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Authors:ID Volf, Tanja (Author)
ID Jurančič, Klementina Penelope (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kukovec, Melita (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Volf_Tanja_2016.pdf (604,14 KB)
MD5: A9343F4FBA694A3CC301AC3C847AD335
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Namen naloge je ugotoviti trenutno stanje v slovenskih osnovnošolskih angleških jezikovnih učilnicah po tem, ko je integracija interaktivnih tabel (IT) že nekaj let stalnica. Literatura na temo nam ponuja številne analize in povratne informacije učiteljic in učiteljev, a ugotavljamo, da so le-te povečini dvodimenzionalne. Pomanjkljivosti in prednosti IT smo v tej nalogi raje razširili na SWOT analizo. Vrlina (ang. strength) je torej neka njena funkcija, kot je na primer podčrtavanje ali shranjevanje materialov. Priložnost (ang. opportunity) je tisto, kar lahko dosežemo z uporabo IT, kot na primer dvig motivacije. Šibkost IT-e je na primer, da ne dela, če ni elektrike in grožnja (ang. threat) je, da bi jo učitelj uporabljal le za namene predstavitve. Empirični del diplomske naloge ugotavlja resnično stanje česa?, načine uporabe, dostopnost in odnos slovenskih osnovnošolskih učiteljic in učiteljev angleščine kot tujega jezika (ATJ) do IT. Preverili smo še, kako navezani so na tradicionalne table (TT) in v kolikšni meri se jih še vedno uporablja. Ugotovili smo, da ima dobra polovica od 113 anketiranih IT v učilnici, kjer poučujejo, vedno na voljo IT, a vsako uro uporabljajo TT. Ena ali druga jim služi kot dodaten 'ekran' in se TT niso pripravljeni odpovedati. Med tistimi, ki nimajo rednega dostopa do IT, ni večjih razlik, saj nereden dostop manjša motivacijo za uporabo. Med rednimi uporabniki in uporabnicami se kaže, da jo večinoma uporabljajo za predstavitev in razlago snovi, kar je zanimivo, saj v veliki meri sporočajo, da je vloga učitelja zaradi IT spremenjena v bolj moderatorsko. Slušne, bralne in pisne spretnosti se v slovenskih osnovnih šolah poučuje največ s pomočjo IT. Preverjali smo še morebitne psihološke in demografske dejavnike in ugotovili, da demografski sicer niso dovolj izraziti za zanesljive zaključke, a generacija med 30 in 50 let kaže večjo pogostost uporabe IT. Psihološki razlogi za neuporabo navkljub dostopnosti kažejo na strah pred morebitnimi tehničnimi zapleti in nepoznavanje uporabe programske opreme. V podtonu vprašanj odprtega tipa se čuti še, da se nekateri, nekatere brez dostopa do IT čutijo diskriminirane, česar v predelani literaturi ni zaslediti. Zatorej je za uspešno integracijo potreben reden dostop do IT in ustrezno in redno izobraževanje ATJ učiteljic in učiteljev.
Keywords:tradicionalna tabla (TT), interaktivna tabla (IT), računalniško podprto učenje jezika, učenje jezika podprto z interaktivno tablo (UJIT), informacijsko računalniška tehnologija ( IT), angleščina kot tuji jezik ( ATJ)
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Volf]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64286 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22716936 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.11.2016
VOLF, Tanja, 2016, PRIMERJAVA INTERAKTIVNEGA IN TRADICIONALNEGA POUČEVANJA ANGLEŠČINE KOT TUJEGA JEZIKA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Volf. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=64286
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Secondary language

Abstract:Summary The purpose of the thesis is to establish the current state of the matter in Slovene elementary EFL classrooms after the integration of Interactive white Boards (IWBs) has been a constant for some years now. Written sources offer numerous analyses and feedback of EFL teachers but we consider them mostly two dimensional. Advantages and disadvantages have in this thesis been expanded to a SWOT analysis. A strength is in this case something an IWB has to offer on its own like a function of underlining or that of saving the used materials. An opportunity is what we can achieve by using an IWB, like to raise motivation. A weakness of an IWB would be that it does not work if there is no power and a threat would be if it is used only for presentation purposes. The empirical part of this thesis establishes the real state of the matter, the ways IWBs are being used, accessibility and attitudes of Slovene elementary school EFL teachers towards the IWB use. We also checked how attached they still are to traditional boards (TBs) and to which extent these are still used. We found out that over a half of the113 surveyed elementary school EFL teachers in Slovenia still regularly use a TB. One or the other serves as an additional 'screen' and they are not ready to give the TBs up. Among those without regular access to an IWB, most of them decide not to use it at all. It is interesting that among those reporting a constant IWB access, they also report to use it mostly for explanations and introductions but also claim the teachers' role changed significantly into a more facilitating than frontal. Listening, reading and writing skills are reported to be practiced most with a help of IWBs. The demographic factors were not pointing out enough for drawing any serous conclusions; however, the 30-50 year old teachers report a bigger frequency of use. Psychological factors for the non-use in spite of accessibility point to fear of potential technical difficulties and the lack of the know-how of the use of software. Some teachers without IWB access even believe that they are being discriminated against. Therefore, for a successful integration a regular access and permanent education of EFL teachers is necessary.
Keywords:traditional board (TB), white board, blackboard, interactive white board (IWB), computer assisted language learning (CALL), interactive white board assisted language learning (IWBALL), Informational computer technology (ICT), English as a foreign language (EFL)


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