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Title:Prostor in čas v izbranih slovenskih sodobnih fantastičnih pripovedih
Authors:ID Šraml, Natalija (Author)
ID Haramija, Dragica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Sraml_Natalija_2017.pdf (866,79 KB)
MD5: 360DA7732E662B9CFFFA8497A6366F4F
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V prvem delu magistrske naloge so predstavljene značilnosti fantastične pripovedi, motivne klasifikacije tujih in slovenskih književnih analitikov in njen razvojni lok na Slovenskem. Zanimalo nas je, v katerih fantastičnih pripovedih se dvodimenzionalnost dogajanja kaže s prestopom v drug prostor ali v drug čas. Izbrali smo devet del sodobnih slovenskih avtorjev, in sicer Bogdan Novak: Zaljubljeni vampir (1995) in Strašljiva Strahovica (1996), Feri Lainšček: Velecirkus Argo (1996); Desa Muck: Kremplin (1996); Janja Vidmar: Vrtiljak čudežev (1999); Aksinja Kermauner: Modrost starodavnega anka (2000); Dim zupan: Dežela odrezanih glav (2001); Miha Mazzini: Drevo glasov (2005) in Marjana Moškrič: Stvar (2007) V osrednjem delu naloge so fantastične pripovedi natančno analizirane. Predstavljeni so splošni podatki o romanu, zgodba, glavni in stranski književni liki, snov, tema, motivi, ideja ter jezikovne značilnosti. V vsaki pripovedi sta posebej izpostavljeni kategoriji prostora in časa. Določen je primarni in sekundarni prostor prav tako primarni in sekundarni čas ter odnos med njima. Ker sta prostor in čas v romanu tesno povezana, so izpostavljene tudi vidnejše kategorije kronotopa.
Keywords:fantastična pripoved, prostor, čas, kronotop, Novak, Lainšček, Muck, Vidmar, Kermauner, Zupan, Mazzini, Moškrič
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Šraml]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64869 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22944264 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.02.2017
ŠRAML, Natalija, 2017, Prostor in čas v izbranih slovenskih sodobnih fantastičnih pripovedih [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : N. Šraml. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=64869
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Secondary language

Title:Space and time in selected slovenian contemporary fantastic thies
Abstract:The first part of the master's thesis presents the features of a fantastic tales, motif classifications of foreign and Slovenian literary analysts and its evolution on Slovenian grounds according to Gregor Artnik. We are interested in which fantastic tales the two-dimensionality of events shows itself with a transfer to another place or another time. We select nine works by contemporary Slovenian authors: Bogdan Novak: Zaljubljeni vampir (1995) and Strašljiva Strahovica (1996), Feri Lainšček: Velecirkus Argo (1996); Desa Muck: Kremplin (1996); Janja Vidmar: Vrtiljak čudežev (1999); Aksinja Kermauner: Modrost starodavnega anka (2000); Dim zupan: Dežela odrezanih glav (2001); Miha Mazzini: Drevo glasov (2005) and Marjana Moškrič: Stvar (2007). In the second, main section of the paper, the fantastic tales are analyzed in detail. Presented are the general information about the novel; the storyline, the central and minor literary characters, substance, theme, motifs, ideas, and linguistic features. With each narrative there is a careful categorization of space and time. Primary and secondary space are specified, as are the primary and secondary time and the relationship between them. Since space and time in a novel are closely related, we are also exposed to more prominent categories of chronotope.
Keywords:fantastic tales, space, time, chronotope, Novak, Lainšček, Muck, Vidmar, Kermauner, Zupan, Mazzini, Moškrič


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