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Title:Zdravstvena obravnava pacientke z epilepsijo v nosečnosti in poporodnem obdobju
Authors:ID Štrekelj, Marjeta (Author)
ID Nerat, Jasmina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Strekelj_Marjeta_2016.pdf (967,59 KB)
MD5: B7844D59FB673F280FBF7F4E51D371CD
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Epilepsija predstavlja resen socialni in zdravstveni problem. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti specifične probleme pacientke z epilepsijo v obdobju zanositve, med nosečnostjo, porodom in v poporodnem obdobju, ter opisati zdravstveno obravnavo pacientke z epilepsijo od načrtovanja nosečnosti do poporodnega obdobja. Raziskovalne metode: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Teoretični del diplomskega dela smo oblikovali s pomočjo analize slovenske in tuje strokovne literature. Empirični del diplomskega dela smo izdelali s pomočjo kvalitativne raziskave. Podatke smo pridobili z intervjujem. Izvedena je bila študija primera s pomočjo delno strukturiranega vprašalnika z odprtim tipom vprašanj. Raziskovalni vzorec predstavlja ena pacientka z epilepsijo, po porodu. Rezultati: Na podlagi odgovorov pridobljenih z intervjujem, opazovanjem pacientke in pregledom medicinske dokumentacije smo ugotovili, da je imela pomembno vlogo pri odločanju pacientke o zanositvi frekvenca pogostosti epileptičnih napadov. Pri pacientki je plodnost ostala ohranjena, nosečnost pa je kljub pogostim epileptičnim napadom predvsem v prvem in tretjem tromesečju potekala brez večjih težav ali zapletov. Opazili smo primanjkljaj multidisciplinarnega sodelovanja in vključevanja medicinske sestre pri vodenju, usmerjanju in svetovanju pacientke z epilepsijo, ki je opazen v vseh obdobjih od zanositve do poporodnega obdobja. Diskusija in zaključek: Epilepsija je kljub visoki incidenci, še vedno tabu tema zaradi pomanjkanja znanja in informacij o epilepsiji in epileptičnih napadih, tako med prebivalstvom kot med pacienti samimi. Če želimo med pacientkami z epilepsijo doseči, kar se da varno, zdravo in uspešno zanositev, nosečnost, porod ter poporodno obdobje, bi bilo potrebno s strani zdravstvenih delavcev dodatno obširno ozaveščanje, informiranje, pomoč in strokovno vodenje pacientov z epilepsijo, svojcev ter tudi širše lokalne skupnosti.
Keywords:epilepsija, nosečnost, epileptični napad, antiepileptična terapija, plod, porod.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Štrekelj]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64631 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2297508 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.02.2017
ŠTREKELJ, Marjeta, 2016, Zdravstvena obravnava pacientke z epilepsijo v nosečnosti in poporodnem obdobju [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Štrekelj. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=64631
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Secondary language

Title:Medical treatment of the patient with epilepsy in the pregnancy and the postpartum period
Abstract:Theoretical basis: Epilepsy is a serious social and health issue. The purpose of this thesis is to introduce specific issues of a patient with epilepsy in the time of impregnation, during pregnancy, childbirth, and in postnatal period, plus describe health care treatment of the patient with epilepsy from the planning of pregnancy to the postnatal period. Research methods: In this thesis we used a descriptive research method. The theoretical part is based on analysis of Slovene and foreign technical literature. The empirical part is based on quantitative research. As a metric accessory we used an interview. We conducted a case study with the help of a partially structured questionnaire in the form of open-ended questions. A research sample introduces one patient with epilepsy, after the childbirth. Results: Based on the answers obtained during the interview, observation of the patient, and examination of the medical documentation, we established that the frequency of epileptic seizures had an important role in decision-making about impregnation. The patient remained fertile, and in the first and second three months the pregnancy proceeded without any bigger issues or complications, despite the frequent epileptic seizures. We noticed a lack of multidisciplinary cooperation and integration of a nurse in leading, guiding, and counselling to a patient with epilepsy, which was present in all the periods, from impregnation to postnatal period. Discussion and conclusion: Epilepsy, despite of high incidence, is still a taboo subject due to lack of knowledge and information about epilepsy and epileptic seizures, as among population as among the patients themselves. In order to achieve as safe, healthy and successful impregnation, pregnancy, childbirth, plus postnatal period among the patients with epilepsy as possible, an additional extensive awareness, informing, help, professional guidance of patients with epilepsy, relatives, and broader local community would be necessary, performed by healthcare workers.
Keywords:epilepsy, pregnancy, epileptic seizure, anti-epileptic therapy, fetus, childbirth.


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