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Title:Modna industrija: odnos potrošnic do nakupovanja modnih torbic
Authors:ID Hren Špes, Tamara (Author)
ID Završnik, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Hren_Spes_Tamara_2017.pdf (2,26 MB)
MD5: 3BF3D8B36C29635EB8D03353F033CC6E
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Modna industrija je danes več sto milijard dolarjev vredna globalna organizacija. Z njeno pomočjo nastajajo vsa naša oblačila, obutev in modni dodatki. Sestavljena je iz mnogo ljudi po celem svetu, kamor spadajo tudi prodajalci, kupci, modni oblikovalci, stilisti in mnogi drugi povezani z modo. Moda se spreminja iz meseca v mesec, zato mora modna industrija zvesto slediti novim trenom na trgu ter znova in znova poizkušati nove ideje. Če jim ne sledi, lahko kaj hitro zapade v negativne številke in se obsodi na propad. Eden izmed najbolj donosnih izdelkov v industriji mode so poleg oblačil modni dodatki. Pomemben del le-teh predstavljajo torbice, ki so najhitreje rastoči segment v celotni industriji luksuznega blaga. Blagovne znamke pomagajo luksuzni industriji ohranjati stabilno rast in donosnost za prihodnost ter razvijati najboljše modne izdelke za trg. Le-te imajo še posebej pomembno vlogo pri nakupu modnih dodatkov kot so torbice. Za nekatere predstavljajo odločilni dejavnik nakupa, za nekatere so bolj pomembni cena, dizajn torbice, barva in drugo, saj so nakupne navade potrošnikov različne. Torbice so pomemben dodatek k vsaki ženski. Ne glede na videz, ceno, blagovno znamko ali barvo, vsaka torbica opravlja svojo funkcijo hranjenja in prenašanja ženskih stvari. Kupiti jih je mogoče že prav v vsaki trgovini. V Sloveniji sta eni izmed bolj znanih trgovin s širokim sortimentom torbic, kot tudi ostalih stvari, povezanih z galanterijo, Bags&More in La'Mans. Magistrsko delo sestavljata teoretični in empirični del. S pomočjo domače in tuje literature v teoretičnem delu podrobneje predstavimo pomen modne industrije in blagovnih znamk, opredelimo vedenje potrošnikov in vpliv dejavnikov na njihovo nakupno odločanje ter predstavimo trg povezan z modnimi torbicami. Prav tako opišemo eno izmed slovenskih podjetij, ki ima v lasti znani trgovini na drobno s torbicami. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela predstavimo vprašalnik, ki je bil izhodišče za zbiranje podatkov, podrobneje predstavimo analizo rezultatov pridobljenih v raziskavi ter s pomočjo dobljenih rezultatov analize preverimo zastavljene hipoteze. Namen raziskave temelji na ugotavljanju odnosa potrošnic na območju Slovenije pri nakupovanju modnih torbic. Vzporedno smo preverili prepoznavnost trgovin na drobno s torbicami Bags&More in La'Mans. Zbiranje podatkov je potekalo preko spletne strani 1KA, katere smo nato analizirali s statističnim programom SPSS. Ugotovitve kažejo, da je torbica eden izmed najbolj priljubljenih modnih dodatkov, ki si ga ženske privoščijo v večini 1x letno in so zanjo pripravljene odšteti do 50 €. Torbico najpogosteje kupijo v trgovinah, ki se nahajajo v trgovskih centrih, pri tem je dejavnik, ki najbolj vpliva na odločitev o nakupu torbice dober dizajn torbice. Blagovna znamka torbice ženskam ni pomembna, izmed navedenih znamk je najbolj priljubljena znamka torbice, ki si jo želi velika večina, blagovna znamka Michael Kors, kateri sledita Desigual in Guess. Več kot polovica sodelujočih v anketi pozna trgovini Bags&More ter La'Mans.
Keywords:modna industrija, blagovne znamke, vedenje potrošnikov, torbice
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Hren Špes]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-66094 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12783388 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.07.2017
HREN ŠPES, Tamara, 2017, Modna industrija: odnos potrošnic do nakupovanja modnih torbic [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : T. Hren Špes. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=66094
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Secondary language

Title:Fashion industry: consumer attitudes to shopping fashion bags
Abstract:Nowadays a fashion industry is a global organization that is worth over hundred millions of dollars. All our clothes, shoes and accessories are made in fashion industry, where we find a diversity of people from all over the world: sellers, buyers, fashion designers, stylists, and many others. However, fashion rapidly changes and fashion industry must follow the trends and try to find new and interesting ideas for products over and over again because the market is so full of providers. Not being able to follow those trends can produce negative business results which can lead to collapse of the certain company. The most profitable products, beside clothes are accessories and within those particularly handbags, which are the fastest growing segment between luxury fashion articles. Brands help to sustain the stability of growth on the luxury market and profit for future development of the best possible products, above all handbags. Because of the difference in costumer`s buying habits a critical factor for purchasing a handbag for some people is a brand, for others a price or a bag design or even a color of the product. Handbags are an important addition to any woman. Whatever the look, price, brand or color, each purchased item performs its function. It can be bought in every store nowadays. In Slovenia two of the most famous stores which have a wide assortment of handbags are Stone Bags&More and La'Mans. The master's thesis consists of theoretical and empirical part. With the help of Slovenian and foreign literature the theoretical part consists of the importance of the fashion industry and brands, it defines consumer`s behavior and it researches the impact of factors on costumers` purchasing decisions. It also introduces the market associated with fashion handbags which includes descriptions of the two Slovenian companies, which own the well-known trade retail sale of handbags. In the empirical part the questionnaire is presented, which was used for collecting data later on we analysed the data to compare the findings with the hypotheses at the beginning of the master`s thesis. The purpose of the research is based on inquiries of the costumer`s relationships in buying fashion handbags in Slovenia. We have also checked the recognition of retail stores with bags: Bags and More and La'Mans. Data were collected through the website 1KA, which were analysed using SPSS statistical program. The findings indicate that the carrying case is one of the most popular fashion accessories that most women enjoy and are prepared to pay up to 50€ at least once a year. Handbags are most often purchased in stores located in shopping centres, while the factor which influences the decision to purchase handbags the most is a good design of a handbag. Brand of a handbag is important to women, of those, the most popular brand of handbags is a brand Michael Kors, which is followed by brands Guess and Desigual. More than a half of respondents know the store Bags&More and La'Mans.
Keywords:fashion industry, the brand, consumer`s behaviour, Handbags


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