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Title:Pristranskost pri policijskem zasliševanju : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Authors:ID Lunežnik, Patricija (Author)
ID Areh, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Luneznik_Patricija_2017.pdf (959,87 KB)
MD5: 49D26EEBBB288CDA4CA1A799A5B2B01F
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Naše dojemanje in pripisovanje značilnosti ljudem prihaja iz podzavesti, ki je pogosto pristranska. Stereotipi ter predsodki do posameznika nimajo meje niti takrat, ko gre za odkrivanje dejstev in dokazov pri kaznivem dejanju. Tako osebo zaradi njenih lastnosti kot so spol, ekonomski status, nacionalna pripadnost, rasa ter videz sodimo le kot subjekta v skupnosti in ne več kot posameznika z individualno življenjsko zgodbo. Privlačnost je prvovrsten dejavnik, zaradi katerega smo določenim osebam bolj naklonjeni, po našem mnenju neprivlačne ljudi pa zaničujemo in jim pripisujemo negativne lastnosti. Ženske so zaradi vpliva kavalirstva moških pogosto milejše obravnavane, zgolj iz elementa nasprotnosti spola. Oseba z višjim ekonomskim stažem lahko na zaradi obleke daje prvi vtis bogastva ali poštenosti, saj nihče ne bi pomislil, da bi lahko ta oseba okradla nekoga na avtobusni postaji. Rasizem in multikulturno nasprotovanje sta tako kot v vsakdanjiku pričujoč v kazenskem sistemu, še posebej v ameriškem sodnem sistemu, kjer imajo šibko točko pripadniki črne rase. V diplomskem delu sem z eksperimentom s študenti dokazala, kako lahko zunanji videz vpliva na dojemanje oseb kot osumljencev kaznivega dejanja. Študentje so na podlagi predstavljene zgodbe o kaznivem dejanju ter naključnih fotografijah osumljencev izbirali najbolj sumljivega po ocenjevanju videza. S postavljenimi hipotezami smo ugotovili, da zunanji videz močno vpliva na odnos do osumljenca. Manj privlačne osebe so pogosto zaznane kot storilci kaznivih dejanj. Prav tako pa smo se dotaknili tudi vprašanja telesne govorice in ugotovili, da lahko sodimo po kretnjah in obnašanju osumljenca le, če poznamo osumljenčevo vsakdanje obnašanje.
Keywords:pristranskost, neverbalna komunikacija, zaslišanje, zasliševalske tehnike, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:P. Lunežnik]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:43 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-65519 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3381482 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.03.2020
LUNEŽNIK, Patricija, 2017, Pristranskost pri policijskem zasliševanju : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : P. Lunežnik. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=65519
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Secondary language

Title:Bias in police interrogation
Abstract:Our perception and attribution of the characteristics of people are coming from the subconscious, which is often biased. Stereotypes and prejudices towards individuals do not have borders even when it comes to discovering the facts and evidence in a criminal offense. We judge a person by his characteristics such as gender, economic status, ethnicity, appearance and consider him as a part of a community and not as an individual with a specific life story. Attractiveness is a prime factor for which we are more inclined to attractive people and on the other hand, we despise unattractive people and ascribe them negative characteristics. Women are often treated milder, because of the impact of cavalier and opposite sex. A person with higher economic status may give a first impression of wealth or honesty by his dress; because nobody would have thought that this person could rob someone at the bus station. Racism and multicultural opposition as well as in everyday life are also present in the criminal justice system, especially in the American judicial system, where are affected mainly members of the black race. In this thesis, I have demonstrated how appearance can effect on how we perceived certain person as criminal suspect based on experiment with students. Students got imaginary crime story and a set of random photos of men and they had to choose the picture, which in their opinion was the most suspicious person. By the hypotheses, we have found that the appearance has a strong impact on the relationship with the suspect. Less attractive people are often perceived as criminals. We have also considered the issue of body language and found that we can only judge the gestures and behavior of the suspect if we know his everyday behavior.
Keywords:bias, interrogation, attractiveness, economic status, gender, race, nonverbal communication


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