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Title:Zdravstvena obravnava nosečnice z multiplo sklerozo
Authors:ID Bricman, Sabina (Author)
ID Nerat, Jasmina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Bricman_Sabina_2017.pdf (533,14 KB)
MD5: EC71FED12B4B199B43770B289B8F9FF5
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Multipla skleroza je ena izmed pogostejših avtoimunskih kroničnih bolezni, ki najpogosteje prizadene mlajše odrasle osebe oz. ljudi v obdobju zgodnjih srednjih let. Ženske, ki še nimajo otrok, so zaradi bolezni pogosto v veliki dilemi, ali naj družino sploh načrtujejo. Čeprav multipla skleroza na nosečnost ne vpliva negativno, je pomembno, da ženske, ki se odločijo za naraščaj, o tem dobro premislijo. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti multiplo sklerozo nasploh, opisati vpliv nosečnosti na multiplo sklerozo in na podlagi študije primera predstaviti obravnavo pacientke s to boleznijo med nosečnostjo po procesni metodi dela. Raziskovalne metode: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno in kvalitativno metodo dela. Izvedena je bila študija primera nosečnice z multiplo sklerozo, s pomočjo intervjuja na podlagi delno strukturiranega vprašalnika. V pomoč pri zbiranju podatkov nam je bila tudi medicinska dokumentacija in opazovanje pacientke. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da pri pacientki z blažjim potekom bolezni nosečnost nima hujšega vpliva na splošno stanje pacientke. V nosečnosti se je pojavilo glede na stanje pred nosečnostjo nekaj novih negovalnih diagnoz, vendar pa so nekatere bile le posledica same nosečnosti. Bolezen je v nosečnosti nekoliko vplivala le na določene življenjske aktivnosti, in sicer najbolj na spanje in počitek, izločanje in odvajanje ter na vzdrževanje normalne telesne temperature. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da pri pacientki z blažjim potekom bolezni ni potrebe po carskem rezu, zato je pri pacientki načrtovan naravni porod. Diskusija in zaključek: Spoznali smo, da nosečnost pri obravnavani pacientki z multiplo sklerozo ni povzročala večjih težav. Ko se pacientka z multiplo sklerozo odloči za otroka, je dobro, da nosečnost načrtuje skupaj s svojim ginekologom in nevrologom, ki ji nudita strokovna mnenja, nasvete, navodila in podporo. Pred zanositvijo je priporočljivo, da pacientka dobro pozna svoj potek bolezni ter spozna, kako bolezen vpliva na partnerski odnos, saj breme, ki se pojavi z rojstvom otroka precej vpliva tudi na partnerja.
Keywords:multipla skleroza, nosečnica, multipla skleroza v nosečnosti, porod, družina
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Bricman]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64834 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2305188 New window
Publication date in DKUM:01.03.2017
BRICMAN, Sabina, 2017, Zdravstvena obravnava nosečnice z multiplo sklerozo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : S. Bricman. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=64834
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Secondary language

Title:Pregnant women with multiple sclerosis and their nursing care
Abstract:Starting point: Multiple sclerosis is one of the most common chronic autoimmune diseases that most frequently affects middle-aged people. Women with multiple sclerosis that do not have children are often in doubt whether or not to even start a family. Even though multiple sclerosis does not have a negative impact on pregnancy, it is important that women think carefully about becoming pregnant. The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe multiple sclerosis in general, to determine the impact of pregnancy on multiple sclerosis, and – based on a case study – to present the treatment of a patient with this disease during pregnancy by using the procedural method of work. Research methods: In this diploma thesis, the descriptive and qualitative method of work was used. A case study about a pregnant woman with multiple sclerosis was conducted, using an interview based on a semi-structured questionnaire. For the purpose of data collection, medical documentation and patient observation were also used. Results: We have found that pregnancy did not have a significant impact on the patient’s general health, the patient having a mild version of this disease. Some new nursing diagnoses appeared during her pregnancy; however, some of them were merely a result of the pregnancy itself. During the pregnancy, the disease affected a few life activities, such as sleep and rest, bowel movements, urination and maintaining normal body temperature. We established that since the patient had a milder form of the disease, a caesarean section was not necessary; therefore, a natural birth was planned. Discussion and conclusion: We concluded that with our patient with multiple sclerosis pregnancy did not present a significant obstacle. When a female patient with multiple sclerosis starts planning a family, it is advised that she includes her gynaecologists as well as her neurologist in this process, since they can provide her with their professional opinion, advice, instructions and support. Before the pregnancy itself, it is also recommendable that the patient becomes familiar with her disease and its impact on the relationship with her partner, as the burden of childbirth deeply affects her partner as well.
Keywords:multiple sclerosis, pregnant woman, multiple sclerosis in pregnancy, childbirth, family


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