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Title:Strah pred kibernetsko kriminaliteto : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Informacijska varnost
Authors:ID Kimovec, Sara (Author)
ID Meško, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Bernik, Igor (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Kimovec_Sara_2017.pdf (965,18 KB)
MD5: A901231F5FB1E31AD16569FEC75523EE
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Strah pred kibernetsko kriminaliteto je trenutno ena izmed najbolj raziskanih tem v povezavi z računalništvom. Kibernetska kriminaliteta se pojavlja v obliki različnih kaznivih dejanj. S pomočjo opisa zgodovine in trenutnega stanja kibernetske kriminalitete ter boja proti njej spoznamo različne vrste nevarnosti, ki nam na internetu lahko pretijo in na kakšne načine se lahko zavarujemo. Za razlago zaščite pred kibernetsko kriminaliteto opišemo programsko opremo, ki naše računalniške sisteme varuje pred zlonamerno vsebino. Podamo pravilne oblike vedenja ob uporabi internetnih storitev, s pomočjo katerega si zagotovimo dodatno varnost. S podanimi primeri so opisane tudi posledice tovrstnih kaznivih dejanj. Delo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika preverja in opisuje trenutni strah anketirancev pred kibernetsko kriminaliteto.
Keywords:kriminaliteta, kibernetska kriminaliteta, strah pred kriminaliteto, kibernetske grožnje, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:S. Kimovec]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-65500 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3394282 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.06.2017
KIMOVEC, Sara, 2017, Strah pred kibernetsko kriminaliteto : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Informacijska varnost [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : S. Kimovec. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=65500
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Secondary language

Title:Fear of cybercrime
Abstract:Fear of cybercrime is currently one of the most researched topics related to computer knowledge. Cybercrime can appear in different forms of criminal offense. The description of history and the current state of affairs in relation to cybercrime helps us understand the different types of danger that may threaten us on the Internet and provides the different means of protection. To explain the protection more thoroughly the work provides different examples of software to protect out computers against the malicious content. Also described are the correct behaviors when using Internet services, providing additional means of protection. The consequences and actual costs of cybercrime are also provided, alongside with actual examples of such criminal offenses. Work with the help of a questionnaire, verifies and describes the current fear of cybercrime by the respondents.
Keywords:fear, cybercrime, computer, hacker, virus, worm, trojan horse, questionnaire


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