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Authors:ID Čas, Blanka (Author)
ID Nerat, Jasmina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Cas_Blanka_2017.pdf (743,18 KB)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča. Rak dojke je zelo pogosta rakava bolezen pri ženskah. Vplivi na nastanek raka dojk so zelo različni. Lahko so dedne zasnove, kot tudi način življenja. Odstranitev dojke zelo vpliva na kakovost življenja ženske, saj poseg prizadene pacientko psihično in fizično. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti rak dojke, ter ukrepe, s katerimi lahko izboljšamo kakovost življenja pacientke po odstranitvi dojke. Raziskovalne metode. Diplomsko delo temelji na uporabi deskriptivne metode dela. Pri raziskavi je bila uporabljena kvalitativna metodologija. Izvedli smo dva intervjuja, in sicer prvi intervju s pacientko po odstranitvi dojke. Dojko so ji odstranili pred dvema letoma. Drugi intervju je potekal z njenim partnerjem. Intervjuja sta potekala na njunem domu. Rezultati. Ugotovili smo, da 11 funkcionalnih vzorcev obnašanja po Marjory Gordon zagotavlja kakovostno in kontinuirano obravnavo pacientke po odstranitvi dojke. Ugotovili smo, da bolezen rak dojke močno vpliva na samozavest pacientke, ter tudi na izvajanje vsakdanjih opravil. Zaradi odstranjene dojke je njena zunanja podoba močna spremenjena in vpliva na kakovost življenja, saj nima več želje po aktivnostih, ki so jo včasih razveseljevale. Paziti mora tudi pri dnevnih aktivnostih, kot so delo na vrtu, saj je nevarnost za okužbo zaradi odstranjenih bezgavk povečana. Diskusija in zaključek. Rak dojke pri ženski ne povzroči samo zunanje spremembe videza zaradi odstranjene dojke, temveč povzroči veliko psihičnih težav, ki vplivajo na kakovost življenja. Pacientka lahko postane nesamozavestna, zaskrbljena, depresivna, njena samopodoba ji ni več všeč. Naloga medicinskih sester je, da naučijo pacientko živeti kvalitetno življenje po zdravljenju raka dojke. Naučiti jo morajo, da bo živela kvalitetnejše in samozavestno. Medicinska sestra lahko s komunikacijo, podporo pacientki in njeni družini veliko pripomore k boljši kakovosti življenja pacientke. Ključne besede: rak, rak dojke, kakovost življenja, medicinska sestra, samozavest.
Keywords:rak, rak dojke, kakovost življenja, medicinska sestra, samozavest.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[B. Čas]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64603 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2309796 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.03.2017
ČAS, Blanka, 2016, KAKOVOST ŽIVLJENJA ŽENSKE PO ODSTRANITVI DOJKE [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : B. Čas. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=64603
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical background: Breast cancer is very common type of cancer among women. There are many different effects that can cause cancer. Cancer may occur because of genetic predisposition or life style. Mastectomy (removing the breast) due to cancer greatly influences the quality of patients life. Breast cancer can impact patients psychologically as well asphysically. The purpose of Graduation Thesis is to present breast cancer and steps that can improve quality of life after mastectomy. Methodology: In Graduation Thesis we used descriptive and qualitative methods of research. In order to get information we interviewed two individuals. First interview was with patient that had mastectomy two years ago, and the second with her husband. The interview took place at their home. Results: Research findings show that 11 functional patterns by Marjory Gordon are providing quality and continuity of patient care after removal of the breast. We found out that disease such as breast cancer has great influence on patients’ self-esteem, as well it affects every day chores. Removed breast has a great influence on patients’ appearance and quality of life. The patient has no will to be involved in activities that she loved to do before cancer. She has to be careful during daily activities such as work in the garden, because there is risk of infection because her glands were removed as well as breasts. Discussion and conclusion: Breast cancer does not only affect appearance of the breast due to surgery, it can also cause psychological problems, which decrease life quality. Patient often has low self-esteem, is depressed, she worries, she does not like the way she looks. Nurses task is to teach patient how to increase quality of life after the treatment for breast cancer. Nurse should teach patient how to life full life. Nurse can with communication, support for patient and family greatly contribute to a better quality of life of the patient.
Keywords:cancer, breast cancer, quality of life, nurse, confidence.


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