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Title:Problematika nepravilne uporabe in zlorabe pesticidov v Republiki Sloveniji : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Authors:ID Vodovnik, Petra (Author)
ID Eman, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Vodovnik_Petra_2016.pdf (1,03 MB)
MD5: 52FE8BD82B04F25186B86CADB359AE1A
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Fitofarmacevtskim sredstvom ter biocidom, znanim pod skupnim imenom pesticidi, smo izpostavljeni sleherni dan. Njihova uporaba je izredno široka, zato se na tem področju srečujemo tako z nepravilnostmi pri sami uporabi kot tudi zlorabami. Uporabljamo jih v kmetijstvu, industriji, gospodinjstvu, higieni ter zdravstvu. V Republiki Sloveniji smo po podatkih statističnega urada v letu 2014 prodali 1009,9 ton pesticidov, od tega je bila poraba za kmetijske namene skoraj 676,2 ton. Zaradi masovne porabe veljajo za enega izmed večjih onesnaževalcev okolja prav tako pa vplivajo tudi na naše zdravje. Njihovo registracijo in načine varne uporabe določajo številni zakoni ter predpisi, ki so skladni z Ustavo Republike Slovenije ter pravno ureditvijo Evropske Unije. Ker je primarna naloga pesticidov uničenje škodljivih organizmov ali zaščita pred njimi, vsebujejo le-ti snovi, ki negativno vplivajo na ciljne organizme. Žal pa prav tako puščajo negativne učinke v okolje in pri ljudeh ter so kot taki povzročitelj ekološke kriminalitete katere posledice so lahko velikih razsežnosti, žrtev pa je mnogo. Z diplomsko nalogo smo identificirali ter opisali kje lahko in prihaja do nepravilnosti ter zlorab pri uporabi pesticidov v Republiki Sloveniji. Opravili smo pregled veljavnih predpisov in obenem opozorili na problematiko trgovine z nedovoljenimi ter ponarejenimi pesticidi. Ugotovili smo, da do nepravilnosti prihaja tako pri prometu s pesticidi, pri pakiranju, označevanju, skladiščenju kot pri sami uporabi le-teh. Posledice kršitev predpisov ter sama uporaba pesticidov se kaže v kontaminiranosti okolja s pesticidi in njihovimi ostanki ter na zdravju ljudi. Menimo, da bi bilo potrebno posvetiti dodatno pozornosti cilju zmanjšanja uporabe fitofarmacevtskih sredstev ter biocidov tako znotraj države kot globalno ter preprečiti trgovino z nedovoljenimi in ponarejenimi pesticidi. Prav tako bi še povečali inšpekcijski nadzor nad vsebnostjo pesticidov v hrani ter nad nepravilno uporabo in zlorabo pesticidov. Predlagali bi tudi študije vpliva več pesticidov skupaj na zdravje ljudi.
Keywords:pesticidi, uporaba, nepravilna uporaba, posledice, ekološka kriminaliteta, preprečevanje, varstvo okolja, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:P. Vodovnik]
Year of publishing:2016
Year of performance:2016
Number of pages:78 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-63727 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3261930 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.12.2016
VODOVNIK, Petra, 2016, Problematika nepravilne uporabe in zlorabe pesticidov v Republiki Sloveniji : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : P. Vodovnik. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=63727
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Secondary language

Abstract:Every day we are exposed to plant protection products and biocides, commonly known as pesticides. Their use is extremely wide; therefore in this area the irregularities in their use as well as abuses are encountered. Pesticides are used in agriculture, industry, households, hygiene and medicine. In the Republic of Slovenia according to the data of the Statistical Office in 2014, 1,009.9 tons of pesticides were sold, of which almost 676.2 tonnes were for agricultural purposes. Due to the massive use they apply for one of the biggest polluters of the environment and also have an impact on our health. Their registration and methods of safe use is determined by numerous laws and regulations which are in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia and the legal regime of the European Union. Since the primary task of pesticides is the destruction of harmful organisms or protection against them they contain the substances, which have a negative impact on the target organisms. Unfortunately, however, they also leave a negative impact on the environment and in humans, and as such, they are the cause of environmental crime whose effects may be large-scale, and the number of casualties is enormous. In the thesis the possibilities where irregularities can occur and where it comes to the abuse in the use of pesticides in the Republic of Slovenia were identified and described. A review of existing regulations was made and at the same time the attention to the problem of trafficking in illegal and counterfeit pesticides was drawn. We found that the irregularities occur in both the marketing of pesticides, in packaging, labeling, and storage as in the use of them. The consequences of infringement of the rules and the mere use of pesticides are reflected in contamination of the environment with pesticides and their residues as well as on human health. We believe that it would be necessary to devote further attention to the objective of reducing the use of plant protection products and biocides both nationally and globally, and to prevent trade in illegal and counterfeit pesticides. We would also further increase the inspection of the levels of pesticides in food, and the misuse and abuse of pesticides. We would also suggest more studies of the impact of pesticides on human health together.
Keywords:pesticides, the Republic of Slovenia, improper use, abuse, environmental crime


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