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Title:Pressing of partially oxide-dispersion-strengthened Copper using the ECAP process
Authors:ID Kos, Matija (Author)
ID Ferčec, Janko (Author)
ID Brunčko, Mihael (Author)
ID Rudolf, Rebeka (Author)
ID Anžel, Ivan (Author)
ID Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije (Copyright holder)
Files:.pdf Materiali_in_Tehnologije_2014_Kos_et_al._Pressing_of_Partially_Oxide-Dispersion-Strengthened_Copper_Using_the_Ecap_Process.pdf (955,64 KB)
MD5: ADD7750C315F30DE2820D0B25BB80D48
URL http://mit.imt.si/Revija/izvodi/mit143/kos.pdf
Work type:Scientific work
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:A combination of internal oxidation (IO) and equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) was used to explore the possibility of uniting the mechanisms of dispersion and deformation strengthening to improve the properties of a Cu-Al alloy with 0.4 % Al. The IO of Cu-Al billets served in the first step of the experiment as a means for dispersion, strengthening the mantle of the billets with a fine dispersion of nanosized oxide particles. The experimental procedure continued with deformation strengthening performed by ECAP, which allowed an intense plastic strain through simple shear. Material flow in a partly internally oxidized Cu-0.4 % Al billet and in a homogenous reference sample made of modelling mass was also studied to analyse, on the macroscale, the influence of the internal oxidation zone (IOZ) on the material flow behaviour during the ECAP process. The analysis was performed with the aim of revealing the uniformity of the strain distribution and to obtain information about the deformation strengthening across the volume of the billet. We found that the oxide particles have a minor influence on the material flow on the macroscopic scale during the ECAP process. However, the degree of deformation strengthening in the IOZ was much lower than in the unoxidized core region. The combination of IO and ECAP allows us to produce a Cu composite composed of a hardened oxidized mantle region with good electrical and thermal conductivity and a high- hardened core region. This combination represents a new technological route for the production of high-hardness Cu composites, which could also be used at higher temperatures.
Keywords:ECAP, Cu-Al alloys, strengthening mechanisms, internal oxidation
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2014
Number of pages:str. 379-384
Numbering:Letn. 48, št. 3
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-65206 New window
ISSN on article:1580-2949
COBISS.SI-ID:17823510 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.03.2017
KOS, Matija, FERČEC, Janko, BRUNČKO, Mihael, RUDOLF, Rebeka and ANŽEL, Ivan, 2014, Pressing of partially oxide-dispersion-strengthened Copper using the ECAP process. Materiali in tehnologije [online]. 2014. Vol. 48, no. 3, p. 379–384. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=65206
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Materiali in tehnologije
Shortened title:Mater. tehnol.
Publisher:Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije
COBISS.SI-ID:106193664 New window

Secondary language

Title:Iztiskanje disperzijsko utrjenega bakra po postopku ECAP
Abstract:Kombinacija notranje oksidacije (NO) in postopka ECAP je bila uporabljena za združitev disperzijskega in deformacijskega utrjanja za izboljšanje lastnosti zlitine Cu-Al z 0,4 % Al. Notranja oksidacija je v prvem koraku eksperimenta zagotovila disper- zijsko utrjanje plašča preizkušanca s fino disperzijo nano velikih oksidnih delcev. Eksperiment se je nadaljeval z deformacijskim utrjanjem, izvedenim z ECAP-postopkom, ki je omogočil ekstremno plastično deformacijo s čistim strigom. Preučeno je bilo tudi tečenje materiala na makronivoju v delno notranje oksidiranem Cu-0,4 % Al preizkušancu in homogenem referenčnem vzorcu iz modelirne mase z namenom analize vpliva cone notranje oksidacije na vedenje tečenja materiala med ECAP-postopkom. Analiza je bila izvedena z namenom odkriti enakomernost porazdelitve deformacije in pridobitve informacij o deformacijskem utrjanju po volumnu preizkušanca. Ugotovili smo, da imajo oksidni delci na makronivoju zelo majhen vpliv na tečenje materiala med ECAP-postopkom, vendar je bila stopnja deformacijskega utrjanja v coni notranje oksidacije veliko nižja kot pa v neoksidiranem jedru. Kombinacija notranje oksidacije in ECAP-postopka nam omogoča izdelavo Cu-kompozita, sestavljenega iz utrjenega oksidiranega plašča z dobro električno in toplotno prevodnostjo ter visoko utrjenega jedra. Ta kombinacija je nova tehnološka pot za izdelavo visoko- trdnostnega Cu-kompozita, ki bi se lahko uporabljal tudi pri višjih temperaturah.
Keywords:iztiskanje bakra, zlitine Cu-Al, bakrove zlitine, postopek ECAP, notranja oksidacija, mehanizmi utrjanja, utrjanje materiala, deformacije, visokotrdnostni kompoziti


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