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Authors:ID Džordžević, Matej (Author)
ID Tratnik, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Dzordzevic_Matej_i2016.pdf (1,23 MB)
MD5: 75A5D3291269BE8B501012D56F677114
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Skozi analiziranje pravnih virov, ki urejajo konstituiranje in delovanje nepremičninskih agencij v slovenskem pravnem prostoru sem ugotovil, da pravni viri, ki urejajo področje konstituiranja in delovanja nepremičninske družbe urejajo to področje na zelo ustrezen način in, da je možno relativno hitro, to je v nekaj tednih, ustanoviti nepremičninsko družbo in jo seveda tudi vpisati v sodni register ter jo narediti sposobno za delovanje na trgu. Hitrost je v veliki meri odvisna predvsem od pripravljenosti samega ustanovitelja in od njegovega sprejemanja odločitev za izpolnitev zakonskih predpostavk, ki so nujne za samo ustanovitev firme in njeno delovanje na trgu. Ugotovil sem tudi, da lahko nepremičninska agencija hitro po vpisu v sodni register postane v celoti sposobna opravljati svojo dejavnost na trgu, ker lahko vse dokumente, ki jih predpisujejo posamezni pravni viri pripravi relativno zelo hitro in jih ni veliko. Seveda je to v veliki meri odvisno od znanja subjektov, ki vodijo to podjetje, največkrat od ustanoviteljev samih. Prav tako sem ugotovil, da se je stanje na področju nepremičninskega posredovanja po sprejemu Zakona o nepremičninskem posredovanju(v nadaljevanju ZNPosr. Ur.l.RS št.42/2003) vsekakor zelo izboljšalo, ker je zakon določil nepremičninskim družbam in nepremičninskim posrednikom pogoje za opravljanje posredovanja, pravila za varno in skrbno poslovanje pri nepremičninskem posredovanju, pristojnosti ministrstva za okolje in prostor, javne evidence o posredovanju z nepremičninami, strokovne podlage za ocenjevanje tržne vrednosti nepremičnine in inšpekcijsko nadzorstvo nad izvajanjem zakona(1.člen ZNPosr.). V času, ko je bil sprejet Zakon o nepremičninskem posredovanju sem bil direktor nepremičninske agencije in sem se na trgu srečeval z nepremičninskimi agenti, katerih znanje je bilo zelo pomanjkljivo, tako, da sem na svoje oči videl kako neurejeno je bilo stanje na tem področju pred sprejetjem ZNPosr. Večji del poslov nepremičninskega posredovanja je bil v domeni sive ekonomije. To neurejeno stanje je za uporabnike in nepremičninske družbe pomenilo bistveno večjo nevarnost poslovanja in implementacija (ZNPosr.) pomeni za vse sodelujoče na trgu nepremičnin zelo veliko. Natančna določitev pogojev za delo nepremičninskim agencijam je prinesla na to področje predvsem več reda in dala možnost inšpekcijskim službam, da veliko učinkoviteje izvajajo kontrolo poslovanja. To posledično pomeni, da so potencialni uporabniki storitev nepremičninskih podjetij dobili na drugi strani veliko bolj verodostojne pravne subjekte, na katere se lahko pri opravljanju predmetnih storitev veliko bolj zanesejo. Iz prakse lahko trdim, da ta zakon pomeni za integriteto nepremičninskih posrednikov in agencij zelo veliko. Nepremičninske družbe morajo imeti po (ZNPosr) sklenjena zavarovanja, ki krijejo odgovornost nepremičninske družbe za ravnanja vseh nepremičninskih posrednikov in drugih oseb, ki za nepremičninsko družbo bodisi na podlagi pogodbe o zaposlitvi bodisi na drugi pravni podlagi opravljajo posle v prometu z nepremičninami(3. Točka 6. člena ZNPosr.) , kar daje njihovim strankam zagotovilo, da bodo v primeru storjenih napak pri posredovanju izvedenega pravnega posla s strani nepremičninske agencije dobile za to primerno odškodnino. Osebe, ki opravljajo dejavnost posredovanja morajo pridobiti licenco za opravljanje posredovanja v prometu z nepremičninami, kar pomeni, da gredo posredniki, ki delajo za nepremičninske agencije, skozi nek relativno kvaliteten sistem izobraževanja, sploh pa morajo že na začetku imeti zadostno stopnjo izobrazbe, ker drugače sploh ne morejo pristopiti k opravljanju izpita. Dejansko stanje nepremičnine morajo ugotoviti nepremičninske agencije s posebno skrbnostjo, kar pomeni, da morajo na podlagi skrbnega ogleda preveriti ali ima nepremičnina očitne napake oziroma pomanjkljivosti, ki vplivajo na uporabnost oziroma ceno nepremičnine(2. točka 23. člena ZNPosr).
Keywords:nepremičninska družba, nepremičninska agencija, Zakon o nepremičninskem posredovanju, posredovanje v prometu z nepremičninami, dejansko stanje nepremičnine, položaj instituta nepremičninske agencije, notar, odvetnik, fizična oseba, preverjanje dejanskega stanja nepremičnine, cenitev nepremičnine, preverjanje pravnega stanja nepremičnine
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Džordževič]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64299 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5413931 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.05.2017
DŽORDŽEVIĆ, Matej, 2016, POLOŽAJ, POMEN IN VLOGA INSTITUTA NEPREMIČNINSKE AGENCIJE PRI PROMETU Z NEPREMIČNINAMI V SLOVENSKEM PRAVNEM PROSTORU [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Džordževič. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=64299
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Abstract:Through an analysis of the sources of law which regulate the constitution and the operation of real estate agencies in the Slovenian legal space I establish that the sources of law which regulate the area of the constitution and the operation of real estate agencies do so in a most appropriate manner, and that it is possible to found a real estate agency relatively quickly (within a matter of several weeks), as well as entering it in the register of companies, and making it fit for operation in the market. The speed of this procedure mainly depends on the preparedness of the founding party and their decisions to fulfil the legal assumptions which are required for the foundation of the agency and its operation in the market. I also establish that a real estate agency becomes entirely capable of operating in the market not long after its entry in the register of companies, because it can prepare all the necessary documentation which is prescribed by individual sources of law relatively quickly, and because such documentation is not extensive. Clearly, such preparation greatly depends on the knowledge of the entities running the business, and mostly on the founding parties themselves. Furthermore, I establish that the state of real estate sale has improved significantly after the passage of the Real Estate Agencies Act (Ur. l. RS, No. 42/2003; henceforth REAA), because this act defined the conditions of operation for real estate agencies and real estate agents, the regulations for secure and prudent transactions in real estate sale, the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, public records on real estate sales, the expert groundwork for estimating the market value of real estates, and the inspection supervision over the implementation of the Act (REAA, Article 8). At the time of the passage of REAA I worked as an executive officer in a real estate agency, and I frequently interacted with other real estate agents in the market whose knowledge on these matters was severely deficient. I thus gained personal experience of how disorderly the area of real estate sale had been prior to the passage of REAA. The majority of transactions in real estate sale had been in the domain of grey economy. Such disorderly state presented significantly greater risks for entities and agencies involved in real estate sale, so the implementation of REAA has offered much needed protection for all parties involved in the real estate market. The thorough definition of operating conditions for real estate agencies has primarily presented a more orderly organization of real estate sale, and has enabled a more efficient control of business activities by the inspection and supervision services. As a result, potential users of the services provided by real estate agencies now work with credible legal entities whose services are more reliable than before. Based on practical experience, I believe this Act has greatly improved the integrity of real estate agents and real estate agencies. In accordance with REAA, a real estate agency is required to maintain insurance against liability for activities performed by all real estate agents and other entities who conduct transactions in real estate sale on the behalf of the agency under a contract of employment or a similar legal basis (REAA, Article 6, Section 3), which ensures the clients due compensation in case of negligence in the performance of the legal act on the part of the real estate agency. Since entities involved in real estate sale are required to obtain a real estate agent licence, any real estate agents employed by real estate agencies have undergo an education program of relative quality, and are required to possess a suitable level of education to be able to apply for the examination. The actual condition of a real estate must be determined with meticulous care by real estate agencies, which entails a close inspection which needs to verify whether the real estate has osten
Keywords:Real estate agency, The speed of this procedure mainly, Ministry of the Environment


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