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Title:Povezave med kakovostjo storitev, zadovoljstvom in zvestobo strank ter poslovno uspešnostjo v avtomobilski panogi
Authors:ID Ažman, Slavko (Author)
ID Gomišček, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DOK_Azman_Slavko_2018.pdf (5,31 MB)
MD5: ACE6838DCFEEE0D8A6F1E9D232391935
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Koncepti, kot so kakovost storitev, zadovoljstvo strank in zvestoba strank so zaradi njihove vloge pri zagotavljanju uspešnosti poslovanja podjetij v središču zanimanja tako raziskovalcev kot managementa. Na teoretični ravni povezave med omenjenimi koncepti obravnava storitvena veriga dobička, ki temelji na teoriji načrtovanega vedenja. Storitvena veriga dobička predvideva, da povišana kakovost storitve vodi do višje ravni zadovoljstva strank, le-ta pa se preko višje zvestobe strank pozitivno odraža v uspešnosti poslovanja podjetij. Povezave med posameznimi elementi storitvene verige dobička so tradicionalno obravnavane kot linearne, posamezne raziskave pa kažejo na možnost, da omenjene funkcijske povezave niso nujno linearne in da bi bila za njihov opis morda ustreznejša uporaba nelinearnih funkcij. Pregled literature je pokazal, da natančna oblika funkcijskih povezav med posameznimi elementi storitvene verige dobička ostaja raziskovalna vrzel. Dosedanje raziskave oblike posameznih funkcijskih povezav so namreč pokazale nasprotujoče si rezultate, nobena raziskava pa še ni proučila oblike povezav za celotno storitveno verigo dobička od zaznane kakovosti storitev do poslovne uspešnosti podjetij, pač pa so se osredotočale zgolj na posamezne povezave. Za popolnoma neraziskano se je izkazalo tudi vprašanje časovne stabilnosti ugotovljenih oblik povezav med elementi storitvene verige dobička, kakor tudi vprašanje oblike navzkrižnih funkcijskih povezav med zadovoljstvom strank in zvestobo strank pri povezanih storitvah. Kot raziskovalno vrzel smo identificirali še vpliv lastnosti kupca in proizvoda ter izbranega merila za zvestobo na obliko funkcijskih povezav kakor tudi vpliv dejanj kontaktnega osebja na zaznano kakovost storitev, zadovoljstvo strank in zvestobo strank. Neraziskano je tudi področje vpliva zadovoljstva s servisno storitvijo na cenovno občutljivost strank ter vprašanje, v kolikšni meri je faktorska struktura zaznane kakovosti storitev odvisna od demografskih in drugih dejavnikov. Na osnovi teh raziskovalnih vrzeli smo oblikovali raziskovalna vprašanja, le-ta pa so predstavljala osnovo za oblikovanje teoretičnega modela, ki je novost na področju kakovosti storitev, saj povezuje dve storitveni verigi dobička in tako raziskuje ne le obliko povezav za celotno storitveno verigo dobička, pač pa preverja tudi navzkrižne povezave med zadovoljstvom strank in zvestobo strank med povezanimi storitvami. V naši nalogi smo raziskali povezave med kakovostjo storitev, zadovoljstvom strank, zvestobo strank in poslovno uspešnostjo podjetij na primeru avtomobilske dejavnosti. Osnovo raziskave predstavljajo rezultati rednega merjenja zadovoljstva strank s prodajnimi in servisnimi storitvami enega od evropskih proizvajalcev osebnih vozil. V analizi je zajeto 11.470 intervjujev za področje prodaje novih vozil in 34.421 intervjujev za področje servisnih storitev, opravljenih v obdobju od leta 2005 do leta 2011. Obliko funkcijskih povezav smo preverjali s pomočjo linearnega in večjega števila nelinearnih regresijskih modelov. Strukturo dimenzij zaznane kakovosti storitev in morebitne vplive nanjo smo preverjali z metodo glavnih komponent, vpliv ravnanj prodajnega in servisnega osebja ter vpliv zadovoljstva na cenovno občutljivost servisnih strank pa smo preverili s T-testom razlike srednjih vrednosti oziroma z analizo variance. Rezultati kažejo, da je prevladujoča konkavna oblika funkcijske povezave, ki jo predvidevata teorija dostopnost – diagnostičnost in teorija zadovoljevanja potreb za cilje nižjega ranga. V tem pogledu so rezultati v nasprotju s predvidevanji koncepta navdušenja strank, ki predpostavlja naraščajoč vpliv zadovoljstva strank na zvestobo strank. Ugotovili smo, da demografski in drugi dejavniki ne vplivajo na obliko povezav, deloma pa vplivajo na moč povezav. V časovnem smislu so se oblike funkcijskih povezav izkazale za izredno stabilne.
Keywords:management kakovosti, kakovost storitev, zadovoljstvo strank, zvestoba strank, poslovna uspešnost, avtomobilska panoga, nelinearnost, funkcijska oblika
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-66260 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:8037395 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.07.2018
AŽMAN, Slavko, 2017, Povezave med kakovostjo storitev, zadovoljstvom in zvestobo strank ter poslovno uspešnostjo v avtomobilski panogi [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Kranj. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=66260
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Secondary language

Title:Functional connections between the quality of services, the customer satisfaction, the customer loyalty and the business prerformance in the automobile industry
Abstract:Because of their role in ensuring the profitability, concepts such as service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are in the center of attention of both researchers and management. On a theoretical level, the link between these concepts can be explained by the concept of the service profit chain, which is based on the theory of planned behavior. The service profit chain assumes that an increase in the quality of services leads to higher levels of customer satisfaction; higher customer satisfaction on the other hand leads to higher levels of customer loyalty, which in turn is positively reflected in the companies' economic performance. The connections between individual elements of the service profit chain have traditionally been regarded as linear, although some studies indicate the possibility that these functional connections are not necessarily linear and that they would be better described using non-linear functions. The literature review has shown that the exact form of the functional connections between the individual elements of the service profit chain remains a research gap. Previous research on the forms of individual functional links have shown conflicting results. No study has examined the form of the links for the entire service profit chain from the perceived quality of services to the business performance; they all focused on the individual links only. It turned out that the question of temporal stability of established forms of links between elements of the service profit chain has not been researched yet. This is true also for the form of cross-sectoral links between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in related services. As a research gap we have also identified the influence of characteristics of the customer and the product and the influence of selected measurement for customer loyalty on the observed form of functional connections as well as the impact of employee behavior on the perceived service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. An unexplored area has been also the effect of customer satisfaction with the after sales service on the price sensitivity of customers and the question of the extent to which the factor structure of the perceived service quality depends on demographic and other factors. Based on these research gaps we formulated the research questions, which in turn were the basis for the creation of the theoretical model. Our theoretical model is a novelty in the field of service quality, because it connects two service profit chains and explores not only the form of links for the entire service profit chain, but examines also the cross-sectoral links between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty for related services. In our study, we investigated the links between the service quality, the customer satisfaction, the customer loyalty and the business performance of companies in the case of the automotive business. The results of the regular customer satisfaction measurement concerning the sales and aftersales services of an European manufacturer of passenger cars represent basis of the research. The analysis included 11,470 interviews for sales services of new vehicles and 34,421 interviews for after sales services conducted during the period between 2005 and 2011. The form of functional connections was checked using a linear and several non-linear regression models. The results show that the concave shape that has been predicted by the accessibility – diagnosticity theory and by the need gratification theory for the lower-order needs was the predominant form of functional connections in the service profit chain.
Keywords:quality management, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, business performance, automotive industry, nonlinearity, functional form


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