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Title:Vpliv hladnih spojev na mehanske lastnosti polimernih materialov
Authors:ID Kočar, Anton (Author)
ID Ren, Zoran (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Glojek, Andrej (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Kocar_Anton_2016.pdf (3,55 MB)
MD5: DE41F4FDEA38332A8636A1760FD4CE6C
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:Polimerni materiali so v zadnjem času zelo razširjeni, uporabljajo se v praktično vseh vejah industrije, saj jih odlikujejo relativno nizka cena in širok spekter mehanskih lastnosti. Med postopkom brizganja pa se lahko zaradi geometrije izdelka in tehnologije izdelave na plastičnih komponentah pojavijo hladni spoji, ki predstavljajo na brizganih komponentah tako vizualno kot mehansko napako. Cilj magistrskega dela je preučiti vpliv hladnih spojev na mehanske lastnosti za tri različne polimerne materiale. V magistrskem delu je opisana priprava brizganih standardnih nateznih preizkušancev, ki so bili brizgani brez oziroma s hladnim spojem. Mehanske lastnosti preizkušancev so bile testirane na trgalnem stroju, kot rezultat testiranja pa so bile podane inženirske krivulje napetosti v odvisnosti od specifične deformacije. Na podlagi rezultatov testiranja je bil določen vpliv hladnih spojev na mehanske lastnosti. V magistrskem delu so predstavljene tudi metode modeliranja hladnih spojev z računalniškimi simulacijami, kjer je uporabljena metoda preslikave hladnih spojev z mreže končnih elementov tehnološke simulacije na mrežo končnih elementov mehanske simulacije. Rezultati računalniških simulacij so bili primerjani in ovrednoteni z rezultati eksperimentalnih testiranj. Rezultati raziskovalnega dela podajajo pomembne ugotovitve na področju brizganja polimernih materialov, saj podajajo pomembne izkušnje pri predvidevanju nosilnosti hladnih spojev. Delo podaja tudi napotke in izkušnje pri modeliranju hladnih spojev z računalniškimi simulacijami.
Keywords:hladni spoj, polimerni materiali, mehanske lastnosti, natezni preizkus, simulacije brizganja, trdnostne simulacije, preslikava hladnih spojev, Moldflow, Abaqus, Helius
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Kočar]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64608 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20439062 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.12.2016
Categories:KTFMB - FS
KOČAR, Anton, 2016, Vpliv hladnih spojev na mehanske lastnosti polimernih materialov [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : A. Kočar. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=64608
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of cold weld on the mechanical properties of polymeric materials
Abstract:Polymeric materials these days are widespread and practically used in all the industry branches. As they excel in relatively affordable price the materials also incorporate a really broad spectrum of mechanical properties. Geometry of the product and fabrication technology during the injection moulding can cause cold weld on the specific plastic components. Those indicate visual defect and mechanical weakness on the injected components. The objective of the master thesis is to research the cold weld influence on the mechanical properties of three different polymeric materials. The thesis embodies detailed description of the standardly injected tensile specimen with and without weld line. Mechanical properties of the specimen have been tested on tensile testing machine. As the result of the testing there were provided engineering stress strain curves. Based on the results of the experimental testing there was determined the cold welds' influence on the mechanical properties. Also in the thesis, there are presented the methods of the cold welds' modelling with computational simulations. In the thesis there was used the mapping method, where material data was mapped from the final elements' mesh based on technological simulation to the final elements' mesh based on the computational simulation. The computational simulations' results were compared and evaluated with the results of experimental testing. The results of the research work offer important conclusions on the field of injection moulding of polymeric materials, since we were provided with significant experience considering cold weld strength prediction.
Keywords:cold weld, polymeric materials, mechanical properties, tensile testing, injection molding simulation, structural simulation, cold weld mapping, Moldflow, Abaqus, Helius PFA


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