leisure activities, dormitory, passive and active leisure time, secondary schools of Maribor


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