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Title:Poslovna pogajanja v arabskih deželah
Authors:ID Deželak, Katja (Author)
ID Završnik, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 6A362438ADE46B34825EEE82A585A069
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Ljudje se sporazumevajo in hkrati usklajujejo mnenja. Prav tako, pa se vsakodnevno tudi pogajamo. Pri pogajanjih morata sodelovati dve ali več oseb, kateri želita pridobiti stvar, ki jo potrebujeta, po najnižji možni ceni. Pogajanja skozi leta postajajo vse bolj pomembna, zato jim podjetja pripisujejo vse večji pomen. V pogajanjih mora ena stran nekaj dati, da zato tudi nekaj dobi. Do pogajanj pride, ko ena stran ima nekaj, kar druga stran želi imeti. Potekajo zaradi različnih si ciljev in interesov obeh strani, katere pa morata predhodno opredeliti. Za uspešna pogajanja je potreben dober pogajalec, pri katerem so pomembna njegove izkušnje, osebnost, znanje in dobro razvite komunikacijske sposobnosti. Vpliv kulture na pogajanja je velik. Z poznavanjem kulture nasprotne strani, lahko pogajalec maksimalno izkoristi svoj položaj in naredi pogajanja uspešna. Na mednarodna pogajanja se je potrebno dobro pripraviti. Faza priprava na pogajanje je pomembna, saj v tej fazi pogajalec spozna kulturo nasprotne strani, njihove največkrat uporabljene strategije, njihovo nebesedno komunikacijo, ter ostale dejavnike, ki lahko vplivajo na rezultat pogajanj. Pogajalec, ki je dober v pogajanjih vedno izbere srednjo pot, kar pomeni, da ne poizkuša se pogajati, kot domačin, ampak s pomočjo opazovanja skuša razumeti, kako se pogajajo v deželi, kjer je doma nasprotna pogajalska stran. Neizkušen pogajalec lahko podjetju naredi veliko škode s svojim ne znanjem, ne poznavanjem kulture nasprotne strani in premalo pripravljenosti na pogajanja. V magistrskem delu so prikazane razlike med Arabskimi deželami, Slovenijo in ZDA kot pogajalci. Navedene so značilnosti in lastnosti, s katerimi se mora seznaniti mednarodni poslovnež, ki posluje z Arabskimi deželami. Opredelila sem tudi njihovo družbeno in kulturo okolje, vpliv Islama in podala nasvete, ki so pomembni, pri sklepanju posla z Arabskimi poslovneži.
Keywords:pogajanja, pogajalec, mednarodna pogajanja, Arabske deželE
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Deželak]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-65826 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12783644 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.03.2021
DEŽELAK, Katja, 2017, Poslovna pogajanja v arabskih deželah [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : K. Deželak. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=65826
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Secondary language

Title:Business negotiations in arab countries
Abstract:People communicate and exchange opinions. Also, they are having negotiations on a daily basis. The negotiations must include two or more persons, which wants things, and need to have things at the lowest price as possible. Negotiations over the years, have become more and more important, so companys imply more and more meaning. In negotioations one side must give something that, another side want, and other side, something what they want. Negotiations are happening because of different interests and goals of negotiations sides. For a seccussful negotiation requires experienced negotiatior, which has a good personality, a lot of knowledge and good communication skills. The impact of culture on negotiations is significant. With knowledge of the culture opposite side you can make the negotiations sucessful. In international negotiations it is necessary to prepare well. Stage of preparation for negotiations is important because at this stage, negotiator learns the culture of the other side, their most used strategy, their non-verbal way of communication and other facrtors that may affect the outcome of the negotiations. The negotiator, who is good at negotiating always choose the middle path. That means, that he do not wants to negotiate as a local resident, but through observing people he is trying to understand how to negotiate. Inexperience of negotiator can do to a company a lot of damage. In masters thesis I show the differences between Arab contries, Slovenia and United States of America as negotiators. I also write about cultural environment, the influence of Islam and share some tips which are very important to international businessman when doing business with Arab businessmen.
Keywords:negotiate, negotiator, international negotiations, Arab countries


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