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Title:Rimskokatoliška cerkev in obveščevalna dejavnost
Authors:ID Korošec, Borut (Author)
ID Ivanuša, Teodora (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Korosec_Borut_2017.pdf (1,19 MB)
MD5: 214DA5816CA1AD96D20F4DE89D6097CA
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Odmik od tradicionalnega zavedanja o poslanstvu sodobnih obveščevalno-varnostnih služb in odkrivanje splošno zakoreninjene miselnosti o RKC kot ustanovi, ki se ukvarja samo s pastoralno dejavnostjo, zaznamujeta magistrsko delo. V raziskavi ugotavljamo, da je obveščevalna dejavnost nepogrešljiva sestavina vsake resne organizacije in države. Ob tem smo ugotovili, da tudi RKC koristno uporablja obveščevalno dejavnost, čeprav so njene metode in tehnike dela manj na očeh javnosti kot običajni obveščevalni sistemi nacionalnih držav. V Cerkvi bomo zaman iskali zakonodajno podlago za obstoj tovrstnih služb, smo se pa s pomočjo primerov iz bogate zgodovine RKC in s proučevanjem redovniških skupin dokopali do spoznanja, da RKC brez ustrezne obveščevalne podpore ne bi uspela zadržati položajev, ki jih ima že dve tisočletji. V raziskavi se ukvarjamo tudi s pojavom spovedi kot mogočim tipalom za pridobivanje koristnih informacij. Uporabo/zlorabo te v opisane namene ne moremo v popolnosti dokazati, v vsakem primeru pa v RS zaznavamo nekatere dogodke, na katerih slovenska Katoliška cerkev ob pomoči Svetega sedeža, ki ga krasi globalna avtoriteta, vrhunska obveščenost, diplomatska rutina in lobistična spretnost, dosega zavidljive rezultate v razmerju do drugih družbenih skupin.
Keywords:Rimskokatoliška cerkev, spoved, jezuiti, Opus Dei, obveščevalno‑varnostna dejavnost
Place of publishing:Celje
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-65547 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.10.2017
KOROŠEC, Borut, 2017, Rimskokatoliška cerkev in obveščevalna dejavnost [online]. Master’s thesis. Celje. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=65547
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Secondary language

Title:The Roman Catholic Church and Intelligence
Abstract:The master's thesis focuses on the deviation of the traditional understanding of modern intelligence and security services’ mission. Moreover, it unravels the generally rooted comprehension of the Roman Catholic Church as an institution, which does not deal only with pastoral activity. The study confirms that intelligence is an essential component of any serious organization and state. Furthermore, it was found out that the Roman Catholic Church beneficially uses intelligence, although its working methods and techniques are not given as much publicity as those of the common national intelligence systems. It is impossible to find any legislative basis for the existence of intelligence services in Church records. However, based on different examples from the Church rich history and the study of monastic groups it can still be claimed that the Roman Catholic Church would not be able to maintain its position for two thousand years without adequate intelligence support. The phenomenon of confession as a possible sensor for obtaining useful information was also observed. The use / misuse of confession for these purposes cannot be fully proved. In any case, however, the Republic of Slovenia is perceiving certain events in which Slovenian Catholic Church supported by the Holy See achieved notable results in comparison to other social groups in the country. The global authority of the Holy See, superior intelligence awareness, diplomatic routine, and lobbying skills have helped achieve enviable results.
Keywords:Roman Catholic Church, confession, the Jesuits, Opus Dei, intelligence and security activities


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