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Title:Motivacija bolnikov z multiplo sklerozo za izvajanje telesne aktivnosti in dejavniki, povezani z njo
Authors:ID Mravljak, Urška (Author)
ID Klemenc Ketiš, Zalika (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 614E07C629355BFB3A62F3BC2F51F840
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Multipla skleroza je kronična bolezen centralnega živčnega sistema, ki prizadene mlade odrasle osebe. Nastanek bolezni še ni popolnoma razjasnjen, v večini primerov pa bolezen postopoma napreduje in vodi v invalidnost bolnika. Postopna odpoved živčevja povzroča različne okvare, kot so okvara vida, sluha in drugih senzorjev, gibalne okvare, utrujenost, zadrževanje in odvajanje vode in blata, težave kognitivnega mišljenja ter razne druge težave. Posledice bolezni vplivajo tako na njihovo fizično kot tudi psihološko in socialno stanje. Bolniki sicer prejmejo medicinsko zdravljenje, vendar je zaradi širine posledic potrebna pomoč raznih strokovnjakov, ki pomagajo pri vzdrževanju kakovosti življenja bolnika. Velik pomen za izboljšanje stanja bolezni je telesna dejavnost, ki pozitivno vpliva tako na vzdrževanje telesne moči kot tudi na zmanjševanje drugih posledic bolezni. Za izvajanje telesne dejavnosti morajo biti bolniki ustrezno motivirani, zato smo v tem magistrskem delu raziskali, kakšna je motivacija bolnikov z multiplo sklerozo za izvajanje telesne dejavnosti, da bi s tem izboljšali svoje stanje. Naše ugotovitve so, da so bolniki z multiplo sklerozo visoko motivirani za izvajanje telesnih dejavnosti, da se motivirajo pretežno sami in da želijo predvsem vzdrževati čim boljše stanje oziroma preprečiti poslabšanje bolezni. Njihova motivacija ni usmerjena v izboljšanje stanja, saj ozdravitve ne pričakujejo, ampak v ohranjanje kakovosti svojega življenja.
Keywords:multipla skleroza, motivacija, motivacija bolnikov z multiplo sklerozo, kakovost življenja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-65526 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7930899 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.06.2017
MRAVLJAK, Urška, 2017, Motivacija bolnikov z multiplo sklerozo za izvajanje telesne aktivnosti in dejavniki, povezani z njo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=65526
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Secondary language

Title:Motivation of patients with multiple sclerosis for physical activity and factors associated with it
Abstract:Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system, affecting young adults. The emergence of the disease has not been fully elucidated; yet in most cases, the disease gradually progresses and leads to patient disability. Gradual failure of the nervous system causes various defects, such as visual impairment, hearing and other sensory impairments, movement disorders, fatigue, retention and difficulties with urination and defecation, cognitive impairment and various other problems. The effects of the disease influence the patients’ physical, psychological and social status. Although patients receive medical treatment, they require the help of various experts, who help maintain the patients’ quality of life, due to the expansive effects of the disease. Physical activity is of great importance in improving the status of the disease, as it positively influences the preservation of physical strength and the reduction of other effects of the disease. In order to carry out physical activities, patients must be duly motivated, so in this thesis we researched the motivation of patients with multiple sclerosis to perform physical activities in order to improve their status. Our findings were that patients with multiple sclerosis are highly motivated to perform physical activities, that they mainly motivate themselves and that they predominantly wish to maintain their health in the best possible condition, namely to prevent disease aggravation. Their motivation is not oriented towards an improvement of their health status, as they do not expect to be cured, but rather towards the preservation of the quality of their lives.
Keywords:multiple sclerosis, motivation, motivation of patients with multiple sclerosis, quality of life


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